The Relationship between Poetry and Music as Stated in Plato’s "Republic"
The Harmonious Nexus: Unveiling the Poetic-Musical Relationship in Plato's "Republic" The Educational Significance of Poetry and Music in Plato's Ideal Republic Plato 428/427 or 424/423 – 348/347 BC Plato , who makes his famed The Republic the entreaty of all possible discussions on all the aspects of citizenship and an inquiry into the nature of justice and the organization of a perfect society, brings both poetry and music within his preview. Book III of the Republic , in particular, is concerned with the education of the ideal civilization for his ideal republic. The two kinds of education are mental and physical, and mental education includes the cultivation of both music and poetry. Criticizing the doctrines of atheism and materialism, Plato reaffirmed his idealistic position and asserted his belief in the moral government of the universe and the immortality of the soul. Yet, Plato ’s attitude is not of ecstatic enthusiasm but rather of a subdued and resigne...