"For God's sake hold your tongue and let me love." The Canonization of Love in John Donne's "The Canonization": Unparalleled Devotion John Donne's Unique Blend of Physicality and Spirituality in Love Poetry Even more than Petrarch and Spenser, John Donne is a poet of Love. The poem , " The Canonization" embodies all those qualities which make Donne’s poetry of love non-peril. Although he conceives of love as one of the most invigorating and vigorous aspects of life and sometimes even raises it to the position of supreme importance’ his is no mere echo of the Petrarchian love –worship of the beloved. On the other hand " The Canonization ," is a mire situation of love . Donne is at once physical and spiritual, for he does not separate the two into exclusive categories. Farther, " The Canonization ," also speaks of love not in the deliquescing and meting rhythm of the poets of yore but in the vigorous and coll...
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