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Showing posts from December, 2014

A TO Z Literary Principles from History of English Literature: Note 78

A Set of 26 Objective Questions & Answers UGC NET ENGLISH QUESTION BANK 1. Items in a published book appear in the following order: Copyright Page, Footnotes, Bibliography, and Index.   2. The books of Gulliver’s Travels are:  Part I “Voyage to Lilliput”, Lemuel Gulliver describes the habits and politics of the people of Lilliput and the neighboring nation of Blefuscu.  Part II “Voyage to Brobdingnag”, another voyage takes Gulliver to Brobdingnag, a land where every living being is twelve times larger than in England. Part III “Voyage to Laputa”   Gulliver visits the islands of Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubbdubdribb, and Japan. Laputa, the Flying Island, is an allegory of the court and government of George I. In Part IV “Voyage to Houyhnhnms” ,  Gulliver journeys to the land of the Houyhnhnms, rational horses, and the Yahoos, appallingly irrational humans. 

A TO Z Literary Principles from History of English Literature: Note 77

A Set of 26 Objective Questions &   Answers UGC NET ENGLISH QUESTION BANK 1. Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment (Hero: Raskolnikov ) explores the psychological depths of man. It examines tragedy as represented through the existential beliefs of many philosophers. Existentialist theory expresses the idea that man can satisfy his own needs, regardless of social codes, if he has the energy and ambition to act. Read More A to Z (Objective Questions)     Raskolnikov has the ambition to act, but struggles internally with their actions, frightened of the consequences.  The story is very close to Shakespeare’s Macbeth . 2. Pecola is a character in : The Bluest Eye which is Toni Morrison's novel published in 1970. 3. Virginia Woolf was associated with the “Bloomsbury Group” ( T. S. Eliot ,W. B. Yeats, T. E. Hulme  ). She is British novelist, essayist, and critic, who helped create the modern novel. Her writing often explores the concepts of...

Critical Appreciation of Ruskin Bond’s "The Eyes Have It" : Theme of Self-Conscience and Blindness

"If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch." King James Bible   Matthew 15:14 The long-popular  The Eyes Have It of Ruskin Bond is an engaging story told from the perspective of a blind person. The Eyes Have It 's experiences lead him through a diverse series of encounters and bring him into contact with many inner characters within himself, including other blind people with stories of their own to tell. Bond uses  The Eyes Have It 's story to explore his theme of self conscience. He shows the positive results of kind treatment, while satirizing the escapist attitude in us. Bond believed that blind bonds were a societal problem that could not be ignored, a problem that was often caused by ignorance and curse, as well as intentional abuse. The lines between dream and reality are clearly drawn, and this fable is intended to leave the reader with a strong moral lesson that it is better to be a real person than an imagined on...

Analyses of Habib Tanvir’s play "Charandas Chor" as Thematic Complexity ( Paradox)

H abib Tanvir’s play Charandas Chor , is steeped in paradox simply because the title character Charandas in spite of being a thief   is really honest, sympathetic and truthful-  The very idea of the hero in the play is based on paradoxes and contradictions.     Read More Indian English   One could not conceive the play, Charandas Chor , in any other terms than seeing it as a putting together of truth and lie simultaneously in a man.  Read More Indian English Farther, there are liars, scoundrels, thieves, but they are men of principles as well. There are custodians of law, but they are breakers of it too. There are saints and sanyasis , but they run after money as well. There are men of intellect, but it is very easy to deceive them. There are rich, affluent people, but at heart, they are the poorest. Affluent people like the landlord are poor at heart. He cannot share a kilo with those who have nothing. There are paupers, but at heart, they are ver...

Ecocritical Appreciation of Gieve Patel’s "On Killing a Tree"

"In my childhood trees were green And there were plenty to be seen. " --Louis MacNeice   The theme in Gieve Patel’s ecocritical poem  On Killing a Tree is the notion of a clash between two different attitudes, saving and cutting a tree. The focus for this is environmental degradation. The poem is very short. But it slashes out scar in our minds.  The ravages of modern industrial society are represented by the woodcutter. We think like of the cannibalizing its own guts and soon to destroy the living trees and home lives of our mother earth. Read More Indian English It was such a human story. A similar process is going on in the countries in the world which are being mined for profit. Patel launches into a tirade against the practice in his  On Killing a Tree but in a tone of total irony.   Cutting of trees is not simply cutting the branches or cutting its stem. Here it is given a ceremonial entity. The branches and leaves will grow aga...

Teaching a Good Literature Class through Story Telling - Necessity of Introducing Stories in the Classroom

 "A tale should be judicious, clear, succinct; The language plain, and incidents well link'd; Tell not as new what ev'ry body knows; And, new or old, still hasten to a close." William Cowper  (1731 - 1800) British poet. "Conversation" Introduction: The ancient art of storytelling continues to flourish in modern class room, partly in response to widespread media. This age-old practice of telling stories is a highly developed and much appreciated art form. It is also one of the best ways of imparting literature classes. It is wide of range and can be exercised from elementary to university classes. The Story telling in the classroom can widen the scope of foreign literature bearing as well as great milieu of oration. Read More Short Stories It is very necessary to introduce stories in the classroom as stories are interesting, captivating and absorbing even for the college or university students. We all know, that the children ...

A TO Z Literary Principles from History of English Literature: Note 76

A Set of 26 Objective Questions & Answers UGC NET ENGLISH QUESTION BANK 1.      After Chaucer there was a decline in the poetry of England. Occleve, Lydgate, and Skelton were the only English poets writing poetry in imitation of Chaucer. Read More A to Z (Objective Questions)   They are called English Chaucerians. Of these the first two are considered hopelessly dull, only Skelton showed some originality, but he, too, lacks the Renaissance spirit. 2.      James I, Robert Henryson, Wiliam Dunbar, Gavin Douglas are the best known Scottish Chaucerians. The treatment of nature by the Scottish poets is the most remarkable feature in the poetry of the Scottish Chaucerians. In comparison to the English Chaucerians , the Scottish Chaucerians were better poets. 3.       Dr. Johnson was the first English writer who used the term ‘Metaphysical’ as applied to poetry. He had borrowed it from Dryden’s phrase about Donne- “He affects the ...

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