Dear Readers and Students,
Hello and welcome to my Blog! I am pleased to introduce myself to you all. I am a huge fan of books, English grammar, and literature. I write this blog to instill that passion in you. So, discover "AD's English Literature" , a blog dedicated to exploring the world of English literature. From classic novels to contemporary poetry, it offers in-depth analysis and commentary on a wide range of literary works. Search this blog on Google to find thought-provoking posts on your favorite authors, insightful book reviews, and engaging literary discussions. Whether you're a student, an English literature enthusiast, or just looking to expand your literary horizons, “AD's English Literature” is the perfect resource for all your literary needs.
At my blog, I'm available to help you find the information you need and try to answer any questions you may have. Whether you're looking for literary information, advice, or just want to question, I'm here to assist you.
An English Teacher (2005- 2023)
Onda , Bankura, West Bengal , India;
M. A.(English) ,
D. Ed., B. Ed.,
UGC- NET Qualified
1. Darapur Sagarmeje High School, Darapur, Kotulpur, Bankura, West Bengal
3. The University of Burdwan, West Bengal, India
4. C. S. J. M. University, Kanpur, U.P. , India
5. The Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal, India
Contact: Mobile: 9434314016
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