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Showing posts from November, 2010

Attitude to War as Revealed in Wilfred Owen's "Strange Meeting": Deep Feelings of Sorrow and Compassion

“My subject is war, and the pity of war. The poetry is in the pity” – Wilfred Owen. Paradoxically enough Wilfred Owen began writing poetry in the tradition of the romantics with Keats and Shelley as his models equipped with a Romantic sensibility, Owen might have written better poetry but circumstances ordained otherwise. The war provided Owen with subject matter, which turned the romantic elegiac strain of his early poems into the deep feelings of sorrow and compassion, which characterize his later poems. The idea of the futility of the soldiers’ sacrifice is the theme of Strange Meeting . It simply  reflects the author's anti-war sentiment through vivid imagery and powerful language.  In fact, it is a poem of visionary dream. The poet soldier imagines that he has escaped from battle and gone to the other regions. As he keeps watching the corpses, one springs up with piteous recognization in fixed eyes’.  The poem begins with the horrors of war through vivid and g...

An Analysis of the Character of Dancer in Eugene O Neill's one-act play "Thirst"

I n each of the modern play, psychology forms the upper hand . In the opacity of abysmal human psychological world the floating characters in the modern play broods over the revelation of life and its greater meaning. Eugene O Neill's  one-act play  "Thirst"  also provides a befitting atmosphere to snatch away the agonized hearts of three persons who are pinned up in the formulated phrase of lifelessness. The zeal for life, for rescue as if, in co-relation to fleeting El Dorado or missing Godot is totally absent in the hovering atmosphere of vast Atlantic Ocean where there is scorching sunlight and the endless blue horizon. The Dancer is still aspiring to live, dreams to live for the love of her life even if, it is denied altogether by fate or by still unknown human actions. The Dancer represents the class of arts, of living with hope, betterment and full of human dreams. Thus her transformation from life to death is the greatest tragic downfall expressed in the...

How does Literature Reflects the Spirit of the Age?

Literature is often regarded as a mirror to society, reflecting the spirit of the age —the dominant attitudes, values, beliefs, and concerns of a particular period. Through its themes, characters, and narratives, literature encapsulates the intellectual, cultural, political, and social climate of its time.  It is often said that history is the biography of a nation while   literature  is its autobiography. Truly speaking an author is as much a product of his society as his art is product of his own reaction to life.  Literature  reflects ‘zeitgeist’ or the time-spirit. Everyman, according to Goethe’s statement, is the citizen of his age as well as of his country. Literature as a whole grows and changes from generation to generation and obviously it is the rise, growth and decline of ideas, precepts and morals. Thus  literature  becomes a sort of sociological approach, a supplementary and commentary on history. As the pearl is the product of the oyster...


Philology, the study of language in written historical sources, involves the investigation of linguistic change over time and across cultures. It is closely tied to etymology, semantics, and syntax, examining how languages develop, evolve, and influence one another. This analysis focuses on various philological terms that play a crucial role in understanding the richness of the English language. By exploring terms like loanwords , cognates , back-formation , and malapropism , we gain insight into the processes that shape linguistic evolution. Such terms highlight how languages borrow, adapt, and transform vocabulary, syntax, and meaning, reflecting cultural exchanges and the dynamic nature of communication. This study not only illuminates the history of English but also demonstrates the broader impact of linguistic diversity. 1.Affixation- The three basic category terms in a word are affixes (divided into prefixes and suffixes steams and roots. Affixes are of two sorts in English; ele...

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