Antony: That which is now a horse, even with a thought The rack dislimns, and makes it indistinct, As water is in water. Antony and Cleopatra , Act 4, Scene 14 William Shakespeare's "Antony and Cleopatra": The Art of Persuasion The Enigma of Antony: Rhetoric, Passion, and Ethical Scrutiny William Shakespeare Antony in William Shakespeare's play "Antony and Cleopatra" is depicted as a man with magnificent rhetoric. Throughout the play, Antony's eloquence and persuasive abilities are showcased, emphasizing his mastery of language and his ability to captivate and influence others through his words. In the very extensive, various and fluid text, the imagery cosmic magnitude, Antony is a man with magnificent rhetoric. He is the observed of all observers. While Antony journeys to Rome, three separate groups – Caesar and Lepidus, Cleopatra and her servants, Pompey and his followers – about little else but Antony. He is judged from a variety view points. We en...
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