Model English Note -4 for PGT , TGT and Other Competitive Examinations

Difficulty Level:  Post Graduation     Time: 2hr
Each Question: Word Limit: 30  
 1. What is called symphony? What type of symphony do you find from ode to autumn?
Ans- Symphony means a long complex musical composition. 
  Ode To Autumn is superb in its musical effects. The first stanza of the lyric is a symphony of colour, the second a symphony of movement, the third a symphony of sound.
2. What is called shyness thesis? Give an example for eats’ ode To A Nightingale. 
Ans- Synesthesia signifies the experience of two or more kinds of sensation when only one senses is being stimulated. For example, Keats in Ode To A Nightingale calls for a drought of wine, that in , he calls for a drink tasting of sight, colour, motion, sound, and heat.
3. Comment on the use of meters in Ode to the West wind.                                                                              
 Ans Ode To The A West Wind is composed on terza rima. It is composed of takes ( a stanza of three lines) which are interlinked, in that each is ruined to the one following by common rhyme: aba, bcd, cdc, and so on.
4. What does Ulysses mean when he says that he has become a ‘name’?  
 Ans- With a souse of contempt and pride, Ulysses wishes to cross the boundaries of his kingdom to peruse the theirs of new knowledge and expanse. But his erstwhile glorious feat for the victory of trajon war which adds pride to his identity is in now lamentable a condition in unexciting and boring kingdom.
5. What validity does swan bear in poet?                                                                                                                            
Ans- Swan stands for the poet an eternal perpetual and juvenile embodiment. Further, it remains a source of permanent joy and beauty which repasts vital forces in afresh mood by defeating the oppressive force of time and age of which the port is victim of presently.
6. What does the two warring solders become a friend? What is the purpose of their friendship?     
 Ans- The earthly battle of the gamin and English soldier while away at the field of hell. Being comrades to each other, they are analyzing their erstwhile utility of soldiering which resulted  in death. With their mutual understanding, they reach the of war which emits agonies heart rending cries of the soldiers. Theirs is sad lot for both of them.
7. If winter come/ can spring be far behind?-comment      
 Ans- The prophetic remark of Shelly is an universal truth imbibed by the zeal of revolution, either the hope of better future, of new experiments, realization, hope, prosperity and recognize station alike the ‘West wind ‘ we must beat out the cold wintry for a sunny spring.
8. He does Wilson die at the end?                                                                                                                             
Ans- Philosophically Wilson was a total failure. Neither had he the spirit to tackle the financial; crisis nor he had the mental strength for committing suicide. He was at his wits end. The after maths of the expiry of his programmed years on annuity, the off track Wilson, becomes weak in heart and succumbs to idealistic failures. After a few days living at Assante he died pathetically with the mockery of noon beam alighting his face.
9. Wright in brief the characteristics of Hardy’s poetry.
Ans- The theme of his poetry is mutability of life, the tragic contrast between the hopes, joy ad love of youth and the loss of love and the inevitable decay that accompanies old age. Stylistically Hardy’s poems create an impression of plainness or ruggedness, in keeping with his rural backing round and his lack of extensive formal education complexity and glamour, but its surface simplicity is deceptive.
10. Who is the called ‘idle king’ and why?                                                      
 Ans- In the poem Ulysses by Tennyson Ulysses calla himself and ‘idle king’. Ulysses, (Latin name for the Greek Odysseus) after long wandering overseas and oceans for twenty years, reached his island home Ithaca safely to his wife Penelope and his son Telemachus. Among the Greek heroes who took part in the Trojan War, he was specially distinguished for his fortitude. Idle because the island was small, he had very little to do as a ruler.
11. Give a note on Browning as a poet of hope with special reference to The Last Ride Together.         
Ans- Robert Browning is a hopeful and optimistic philosopher. He is a poet of hope, courage and struggle. His philosophy teaches us success in failure. In other words, he does not rule out failures; but he does not give importance to failure. He believes in action struggle and efforts. The rejected lover in The Last Pied Together is not dejected totally. He looks at the totality of life and accepts his fate with ca   resignation. He looks at his failure as a part    the way to success.
12. Write note on Maugham’s characterization? How do you unearth Wilson as typical?  
Ans- Maugham believes that a Wright canny depict a character unless there are similar traits in him which he wants to attribute to a particular character. He opines that in Shakespeare there is much of I ago, Hamlet, Brutus or so. Taking Maugham’s own theory, Wilson is bears a similarity with his author. Maugham has been a lifelong traveler and believes in pleasure. However, Unlikely Wilson he knows limitation of it and contemplates its realistic lines.
13. Her eyes were shining brilliantly, but her face had lost its colour within twenty seconds---What are the reasons for Della’s sudden facial changes?  
Ans- It has been a difficult task for Della to present a Christmas gift to her husband with her meager sawing of one dollar and eights seven cents. Thus she is much depressed. Suddenly a brilliant idea comes to her mind and standing before the pier-glass she looks at her curling hair and contemplates on selling it for money. So, with hope her eyes shine brilliantly but only for a brief period. Within few seconds she thinks about her loss of hair in pale face. 
14. How did Mrs. Thurlow save her money? Where did she keep it?               
 Ans- Mrs. Thurlow bears the burden of drudgery to accumulate enough money to secure the future of her husband and her two sons. She has the ultimate urge to rear her sons u to a better social position something like that of an assistant, in shops or clerks in offices or as butters.
Mrs. Throw keeps her hard-earned, hard-saved money hidden in a barn bag under a mattress the inner back bed-room out of the reach of her husband.
15. In which year Dream Children: A Reverie was published In which name he wrote the essay?  
Ans- In 1820 Lamb began to write for London Magazine under the name of Elia. His Dram Children; A Reverie was published in the same magazine in the January issue in 1822. The essay also contained the same signature of Elia, a name taken almost at random as that of a foreigner; The Essays of Elia was published in 1823.
16. Why does Galsworthy make coke son repeat “its matter of life and death” during cross-examination by from?    
Ans- For the first time it is said by Ruth to coke son while she wanted to talk to Fatter on one of the most critical phrase of her life. At the court when coke son is asked to one of the form’s question, coke son answers exactly. Infect, coke son is loyal to the oath that he has taken before he stands on the witness box and he is quoting exactly the Ruth words. Galsworthy reappears this phrase to indicate the pathos and suffering of Ruth as the social monster of justice is crunching her in its jaws.
17. What did Lauka see at Raina’s room when Bluntschli was hiding? How did she react? 
Ans- Louka is a young clever girl with searching eyes. When Bluntschli is hiding in Raina’s room with Raina help, Louka does not miss the revolver on the ottoman though Catherine and young Russian officer fail to notice it. She becomes suspicious but she does not betray Raina when Raina denies to have seen anyone coming into her room. Before going out of the room she glances at Raina at the ottoman and also at the window curtain. Then she reads her face secretively and laughs insolently.
18. You may be a Darby, but I’ll be no Joan—who says this, and to whom, who are Darby and Joan? What does the speaker want to mean?    
Ans- In she stoops to conquer, Mrs. Hardcastle says this to her husband Mr. Hard castle when Mr. Hard castle promptly declares he an old fond of old things including his old wife.
                        Darby and Joan, the old couple really fund of each other, are two characters described in an eighteenth century ballad entitled The Joys of Love Never Forget published in ‘the Gentleman’s Magazine’
                          Mrs. Hard castle alludes to this old found couple and says that Mr. Hard castle might be a Darby preparing the old but she would in way be Joan loving to be old.
19. What is the importance the title the ox?  
Ans- Bates in his The Ox shows a mantle and unsentimental pity for Mrs. Throw who snuffer alone in her life. The story of such intolerable pain is strangling y given the title The Ox. Infect, it is metaphorical and him it’s at the bovine qualities of an Ox present in Mrs. Throw, the symbol of constant drudgery.
20. What is the theme of The Lagoon?     
 Ans-Conrad’s The Lagoon is the demonstration of an experience and the experience is typically psychological. It is striking tale of passion guilt and frustration. It is an anecdote of Aras’s living, learning and realizing.
21. Lamb lives in his own childhood even in his dream children- comment.                                                          
Ans- in Dream Children a ravine Lamb looks through the lop hole of his childhood days at his grandma’s home. The memory of his brother and sweet beloved reelects in Lamb’s dream children Alice and john who are listening to his story. Alice is has brother metamorphosed. Nostalgic Lamb roams thus in memory in imagination. 
22. Do you rate safe stoops to conquer a farce?
Ans- Goldsmith’s excellence in creating a perfect plot is the best defense against the farce. Except a few bunches of humor and preposterous situation of plot, everywhere finally it saves the comic spirit from degenerating in to buffoonery. Despite of Walpole’s criticism, she stoops it conquers remain best merry play.
23. Explain the title of Arms and The Man.  

Ans-The translation by John Dryden of Virgil’s epic The Aeneid begins. Arms and the man I sing’ i.e. ‘I praise the soldier and the weapon of war. Shaw’s use of the phrase as the tille for him amity romantic play gains force from the ironic twist. Shaw, infect, criticizes the heroic attitude to war and voice for the realistic acceptance.
24. What is the different usage of ‘beside’ and ‘besides’ and ‘in’ and ‘into’?      
Ans-Beside’ means by the side of; but ‘besides’ means in addition to. Exp-(1) There is a tree beside a river. (2) He knows English besides Bengali.
                                ‘I n’ denotes a sense of rest inside, white into ,denotes a overuse of inside motion. Exp: (1) The boy is setting in the room. (2) The boy entered into the room.
25. Do as dissected.   (1) Being rich he cannot feel for the poor. (change complex use Adv. Cause) (b) His statement is true. (Change into complex by Adj. clause)        
Ans-(a) As he is rich cannot feel for the poor. (b) What he stand is true.
26. What is the difference between ordinance and ordnance?         
Ans- ‘Ordinance’ means a municipal law or order. Example: A public ordinance prohibits loitering on city streets.
     ‘Ordnance' means military supplies. Example: The ordnance supply included guns and ammunition.
27. Rewrite the sentence correctly with explanation.                  
Inspire of four letters we have sent we have received no answer from the authorities.  
Ans- A question is answered; a letter is replied. Hence, in the given sentence answered will be replaced with replied:
    Inspire of four letters we have sent we have received no reply from the authorities.
28. Do it as directed.
(a) We took the test last week.
(change the correct negative from) (b) I give in Jabalpur, (choose the interrogative from)
Ans- (a) We did not take the test last week. b) Where do you live.
29. Use correct determiners in the blank spaces. ( Would you like___ cake, it’s really good (b) It casts me__ money to furnish this house. Ans- (a) the (b) much 
30 Write a short Para either on ‘morning hour’ or ‘Rainy day’ Morning hour:      
Ans- Morning  hour is the best hour, nature is calm. Everything is quiet and noiseless. The birds chirp and twitter. As there is no hurry, one can do anything and everything peacefully. There is little stress and strain. Then ones at peace with oneself as well as with nature.                                                                                                                              


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