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Analysis of Lord Tennyson’s "Tithonus" : Immortality Consumes

Lord Alfred Tennyson's poem "Tithonus" explores the theme of immortality and its consequences. The poem tells the story of Tithonus, a figure from Greek mythology who was granted immortality by the gods. However, Tennyson portrays immortality as a curse rather than a blessing, emphasizing its destructive nature.

Lord Alfred Tennyson
"Tithonusrelates to the old Greek myth of Tithonus, a very handsome youth and the son of Laomendon, the king of
Troy. The legend tells that Tithonus was loved by the dawn goddess, Eos, who bore him a son, the hero Memnon, king of Ethiopia.  As his beloved was beloved was immortal, he requested her for the gift of immortality, Eos requested Zeus, the king of Gods, to grant this boon to her lover. Though immortality was granted, perpetual youth was not bestowed upon him. Thus Tithonus in his old age withered away to a decrepit and shriveled old man. Thus gradually he became old, infirm and ugly so that he pleaded finally to be released from life. At this given situation, the Tennyson’s "Tithonus" opens with a long soliloquy by title hero.

 The poem begins with an image of the dawn and describes the beauty of the young Tithonus, highlighting his relationship with the goddess of dawn, Aurora. However, as the poem progresses, it becomes evident that Tithonus's immortality has caused him to age and decay while Aurora remains eternally youthful. Tennyson uses vivid language to depict Tithonus's deterioration, describing him as "gray-haired with mortal age" and "withered," contrasting with Aurora's perpetual youth.

Tithonus laments his immortality, expressing his longing for death as a release from his eternal suffering.  Tithonus is trapped in a state of decay, witnessing the cycles of life and death in nature while being denied the release of his own mortality.

The entire poem records ‘Tithonus’ yearning for death. The poem begins with the description of the process of death and decay in the nature. Happy are those things that have the book of death, the lover laments and yearns for an end to the relentless passage of time, stating,:
 “The woods decay, the woods decay and fall,
The vapours weep their burthen to the ground,
Man comes and tills the field and lies beneath,
And after many a summer dies the swan.”

          The lover then states his present ‘maimed’ condition before his beloved. He has become a shadow of his erstwhile glory and beauty. By the cruel hand of time he is now a ‘waste’ ‘maimed’ creature. He is now faded ill-suited to be a lover of Kaleidoscopic Eos.

          Now the lover begs, “Let me go, take back thy gift.” The beloved moves into pity and sheds tears. But the gift of immortality once granted by the Gods cannot be reversed. “The Gods themselves cannot recall their gifts.” Once earned immortality is now or cruelty to him. At the end of the poem there is an account of the sad separation of the lovers. The desperate lover now adds that happy are those men who have power to die. Thus he pleads that the happy conclusion of his life would be his death. And even then his graveyard will be visited by the Goddess of Dawn every morning. In a moving words he thus requests–
          “Thou seest all things; thou will see my grave,
          Thou will renew thy beauty morn by morn”.
Even though Tithonus was a lining being, an earthy substance, he begged immortality to equal himself with the God. His desire was fulfilled but only to mourn in later years. The boon of immortality has gradually consumed his being totally in the late years. In our life both birth and death are two greatest phenomena. As birth is resource of joy, mirth and gala, death is also enjoyable. Mortal being dies only to get release from pains and pangs. But in Tithonus’s case these pains and pangs of the dying years have been made perpetual, so as to extend his agony and frustration on life. The boon of immortality has now become a bane to his life.

The poem concludes with Tithonus recognizing the ultimate irony of his situation. He realizes that immortality has not brought him wisdom or enlightenment, but rather a prolonged and agonizing existence. He pleads with Aurora, asking her to listen to his plea for release from his immortal state, but the poem ends with the haunting repetition of the idea of death.

Overall, Lord Tennyson's "Tithonus" presents a somber and thought-provoking exploration of the consequences of immortality. It portrays immortality as a curse that consumes and deteriorates the body and mind, leaving the immortal trapped in an eternal cycle of decay and longing for release. Through vivid imagery and poignant language, Tennyson invites readers to reflect on the nature of existence and the limitations of human mortality.


The complete works of Alfred, lord Tennyson .. : Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, Baron, 1809-1892 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive. (n.d.). Internet Archive.


  1. Enjoyed your article, some great Tennyson info on this site too


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