A TO Z Literary Principles from History of English Literature: Note -66
A Set of 26 Objective Questions & Answers UGC NET ENGLISH QUESTION BANK Elizabethan Age / Renaissance (Reworking of learning) Elizabethan ascended the throne of England in 1558 and ruled over the country till her death in 1603. Read More about Elizabethan Literature During this period, the English national life took big strides. Recognizing the Elizabethan period as one of the most signified periods, in the literary and social history of England, Hudson has observed, “By Virtue of its wonderful fertility and car city, and splendor of its production, this period ranks as one of the greatest in the annals of word’s literature, and its greatness was the result of many operative forces.” Read More about A to Z (Objective Questions) The renaissance reached its full flowering during this period. Under the impact of renaissance Elizabethan people freed themselves from the church. They ...