Power and Suffering is one of the Themes of Christopher Marlowe's "Edward-II"

Power and Agony as Themes in Christopher Marlowe's "Edward II"

The Tragic Consequences of Self-Assertion and Power in "Edward II"

Some critics are of the view that Christopher Marlowe's "Edward-II"  is a play of  “power and suffering.” This theme, in a very large manner is visible in the play. The root cause in the working of this theme is the common flaw of self assertion or the exercise of power by the characters who are responsible for the inevitable tragedy of the play. The play explores the tragic downfall of King Edward II of England, focusing on the conflicts arising from the abuse and pursuit of power. 

Abuse of Power

"Edward-II" highlights the destructive consequences of misusing power. King Edward II prioritizes his personal desires, particularly his infatuation with his favorite, Piers Gaveston, over the responsibilities of his position. This abuse of power angers the nobles and the Queen, leading to rebellion and political unrest.

Suffering of the Monarch

As a consequence of his reckless behavior, Edward II experiences immense suffering. He faces rebellion from his own nobles, who seek to limit his authority and remove Gaveston from his side. This suffering intensifies when Edward is eventually overthrown, imprisoned, and ultimately murdered. Marlowe portrays the downfall of Edward II as a direct result of his misuse of power.

Personal Suffering and Sacrifice

 The play also explores the suffering endured by individuals who are caught up in the power struggles. Queen Isabella, Edward's wife, undergoes emotional turmoil as she witnesses her husband's infidelity and neglect. She eventually aligns herself with the nobles to protect her own interests, leading to her active involvement in Edward's downfall. Additionally, other characters like Mortimer, Edward's former ally turned adversary, also endure personal suffering as they navigate the complex dynamics of power.

Corrupting Influence of Power

Marlowe portrays power as a corrupting force throughout the play. Characters like Gaveston and the ambitious Mortimer become consumed by their pursuit of power, leading to their own downfall. The desire for power transforms relationships, provokes violence, and contributes to the overall suffering experienced by the characters.

The Consequences of Power and Betrayal

In the play the final impression is of Edward’s suffering. It is bound up with power – the power that Edward loses, the power that Mortimer wins. If a man had no power over other, there could be no suffering such as Edward knew. King Edward was too desperate for the power and just of friendship that he can not foresee the future consequences. He even deserts his wife and deprive her in his love. Here starts cropping up the seeds in infidelity in her heart. The king gives vent to his sufferings fanning the fire of hostility. He is robbed of his friendship for barons murder Gravestone. When he was defeated  and is imprisoned he is made in undergo all sorts of physical and mental tortures like a mean prisoner is inflicted with . But till his imprisonment he keeps on boasting and never pays any heed to the fact that a king cannot continue to be in power until he cares for the advice of hi9s subordinates and threat tyrant faces defeat at the hands  of his own subjects where all his pride of power is nullified.

Gaveston's Arrogance and Abuse

Christopher Marlowe
Gaveston is such a man who always gloats. He enjoys the riches and puts an airs of vanity. He along with king lays his hands on the Bishop of Coventry . He treats the poor extravagantly and servilely . He is an opportunist and thinks to give punishment who were keen to banish him or exile him. He thinks Mortimer was a traitor and wishes death way overtook him and feels happy when Edward gives good account of himself by asserting his authority in his favour . He in his intoxication of power asserts:
"What should a priest do with so fair a house? A prison may best beseem his holiness.”. He degrades the barons and puts in king’s mind the ill feeling against his wife. But at last he is captured by them and the wheel of his suffering starts rotating at a great pace showing explicitly his inevitable end. Thus Gaveston meets his miserable end parenting to his own pride.

Mortimer's Deception and Downfall

Mortimer though at first appears as a true patriot ,but when the character is fathomed if becomes clear that his patriotism was a mere show off . He cleverly wins the favour of the queen and putting into her brain that the king deserted her. He himself  with the barons raises a revolt against the king with a pretension of patriotism. When the king is taken to prison he tortured him and became blind in the exercise of power. But Mortimer himself also falls in the jaws of sufferings. When the prince at the last part of the drama understood his father’s murder he exercises his power in the truest sense of the word and orders the execution of young Mortimer and Mortimer cougronts the evil consequences of his evil doing.

Queen Isabella's Transformation

Queen Isabella though at the first part of the play appears as tender hearted affectionate wife became very much a false hearted queen not to hesitate to join with Mortimer in the murder of king Edward –II. When the king is sentenced to imprisonment she takes the authority in her hand to lead her son. In spite assurance that she would protect her son from all the foes ,the realization of the prince concerning his father’s death made her to be sent to the tower as a prisoner.


In "Edward II," Marlowe presents power as both a source of conflict and suffering. The play explores the consequences of abusing power, depicting the downfall of a monarch and the personal sacrifices made in the pursuit of power. It highlights the destructive nature of power when it is wielded irresponsibly, ultimately leading to tragedy and suffering for the characters involved. Thus in this play who starts flying with power is likely to face the fate of Icarus. Therefore, boundless power is ought to end in suffering. Marlowe focuses attention on the suffering , still consequential on the exercise  and the dream of power and it is the major fact.


Raman, S. (1997, March). Desire and Violence in Renaissance England Christopher Marlowe’s Edward II. Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift Für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte, 71(1), 39–69. https://doi.org/10.1007/bf03374596

British Library. (n.d.). British Library. https://www.bl.uk/collection-items/marlowes-edward-ii-1612

Full text of “Marlowe’s Edward II.” (n.d.). Full Text of “Marlowe’s Edward II.” https://archive.org/stream/marlowesedwardii00marluoft/marlowesedwardii00marluoft_djvu.txt

Eliot, T. S., Dickey, F., Formichelli, J., & Schuchard, R. (n.d.). Project MUSE - A Study of Marlowe. An unsigned review of Christopher Marlowe, by U. M. Ellis-Fermor. Project MUSE - a Study of Marlowe. An Unsigned Review of Christopher Marlowe, by U. M. Ellis-Fermor. https://muse.jhu.edu/document/305


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