A Set of 26 Objective Questions & Answers
1. Match
the following:
I. Absurd Person
Singular (1973)
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a. gender and
II. Serious Money
b. a bleak future of
III. Far Away
c. the downfall of playwright Oscar Wilde Read More about A to Z (Objective Questions)
IV. The Judas Kiss
d. farcical dramas
about middle-class anxieties
(I) (II) (III) (IV)
(A) (d) (b) (c) (a)
(B) (d) (a) (b) (c)
(C) (b) (c) (d) (a)
(D) (c) (a) (b) (d)
2 . Which of these authors is not a writer of
African American slave narratives?
(A) Solomon Northrop
(B) Frederick Douglass
(C) Phillis Wheatley
(D) Sojourner Truth Read More about A to Z (Objective Questions)
3 . “For nature then
courser pleasures of my boyish days,
their glad animal movements all gone by
me was all in all”.
these lines from “Tintern Abbey Revisited”, Wordsworth is talking about:
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NET The second stage in his relationship
with Nature.
(B) The first stage in his relationship
with Nature.
(C) Both the first and second stages in his relationship with Nature.
(D) The third stage in his relationship
with Nature.
4. What is true for the dramatists John Osborne, Arnold Wesker,
Shelagh Delaney, and John Arden?
protested injustice in the lives of the poor people
portraying the mediocrity
portraying the drabness
focused their attention on the working classes
(I) Only A and B is True
(II) Only A and C is True
(III) Only C and D is True Read More about A to Z (Objective Questions)
(IV) All the statements are True
5. Assertion (A)
: One
of Flaubert’s main motivations in writing the novel Madam Bovary was his
antipathy for the bourgeoisie.
Reason (R) : Flaubert
strongly believed that bourgeoisie are those who think, feel and act in terms
of utilitarianism and who reject the humanity and uniqueness of the individual
person. Read
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(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and(R) is the correct explanation of(A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but
(R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true.
6. “A Tun of Man in thy large Bulk is writ, But sure thou’rt
but a Kilderkin of wit”
the above lines what does Dryden mean by ‘Kilderkin’ ?
(A) A trivial instance
(B) A small barrel of wine Read More about A to Z (Objective Questions)
(C) kith and kin
(D) A small amount, as contrasted with ‘tun’
7. What is not properly matching about Samuel
He was outside the literary mainstream
He was the Irish-born novelist-dramatist
C. recipient in 1969 of the Nobel Prize in
Long a resident in Germany
8. Which of the following statements is not true of
Kazuo Ishiguro’s Remains of the Day? The novel
(A) Uses a butler as a pivotal character.
(B) Uses the classic English detective
story form.
(C) Refers to England in the
(D) Became a
very successful film.
9. Match the following modern poets along with their
characteristic features:
modern poets
Craig Raine
(a) witty insights
(II) Wendy Cope
covers love, war, and
the political violence
(III) James Fenton
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(c) Simple in its language and flow, its structure
and references complex
(IV) Seamus Heaney
(d) fresh viewpoint on variety of topics
(I) (II) (III) (IV)
(A) (b) (d) (c) (a)
(B) (d) (a) (b) (c)
(C) (b) (c) (d) (a)
(D) (c) (d) (b) (a)
10. “From a Second Space perspective city space becomes
more of a mental and ideational field, conceptualized in imagery, reflexive
thought and symbolic representation, a conceived space of the imagination or
what I will henceforth describe as the urban imagery.”(Edward Soja, Postmetropolis)
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Which of the following statements
cannot be applied to Soja’s proposition on the Second Space?
(A) Second Space perspective
tends to be more subjective.
(B) Second Space perspective is concerned
with symbolic representation of reality.
(C) Second Space perspective is concerned with the fundamentally
materialist approach.
(D) Second Space perspective
deals with ‘thoughts about space’.
11. About whom the following statement goes true:
“Although they wrote plays set in a working-class environment, they stand
apart from the angry young men. Particularly the former seems to offer
reasonable interpretations of his characters' behavior, only to withdraw the
interpretations or set them slightly askew in an effort to keep the audience
intent on every least hint in the action on stage.”
Harold Pinter Read More about A to Z (Objective Questions)
B. Brendan Behan
C. George Bernard Shaw
D. Sean O'Casey
(I) Only A and B is True
(II) Only A and C is True
(III) Only C and D is True
(IV) All the dramatists are True Read
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12. “Lightly, O lightly, we bear heralong,/She sways
like a flower in the wind
our song;/She skims like a bird on the foam ofa stream,/She floats like a laugh
from the lips
a dream.....”
These lines occur in the poem
(A) “Palanquin bearers”
(B) “The Illusion of Love”
(C) “Indian Love Song”
(D) “Cradle Song”
13. Which among the following novels of Anita Desai is a
children’s book?
(A) Fire and The Mountain
(B) Fasting, Feasting
(C) The Zig zag Way Read More about A to Z (Objective Questions)
(D) The Village by the Sea
14. Who among the following writers describes novels as
“not form which you see but emotion which you feel”?
(A) D.H. Lawrence
(B) Jean Rhys
(C) Virginia Woolf
(D) Joseph Conrad Read More about A to Z (Objective Questions)
15. In Paradise
Lost, Milton invokes his ‘Heav’nly Muse’, ‘Urania’ at the beginning of:
I. Book one
II. Book four
III. Book nine
IV. Book seven
The right combination according
to the code is
(A) I and II are correct.
(B) I, III and IV correct.
(C) II and III are correct.
(D) I and IV are correct. Read More about
A to Z (Objective Questions)
16. Which one of the following best describes the basic
principle of New Criticism?
(A) An emphasis on the
distinctive style and personality of the authors.
(B) Stressing the virtues of discipline,
order and the ethical mean.
(C) Locating the meaning of a literary
work in the internal relations of the language that constitute a text.
(D) Evaluating a literary text against a backdrop of historical events.
17. Who among the following figures give a preview of
Aschenbach’s fatal end in Death in Venice? Read
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I. The Graveyard Stranger
II. The Governess
III. The barber
IV. The Gondolier
The right combination according
to the code is:
(A) III and IV are correct.
(B) I and IV are correct. Read More about A to Z (Objective Questions)
(C) II and III are correct.
(D) I and III are correct.
(German novelist Thomas Mann’s Death in
Venice (1912) is one of the most famous novellas (short novels) in
20th-century literature. Mann tells the story of Gustav Aschenbach, an
acclaimed author in the final years of his career, who dies an untimely death
while alone on vacation in Venice, Italy. Upon arriving in Venice, Aschenbach
becomes enamored with a teenage Polish boy named Tadzio and begins to follow
Tadzio and his family every day. When an outbreak of plague begins to spread
through Venice, Aschenbach refuses to leave the city. Instead, he lingers
there, hoping to catch another glimpse of Tadzio. )
18. Jacques Lacan posits three ‘orders’ which structure
human existence. In the list that follows : Identify the one that is not
included by Lacan :
(A) Imaginary (B) Unconscious
(C) Real (D) Symbolic
19. Given below are two statements, one labelled as
Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Deconstructive reading
is apolitical.
Reason (R): Because it
focuses exclusively on language. It primarily holds that all texts or linguistic
structures contain within them a principle of destabilisation and hence it is difficult
to pin down meaning. Such a reading, therefore, is unable to assign historical agency. Read
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In this context above statements,
identify which one of the following incorrect?
(A) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(C) (A) is wrong but (R) is
(D) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.
The following dates from History of English literature have become famous for
different reasons. Identify the correctly matched group.
(I) 43
(a) The
Norman conquest of England took place.
(b) St.
Augustine came to England, and Christianity was introduced.
(c) The
Romans withdrew from England.
(d) The
Magna Charta was issued by King John
(V) 1215
(e) The
Roman General Claudius Conquered England.
(I) (II) (III) (IV) (V)
(A) (e) (d) (c) (a) (b)
(B) (d) (e) (b) (c) (a)
(C) (c) (d) (b) (e) (a)
(D) (e) (c) (d) (a)
(b) Read
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21. In the very opening scene of Volpone, the
protagonist says, “Open the shrine, that I may see my Saint,” By the word
‘Saint’, Volpone is referring to
(A) The Sun (B) Saint Arthur
(C) Gold
(D) Apollo
22. Which of the following Leader - Movement
correctly matched?
A. Martin Luther- Calvinism
B. John Calvin of Geneva- Humanism
Desiderius Erasmus-Humanism
D. William Grocyn - Calvinism
23. What characteristics of 17th century
metaphysical poetry sparked the enthusiasm of modernist poets and critics?
Code: Read More about A to Z (Objective Questions)
I. its intellectual complexity
II. Its uncompromising engagement
with politics
III. Its religious fervour
IV. Its union of thought and
The right combination according
to the code is
(A) I and III are correct.
(B) I and IV are correct.
(C) II and III are correct.
(D) I and II are correct.
24. One of the
English king issued ‘Book of sports’, authorizing and promoting Sunday sports
and rural festivals. It lit the flash point in the conflict over culture in
this period. Puritans denounced these sports as ‘pagan’ in origin and on the
casino of sin. Read
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Now on the given
1. His rule was an
intense fermentation in all spheres of life-religious, scientific, Political,
2. The king defined
himself God’s deputy and Absolute
3. All through his rule, He remained anti
Identify the king:
King James-I
B. King Charles-I
C. Queen Elizabeth I
D. King Henry VIII
25. Given
below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled
as Reason (R).
(A): The romantic tragedy is built on a plan different from that of
classical tragedy.
(R): The romantic tragedy is written not to a set pattern like classical
tragedy, but in whatever forms the writer finds best suited to his dramatic
purpose. Read
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In this context above statements,
identify which one of the following incorrect?
(A) (A) is correct but (R) is
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(C) (A) is wrong but (R) is
Both (A) and (R) are wrong.
26. Rearrange the
correct sequence.
I. Calvinism, a stricter form of Protestantism, soon
spread to England,
and Germany,
and Holland.
II. During the middle Ages the countries of Europe were
governess by the Roman Catholic Church. Read
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III. Reformation received support from the Humanists,
like Erasmus and the Oxford Humanist.
IV. English king
Henry VIII broke off from the Roman Catholic Church of England and reformation began in England.
V. Martin Luther, a German clergyman, raised the issue of
corruption in the Roman church.
1. History of English Literature-
2. The Concise Cambridge History of
English Literature
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