FUNDAMENTAL GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY : TET, SSC ETC 1. Using suitable words from the list -- ( horde, mob, crowd, gang, band, group, company, squad,crew, team Ans- (a) D uring the riots the mob got out of control and police were forced to open fire. (b) The sergeant major was drilling a company of soldier’s on the aquarium . (c)Although they defended themselves bravely, they could not keep off the horde of Indians that attacked then in thousands. (d) The crowd that watched the football match broke in to groups on leaving the field. (e) The aeroplane crew could see the gang of robbers rushing away to hide in the forests. (f) The hoarder/band of workmen soon had the new piece railway track lay. 2. Arrange the words in the two lists so as to make pairs. A B 1. Pelican 1.orchaed 2. Crapes 2. Oil 3. Fruit trees 3. Case...
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