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Showing posts from October, 2010

What is Twentieth Century Novel?// The Novel as the Modern Epic// The stream of Consciousness Novel //The modern Psychological Novel

What is Twentieth Century Novel?   The Novel as the Modern Epic The stream of Consciousness Novel  The modern Psychological Novel  Introduction: Modern novels have taken place of the ancient epics. The magnitude of epic is not its volume or narrative enlargement; rather it is expansion of thought and perception. An epic reflects the conscience of an age, its life style and thought equilibrium. Thus, from Homer to Milton the epics become the carriage of social, moral and communal representation. Later, the same search of age – consciousness is done, at least tried, through the dramas. The dramas have their limitation in its time frame and dramaturgic setting. Even Shakespeare fails to cross these limitations. After many currents and cross currents of prose-lyrics become multi-faceted , many – sided, complex and abundantly rich in it astonishing variety. The modern novelists are reading the conscience of his characters through the medium of his own, and by the process the...

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