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Showing posts from May, 2014

A TO Z Literary Principles from History of English Literature: Note 75

A Set of 26 Objective Questions & Answers Anglo-Saxon Period (450 — 1066) UGC NET ENGLISH QUESTION BANK 1: Which Roman General conquered England in A.D. 43? When did the Romans go back from England? Ans: Julius Caesar invaded Britain in 55 b.c. and returned the following year to defeat the native forces. The inhabitants, referred to collectively as Britons, maintained political freedom and paid tribute to Rome for almost a century before the Roman emperor Claudius I initiated the systematic conquest of Britain in ad 43. At the end of the 3rd century, the Roman army began to withdraw from Britain to defend other parts of the Roman Empire. The Romans went back from England in A. D. 410. Celtic culture again became predominant and Roman civilization in Britain rapidly disintegrated. Roman influence virtually disappeared during the Germanic invasions in the 5th and 6th centuries. Thereafter the culture of the Angles and Saxons spread throughout ...

Analyzing Sylvia Plath’s Poems: Combination of Vision, Nightmare, Confession and Subjectivity

Sylvia Plath wrote to her mother in a letter: “I am up about five, in my study with coffee, writing like mad—have managed a poem a day before breakfast… Terrific stuff, as if domesticity had choked me.” Sylvia Plath , noted for her intensely personal and brutally honest poems, was a phenomenon, a meteor that appeared suddenly on the literary horizon, dazzled and disappeared before the world could properly have a glimpse of her. Plath’s work has grown in influence and popularity since her suicide at age 30. She is widely regarded as one the first feminist poets and an icon of the women’s movement. Read More Poetry Germairie Greer claimed that Sylvia Plath was the most ‘arrogantly feminine” poetess whoever wrote. David Holbrook adds, “A phenomenological analyses suggests that while knowing well outwardly that she was a woman, Sylvia Plath could scarcely find within herself anything that was feminine at all. Read More Criticism She is, perhaps, the most masculine poetess who aver wrote...

A TO Z Literary Principles from History of English Literature: Note 74

A Set of 26 Objective Questions & Answers UGC NET ENGLISH QUESTION BANK   (a) Australian Aboriginal writer   Jack Davis (1917-2002) is known for his poetry, plays, and dedication to Aboriginal causes. A to Z (Objective Questions) (b)   A picaresque novel , full-length fictional work, often satirical in nature, in which the principal character is cynical and amoral, is about a rogue hero who leads a wandering life. The form originated in Spain, and the term picaresque derives from the Spanish word picaro (rogue). The earliest Spanish example is Lazarillo de Tormes (Lazaro of Tormes, 1554); of unknown authorship. The most noted of German picaresque novels is The Adventurous Simplicissimus . In France the type is best represented by The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane . The earliest English picaresque novel is believed to have been The Unfortunate Traveller, or, The Life of Jack Wilton (1594) by Thomas Nashe. The picaresque novel was particularl...

Critical Estimate of Walter De La Mare as The Artist for Romantic Supernaturalism

“Never the least stir made the listeners Ay, they heard his foot upon the stirrup, And the sound of iron on stone, And how the silence surged softly backward, When the plunging hoofs were gone.”- Walter de la Mare The Listeners Walter De La Mare is the best— known of modern poets who have excelled in writing verses for children as well as adult. He has the direct vision, of childhood as well as the child’s love for simple things but has the notion of deep introspection. Read More Poetry   Though his imagination and intellects are almost always fully adult, he can admirably convey through his poems both the charming ignorance and the divine incomprehensibility of childhood. His success in this sphere depends chiefly on the fact that, like Blake, he is a master in the art of understatement—'he can take the world in his band and call it a grain of sand.' Walter De La Mare Mare’s poetry has the same inexplicable charm at the romantic supernaturalism of the...

A TO Z Literary Principles from History of English Literature: Note 73

 Set of 26 Objective Questions & Answers UGC NET ENGLISH QUESTION BANK 1. Who, of the following, belongs to 14th century? (i) William Wordsworth   (ii) William Wycherley   (iii) William Langland   (iv) William Watson 2. Match the following Time Line with their Historical Importance in British History: List – A   Time Line              List – B: Historical Importance in British History (I) 1453          1.   After the upheaval of the English Revolution a new British Parliament requested                    Charles II     to return and proclaimed him king on May 8, 1660. (II) 1558         2. In the en...

Life and Contribution of Edward Thomas (1878—1917)- The Georgian Poet

“ When, indeed, Edward Thomas was killed in Flanders, a mirror of England was shattered of so pure and true a crystal that a clearer and tenderer reflection of it can be found no where than in these poems.” — Walter de Ia Mare   The Poet’ Life and His Prose Works: Edward Thomas was born in London in 1878. His father, a practically minded civil servant, took great care for the education of Edward. Read More History of English Literature (Essay) He had his school education at St. Paul s School and then entered the Lincoln College, Oxford.  The family hailed from Wales. Edward as a boy heard a good many stories from his father about their native home in Wales, Even as a boy lie had a good store of tales and legends of Wales. Then as a fully grown up Youngman he undertook a walking tour in Wales. The impression of this tour is recorded in an attractive prose work Beautiful Wales. His second interest was English countryside. Read More Men That Keep Attention The Heart of En...

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