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Showing posts from April, 2015

Theory of Catharsis: Various Interpretations and Analyses

‘Catharsis’ is a Greek word. It means “purgation”, “purification” and “clarification”. It has been used only once by Aristotle in his ‘Poetics’ while defining Tragedy, “Tragedy then is an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude through pity and fear effecting the proper ‘Catharsis’ of these emotions” Based on the three meanings of the word, ‘Catharsis’ different theories have been evolved to explain Aristotle’s conception of tragic ‘Catharsis. Read More Criticism (A) Purgation Theory (i) Medical Interpretation : ‘Catharsis’ has been taken to be a medical metaphor. ‘Purgation’ denotes a pathological effect on the soul similar to the effect of medicine on the body. Some have referred it to Homeopathic treatment with the like curing the like. Thus, pity and fear are roused and form ‘purgation’ of these emotions. Read More Criticism Thus, ‘Catharsis’ implies relief. As per Pathological treatment with the unlike curing unlike, the arousing of pity an...

Three dramatic Genres in the Greek Classical Theatre: Tragedy, Comedy and Satyr

  " How dreadful the knowledge of truth can be  When there's no help in truth ."- Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex Tragic drama: Tragic drama which Aristotle defined as an imitation of actions of illustrious men and women, and which aims at the purgation of pity and fear, was by far, the most esteemed of all the genres, and the first to be originated and accorded in the 6th century bc by Attic poet Thespis in City Dionysian.  Read More Drama Tragedy, As Aristotle said, it evolved from the Improvisations of the leaders of dithyramb. Why did the Greeks esteem tragedy over comedy and satyr? The answer is not far to seek. Tragedy was the only genre that provided the people an opportunity to watch their moral philosophy issue forth in actions. Read More Drama The classical Greek people were quite strong and boisterous in nature. They made a lot of conquest over nations and even over nature, and possessed the ability to meet almost any emergency, but they realized that in ...

A TO Z Literary Principles from History of English Literature: Note 83

A Set of 26 Objective Questions & Answers UGC NET ENGLISH QUESTION BANK  1. The term “Negritude” was coined by :  Ainee Cesaire and Leopold Senghor .  Aime Cesaire in his poem Notebook of a Return to the native Land 1939 first coined the term. Read More A to Z (Objective Questions)      2. Bertolt Brecht’s concept of theatre was influenced by:  Irwin Piscator .In fact, Brecht had collaborated with Erwin Piscator, father of political theatre. Piscator's theatre was utilitarian.  Just like Brecht, Piscator's theatre was a direct response to the events taking place around him. 3. The relationship between Othello and Iago is an example of:  inversion .Inversion (thetre), a rearrangement of the ideas/ characters of a drama, or a reversal of position or order in a sequence of incidents. Read More A to Z (Objective Questions)      4. A metrical foot consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syll...

One Checklist That You Should Keep In Mind Before Attending Teaching English As Foreign Language (TEFL): Teaching of English Grammar

"I would never use a long word, even, where a short one would answer the purpose." Oliver Wendell Holmes  (1809 - 1894) U.S. physician and writer. Medical Essays (1842-1882) ,  "Scholastic and Bedside Teaching" Learning or teaching of English grammar in the class is quite contrary to the way the child learns grammar in their mother tongue. A child at the age of 4 or 5 can speak his mother tongue fluently without knowing the rules of language. Read More Teaching English Research into grammar by academics at different stages suggests that a significant proportion of language speakers are unable to understand some basic sentences.    Regardless of educational attainment or dialect we are all supposed to be equally good at grammar, in the sense of being able to use grammatical cues to understand the meaning of sentences. The target language can easily be understood through social sphere if it is a mother tongue but English for TEFL Students can...

George Bernard Shaw’s "Man and Superman" is 'a Comedy and a Philosophy' — Trick for Getting the Public to Listen Shavian Theory

"He identified genius with immunity from the cravings and turpitudes which make us human. Hence his regime of sexual continence which so confused and dismayed the women he persisted in loving, and hence too his abstinent diet of grated vegetables." Michael Holroyd British biographer. Referring to George Bernard Shaw. The Genius of Shaw Frequently the subtitles of George Bernard Shaw ’s plays are just as informative as the prefaces. They are often just as clever; they are always more to the point. Such is the case with Heartbreak House , which is subtitled A Fantasia in the Russian Manner on English Themes ; Fanny’s First Play, An Easy Play for a Little Theatre; and  In Good King Charles’s Golden Days,  A True History that Never Happened . So, too, with Man and Superman , this is subtitled simply but significantly a Comedy and a Philosophy . For Man and Superman , though it was written early in Shaw’s career, represents the culmination of Shaw’s theory that the...

Ten Common Difficulties in Teaching English to TEFL Students

" I pay the schoolmaster, but 'tis the schoolboys that educate my son." Ralph Waldo Emerson  (1803 - 1882) U.S. poet and essayist. Journals The teacher of English generally faces certain difficulties in connection with the teaching of it. A TEFL teacher artificially constructs an environment to teach and to serve this purpose. The most famous and widespread artificial way is to mimicry the western standards. As today, English is used in more countries as an official language or as the main means of international communication than any other language, the real TEFL   teacher as well as real institutes is a rarity. The TEFL teacher and the academic authority, while laying down the principles of teaching English, shall take into consideration value education, fuming up child’s knowledge, potentiality and talents; Development of physical and mental abilities to the fullest extent; Learning through activities, discoveries and explorati...

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