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Showing posts from September, 2015

Analysis of Alfred, Lord Tennyson's "Ring Out, Wild Bells" (part of In Memoriam): An Elegiac Poem on Arthur Henry Hallam and General Reference

" R ing Out, Wild Bells" is an elegiac poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Published in 1850, the year he was appointed Poet Laureate, it forms part of In Memoriam , Tennyson's elegy to Arthur Henry Hallam, his sister's fiancé who died at the age of twenty-two. The main theme of the poem "Ring Out, Wild Bells" is Renewal and Rebirth like that of Thomas Hardy’s Thirst . It says of ringing out, or bidding goodbye of all the stops of pain and pathos. Read More Poetry On the other hand, ‘Bells’ also indicates welcoming something new. On analyzing the title, it is apparent that the poem is about bidding goodbye to the old, and welcoming the new. This is apparent in the opening stanza where the poet writes:            “The year is dying in the night;             Ring out, wild bells, and let him die”

Literary Periodicals: Influencing the growth of the Novel in the course of the 18th Century and Beyond

P eriodicals are publications released on a regular basis may include news, feature articles, poems, fictional stories, or other types of writing. Literary journals provided the platform for literary reviews and criticism. This practice influenced the growth of the novel positively in the course of the 18th century and beyond. It created an opportunity for public discussion on the subject matter of the novels which people were reading at a given period. It also aided the popularity of the novels which in turn increased sales and circulation. This is not applicable to only the well-written novels because even the low-rated novels sold too because people wanted to know why it was rated poorly. Literary criticism published in newspapers and literary journals therefore helped to popularize or bring down works and this in turn affected the circulation of such works. Read More Essay

Love of William Shakespeare in Early Bangla Renaissance: Bengal had as much claim on Shakespeare as England

M uch before modern Bangla literature came into existence in first quarter of the 18th century, the plays of Shakespeare enjoyed the patronage of performers, spectators and readers in Bengal. The lovers of William Shakespeare were the enlightened members among the early English settlers who built Kolkata’s first playhouse in Lalbazar Street in 1755, where Shakespeare’s plays or selected scenes thereof figured in the list of performances. 

Why are the Punctuation Marks Important in Speech and Writing while Teaching Elementary Students ?

Introduction: E ncouraging children to study punctuation can be a difficult task. Sometimes homework and studying can be a negative idea and immediately turns the child away. To help students not only learn, but desire to study, teachers and parents can refer to the ideas listed below. These are just some of the things you and your student can do to help improve study punctuation habits.  Read More Teaching English ( TEFL )    If a student is having trouble concentrating in a particular place, or even time, try a different setting. Some students may like peace and quiet while studying and others may want a mentor nearby in case they have questions or concerns.   Remember all students learn things differently. Encourage students to study in groups and to ask lots of questions to receive input from peers. Set aside one on one time and have them ask you questions. Ask lots of questions in return to ensure the best education.

Why is Chaucer Important in the History of English Literature?

G eoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400) derived from the French chausseur , meaning shoemaker had in fact cobbled the world of literature. An author, poet, philosopher, bureaucrat, courtier and diplomat he is best remembered for his The Canterbury Tales . Truly called the father of English Literature this greatest Middle English writer is credited by some scholars as the first author to demonstrate the artistic legitimacy of the vernacular English language rather than French or Latin which were the popular languages then.

Critical Appreciation of Katherine Mansfield’s 'A Cup of Tea': Aware of the Hollowness of Existence

"You see, madam," he would explain in his low respectful tones, "I love my things. I would  rather not part with them than sell them to someone who does not appreciate them, who has not that fine feeling which is so rare... Katherine Mansfield’s A Cup of Tea T he plot of  Katherine Mansfield’s A Cup of Tea seems as straightforward as its title at first glance— Rosemary, a rich self-assured woman, takes pity on poor Miss Smith and takes her home. Read More Short Stories She decides to look after her but gives up the idea when her husband shows an interest in her. But this apparent simplicity is used to explore the complex motives and vulnerability of people, particularly those belonging to the affluent section of society. Without making the accomplished, attractive, wealthy Rosemary into a villain, Katherine Mansfield exposes her superficiality and willfulness. She is admired in the elite circles, has a loving husband and son and charms everybody with her exquisite m...

Analysis of R.K Narayan's "Father’s Help": Puzzling yet Most Realistic Whining Schoolboy

“ ... I am often asked, "Where is Malgudi?"All I can say is that it is imaginary and not to be found on any map (although the University of Chicago Press has published a literary atlas with a map of India indicating the location of Malgudi). If I explain that Malgudi is a small town in South India I shall only be expressing half-truth, for the characteristics of Malgudi seem to me universal... ” - R.K. Narayan Swami is the main character of R. K. Narayan’s Father’s Help . He is one of Narayan’s most puzzling yet most realistic characters, a boy made up of the contradictions of good and bad, simple and complex, obedient and disobedient those are typical of the human condition. This makes his adventure in Father’s Help a passionate account of a person’s climb out of fear into enlightenment, out of protestant into conformist.

How to Use Literature in the English Classes to Develop Reading and Writing Skill among the Pupils As a Second Language?

 "The English have no respect for their language, and will not teach their children to speak it...It is impossible for an Englishman to open his mouth, without making some other Englishman despise him." George Bernard Shaw  (1856 - 1950) Irish playwright. Pygmalion Introduction: There has been much criticism, during the past two decades, of the teaching of English literature in our schools and colleges. The earlier teaching of English was characterized largely by a type of instruction which tried to inspire pupils through their contact with the classics of our language, and to awaken in them an enduring love of both poetry and prose. The work being in large part interpretation and somewhat inspirational in nature, calling for much from the teacher and less than in most other subjects from the pupils, teachers in other subjects more susceptible to drill tended to characterize the instruction as "snap work". Most of  us find it difficult to be...

Critical Appreciation of Judith Wright’s "Hunting Snake": Experience of Watching a Black Snake

J udith Wright ’s Hunting Snake describes the poet’s experience of watching a black snake as it makes its way across an area of grassland. The poet looks on fascinated, as the snake hunts for food and finally disappears. With a classical structure of in-flowing abab rhyme scheme for all except the last stanza which is abba indicates a disruption in the flow. It is a time-honored convention of the action-and-adventure poem that what the readers fear the most as the rhyme begins will be what they must face and defeat as the lines progresses.   Read More Poetry Judith Wright’s Hunting Snake is no exception to this hallowed principle of increasing physical fear through psychological terror. Readers may be certain that being dead by snake is a probable fate that will confront our hero of humanity.

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