Model Answer For S S C English Teachers (Pass)

  1. Do you trace ‘Myth making faculty’ in Shelley and Keats?
Substantiate your answer.

Ans. Myth making faculty means the poetic articulation, on something with utmost devotional zeal. Thus a common phenomena of life or nature Turn to be legend or mythical by the treatment of the poetic art. In Keats and Shelley such a quality is abundand. In Nightingale it is metamorphosed into a bird of spiritual and devide entity and takes a journey to get ‘permanent’. In ‘skylark’ too, the bird becomes a symbol of devine joy and bless and becomes a myth for Shellian creativity.

  1. How do you know that Shelley’s Skylark is true not a creature of ‘flesh and blood’?

Ans. Through some concrete categorical hints from the poem we can easily form the ideal of the disembodied form of the bird skylark. It is a ‘spirit’ and ‘bird thou never west’. It is the spirited entity being the ‘cloud of fire’ with an ‘unbodied joy’.

  1. What does the bird specially know in Hardy’s poem?

Ans. Hardy’s darkling thrush being a swansong utters some prophetic truth along with joy and merriment of some hope and prosperity when the poet is ignorant of amid the tastless, insipid frozen wintry landscape. It is a voice for future regeneration, birth and vitality.

  1. What was the last thought that was not in vain for the lover in The Last Ride Together?

Ans. The rejected lover even in this unrequited love story pleads for last ride together with the beloved, which is not rejected. Rather his last hope survives as a sigh of relief and finds himself deified one more day in his life.

  1. Why ‘the listeners’ in the Mare’s poem do not react?

Ans. We can have two separate worlds meeting in the poem – one supernatural and another natural. The traveler is the voice of our world while the ghostly atmosphere, the supernatural presence do not react to our recognizable medium. Thus, even if they react, we cannot understand it or rather our lack of communication is the tragedy of our relation with them.

  1. How do you explain the title strange Meeting?

Ans. The title word of Owen’s poem is strikingly multifaceted. If there is strangeness in meeting the dead and living soldiers at Hell to share their horrified experience of war, there is enough furore on ours strange, realistic meeting on the war realities and the pity of the war distilled. Thus the title is highly figurative.

  1. What historical period do you find as hints in The Lagoon?

Ans. Conrad’s story often time highlights the colonial period. Here, too the local kingship, the appearance of the Whiteman as businessmen provides us enough hints that the actual point of history might be sometime at colonized period at Moloy life. Farther, the relation between Arsat and Polers with that of the Whiteman indicates a colonial spirit.

  1. Why did Mrs. Thurlow remain unsympathetic towards here husband?

Ans. With prolonged hardship of life and engrossing motto of accumulating money for the sons make Mrs. Thurlow an unemotional entity dragged on by drudgery. Thus when her hard earned money is lost along with her husband, even if her husband commits murder, or jailed for life, she much sympathisizes with here money than her husband. She becomes stunned, flummoxed and bewildered by such a fate.

  1. Ulysses provides an interesting study in contrast along with another poem of Tennyson’s The Lotos Eaters – discuss.

Ans. Both the poems of Ulysses and The Lotos Eaters have the same hero Ulysses, one of the greatest Greek heroes who fought in the Trojan War. Ulysses contains a philosophy of continued action. It is full of optimism and hope. In a dramatic way Ulysses here inspires and stimulates us for ceaseless hard work. Contrustingly, The Lotos Eaters exhibits a voyage to oblivion, far from the active din and bustle of life. Here is an escapism from the Wander over the sea and adventure. Thus, the two dramatic monologues portray two different moods of life – of tireless journey and of rest.

  1. “Drive my dead thoughts over the Universe like withered leaves to quicken a new birth” – explain the line with critical comment.

Ans. Shelley was, essentially, the poet of revolt and revolution. Shelley had in the realms of fantasy A New and Golden Age of humanity. In the quoted lines he invokes the wild west wind to shun the olds and odds in him and to beget new concept or philosophy for future world. As west wind whiles away the Autumnal leaves and quicken the new birth of leaves, similarly he denounce the old with the favour of a prophet, and heralds the new with the passionate joy of a poet.

  1. Describe The Traveller in the poem The Listernes.

Ans. The poet Walter Dela Mare tells us very little about the traveler in his poem The Listeners. The very character is mysterious. Nothing is said about his physical appearance except his grey eyes. We do not even know definitely the purpose of his coming here at this lonely, deserted forest house at the night. He has come on horseback to keep his word to someone. Thus the traveler is as mystery as the nocturnal setting is. Some critics however, are of the view that the traveler is a representative of artists seeking admittance into the world of beauty.

  1. “Della, being slender, had mastered the art” – What was the art that Della mastered?

Ans. Della has a pier-glass, which hardly had a perfect image. But Della being slim and agile, could quickly turn herself before the pier-glass and observe her reflection in a rapid sequence of longitudinal strips. By the art Della had the fairly accurate conception of her appearance. The line delineates the poor family condition of Jim and Della.

  1. Define The Ox as a short story.

Ans. A short story must contain one and only one informing idea, and that this idea must be worked out to its logical conclusion with absolute singleness of method. H.E. Bates story The Ox presents the suffering of Mrs Thurlow through the bare essentials of action excluding pompous literary style. Through realism and economical method of narration, the story illustrates the agony in Mrs. Thurlow through the symbolic reference to the Ox and its cart. The drudgery, the pain and its endurance are said through unsentimental manner. Typically, thus, The Ox has the unity of impression.

  1. “I had more pleasure in these busy-idle diversions….” What does the author mean by the phrase ‘busy idle’?

Ans. The phrase ‘busy-idle’ means ‘frivolous, yet engrossing, The oxymoron, founded on Horace’s ‘strenua inertia’, energetic idleness. Lamb uses this phrase to relate his childhood fancy at the garden house in Norfolk palace where his grand mother stays as housekeeper. The beauty of this old fashioned garden so facinates him that he engrosses himself in his own fancy. Such flight of imagination of sound, sight and smell has a ‘busy-idle’ rapture in his mind.

  1. What is meant by ‘cult of cosiness’? What particular rhetoric does it show?

Ans. There is a figure of speech in which a harsh statement is made in a pleasing way. Thus in this gilded remark an impleasant matters are stated in a pleasant manner. L.A. Hillcalls it a ‘cult of cosiness’ which means the pretence that everything is all right when it is not. He further gives an example from Hitler’s regime where the expression ‘special treatment’ was used to define a serve torture, murder and punishment.

  1. What are the opposing views of justice that are expressed by Frome and Cleaver in the court during the trail scene in Justice?

Ans. Both Frome, the defence counsel and cleaver, the prosecution counsel are two important characters in the play. Frome in his argument puts forward the plea that Falder commits the forgery in a fit of temporary insanity. He tries to analyse the psychology of the criminal and appeals to treat Falder as a patient who needs love not punishment. Cleaver, on the other hand is practical, business like and brief. He establishes that Falder is no insane, has immoral relationship and must be punished.

  1. “Would it were bedtime, and all were well”- Where from the lines are quoted? Who says this and why?

Ans. The lines under reference form Miss Hardeastle’s speech in she stoops to conquer. This is an allusion to the words of falstaff in Shakespeare’s play Henry IV. Like falstaff who wished the time to be easy and less gloomy to send all to peaceful sleep, Miss Kate who is now much excited and anxious to hear about Marlow wishes that it might be bed time for her and she might be free from all tensions.

  1. What is the act wise time-scheme in Arms and The Man?

Ans. The events of the first act take place in Raina’s bed-chamber one night late in November, 1885. the events of the second act take place a little more than three months after the events of the first act. They happen on the 6th of  March, 1886 in the garden of Major Petkoff’s house. The act III takes place after lunch in the library room of Major Petkoff’s house one the 6th of March, 1886. the interval of time between the Second and third acts is only a few hours.
            The exact precisions of dates are nothing historical but add some realistic touch.

  1. What is Hell’s view on style?

Ans. Style is the man as well as author. Thus to be stylist one should be, according to Hill, faithful in his or her writing. By more and more practice and with an artistic and keen observation of life, one can develop vivid and real style. To add more, reading others writing and articulating them in himself is ideal. In the mixture of various styles one should a void formal and slang one.

  1. What was the story of Norfolk?

Ans. In the great mansion of Norfolk, where Mrs. Field lived in had a story engraved on wood and placed on the chimney of the house. The story depicted here is of Norfolk Tale. It was of a cruel uncle and the tragic death of two little helpless children.

  1. What kind of person do you find in Cokeson?

Ans. He is the managing clerk in the solice ‘for’ & firm of James How and Walter How. The generous minded sympathetic Cokeson is kind enough to help a person in distress. But he can’t be driven only by emotion; he might choose the right and defends it without being emotional at all.

  1. What is your comment on Raina - Bluntsehli marriage?

Ans. In Shaw’s play those who are romantic face disillusionment and find themselves fools, while, on the other hand those, who are realistic in thought and approaches, succeed at every stage of life. In Arms and The Man sergius, a romantic fool is contrasted with the brilliant comic figure Bluntschli. The moment the sun of Buntschli’s realism rises on the horizon, the fog of Riana’s romanticism disappears. The realistwins what the romantic on loses.

  1. Write a short note on Mr. Hardcastle.

Ans. Mr. Hardcastle is a replica of Dr. Primrose of the Vicar of The Wakefield. He is an Old fashioned patriarch who rules over his family with a nice deal of leniency who always inculcates on his family the lessons of simplicity and the solid virtues of the good old times. He is a loving friend and a patient host. He is indeed the pen portrait of the fine of English gentlemen of the older times with his love for everything that is old.

  1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate article.

Ans. A woman came to see king Solomon one day.
The woman had a problem to relate to the kind.
[when a person or thing is introduced for the first time, the indefinite article a/an is used. The definite articles ‘the’ is used to refer again to that person or thing.].

  1. What is called an ‘Interjection’? How is the use of it?

Ans. An Interjection properly speaking, is not a part of speech as it has no connection with any other word in the sentence. It is merely an exclamatory word thrown into a sentence to denote some strong feeling or emotion.
Ex. Alas! The man is dead.
       Fie! What a liar you are.

  1. Comment on the different use of populace and populous.
Ans. The general population of a given locale is called ‘populace’.
Ex. The populace of any large city is in a constant state of flux.
It further indicates masses of people. Ex. A huge populace showed up to support their leader.
The word ‘populous’ means crowded or densely populated.
Exp. Tokyo is an excellent example of a populous city.

  1. Rewrite the sentence correctly: We are staying in this building for the last two decades.

Ans. The use of ‘for the last two decades’ makes it clear that the sentence is in present perfect continuous tense i.e. “subject + have/has + been + vbing.
So, “are staying in” will replaced with “have been staying in”.
Correct sentence: We have been staying in this building for the last two decades.

  1. What difference do you find in following sentences.
a)      It has been raining since Friday last.
b)      It has been raining for the last ten days.
Ans. Both the two sentences are present perfect continuous tense indicating the time phrase. In the first sentence, we use ‘since’ in case of point of time while in the second sentence we use ‘for’ in case of period of time.

  1. What is an absolute phrase?

Ans. An absolute phrase is an adverb phrase grammatically, but not logically, independent of the rest of the sentence in which it is used. It usually consists of a noun (or pronoun) and a participle. It is always demarcated by commas.
Exm. All things considered, it was quite a good performance.

  1. Write a short paragraph on ‘Success is not permanent – the same is true of failure’.

Ans. Success is the result of many factors like personal efforts, congenial circumstances. as soon as these factors lose their force, success changes into failure. Moreover, it is easy to win trophies but quite difficult to retain them. On the other hand, failure is also short lived because desire for success invigorated the activities of man.  
      Ardhendu De 


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