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A TO Z Literary Principles from History of English Literature: Note -66

A Set of 26 Objective Questions & Answers

  Elizabethan Age  / Renaissance  (Reworking of learning)         
  1. Elizabethan ascended the throne of England in 1558 and ruled over the country till her death in 1603. Read More about Elizabethan Literature 
  2. During this period, the English national life took big strides. Recognizing the Elizabethan period as one of the most signified periods, in the literary and social history of England, Hudson has observed, “By Virtue of its wonderful fertility and car city, and splendor of its production, this period ranks as one of the greatest in the annals of word’s literature, and its greatness was the result of many operative forces.” Read More about A to Z (Objective Questions)
  3. The renaissance reached its full flowering during this period. Under the impact of renaissance Elizabethan people freed themselves from the church. They adopted a flexible secular code in their life and thought.Read More about Elizabethan Literature 
  4. A new cutler of humanism was born people began to take interest in this life and made efforts to make it better and happiness.
  5. While the renaissance works up, the aesthetic faculties, the reformation awakened the spiritual nature. Read More about A to Z (Objective Questions)
  6. The printing press put the English Bible in to the hands of people. Religion intolerance, which marked reign of Queen Mary (1553-1558), subsided under the healthy influence of Queen Elizabeth. The Queen handled the situation rarely and diplomatically.
  7. After the defeat of sprains Armada (1558), the national, enthusiasm burst into great creativity & productivity.
  8. Sea-explorers like Hawkins, Drake, Furbisher and Raleigh discovered new land and sea-routes. Men’s manta horizon widened.Read More about Elizabethan Literature 
  9. The English society lives in place and contentment. Manufacturing town grew up Employment channels were opens.
  10. Increasing trade brought enormous, wealth to England. The Queen taxed the wealthy to support the poor and unemployed.
  11. The all around growth in the Elizabethan period gave a new impetus and freshness, to literary productivity. Read More about A to Z (Objective Questions)
  12. The Renaissance reached England late. It had died out in Italy, and in France to which in its turn Italy had passed the torch, it was already a waning fire.
  13. When it came to England it came in a special form shaped by political and social conditions, and by the accidents of temperament and inclination in the men who began the movement.
  14. The period can boast off the beginning of the English drama and then it’s reaching its acme in hands of Shakespeare, the greatest dramatists of England.His contemporary Ben Johnson attempted to revue the ancient glory of classical comedy, with his comedy of Hum ours.
  15. In England poetry writing, sonnets and lyrics became very popular. Shakespeare, Spenser and Sidney wrote sonnet series. Read More about A to Z (Objective Questions)
  16. In fact, there was such a huge crop of sonnets and lyrics, that England at that time, seemed a nest of singing birds. Prose writing also gained prominence.
  17. Lily wrote in Euphuistic style and Francis Bacon gave Euphuistic style. Sir Philip Sidney wrote critical prose.Read More about Elizabethan Literature 
  18. Thus, we find that England during Elizabethan period progress  almost in a big way in almost every sphere of human life-Religious, social, spiritual commerce and literary.
  19. Hudson rightly comments that Elizabethan Age as one of the most significant periods, in the literary and social history of England. Read More about Elizabethan Literature 
  20. Renaissance was a kind of tropical dawn a gradual passage to light from darkness.  It was the result of, a numerous and various series of events which followed and accompanied one another from the fourteenth to the beginning of the sixteenth centuries. First and most immediate in its influence on art and literature and thought, was the rediscovery of the ancient literature.
  21. As a movement , the Renaissance was a west European phenomenon literally ,it means the reworking of learning , but it was not only a literary movement .Read More about UGC NET It signified as overall change in culture and civilization marking an end to the culture and civilization of the middle age. Read More about A to Z (Objective Questions) 
  22. The Greek, scholars, after the Turkish conquest of the Constantinople (1453) took shelter in Italy .They had brought with them a vast treasure of Greek literature in man script.Read More about UGC NET 
  23. The study of this literature in Italy created a new kind of intellectual and aesthetic culture quest different from that of middle Ages. Thus the dawn of Renaissance came first to Italy and a little later to France to England; it came about in the beginning of 16th century. Read More about A to Z (Objective Questions) 
  24. In England, renaissance meant the end of medieval scholasticism .It signaled a revolt against spiritual authority and also intellectual authority .Read More about UGC NET It implied a greater perception of beauty and polish in Greek and hates scholar. It also meant the birth of a kind of imitative tendency implied in the term classicism, And then the renaissance, brought about a change from the theocratic to homocentric ‘Human life presidio and even body came to glorified. The other worldliness gave place to this worldliness. Read More about A to Z (Objective Questions) 
  25. The new spirit of the remission got diffused by the art of the printing England, developed trade and commerce with the distant country Extensive voyages and explorations were made .There was grousing interest in the affairs of the day-today life. Read More about A to Z (Objective Questions)
  26. Renaissance had a powerful impact on literature .Read More about UGC NET English poetry and drama reached its peak and the hands of Spenser and Shakespeare. Prose also developed with such writers as Erasmus Thomas More, Sir Philip Sidney and Francis, Bacon .Infect the Elizabethan age under the impact of the renaissance is the golden period of English literature.    
Great Works of The Period: John Lyly 1553-1606 ,Euphues Sir Philip Sidney 1554-1586  Arcadia, Sonnets Lord Bacon 1561-1626 Essays Scholarly divines King James version of the Bible (1611) Edmund Spenser 1552-1599  The Fserie Queene, Sonnets George Chapman 1559 (?)-1634 {Translation of the Iliad, plays Many courtly writers thongs and sonnets Christopher Marlowe 1564-1593 Edward Second, Tamburlaine William Shakespeare 1564-1616 Thirty-five plays, sonnets Ben Jonson 1573-1637 The Alchemist, many court masques. The reigns of Elizabeth and James the First, commonly termed the Elizabethan Age. 
Ref: 1. History of English Literature- Albert     
2. The Concise Cambridge History of English Literature


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