Give details of two contrasting creation of The Lamb and The Tyger by the God. Ans: - According to Blake both the lamb and the tiger are created by God. But they are two contrary aspects of human nature. The nimbler and gentle aspects of human nature are paralleled through the lamb where as the harsher and fiercer aspects are paralleled through the tiger. The calm, pleasant beauty of lamb is God’s love; the fierce passion of the tiger is God’s wrath. The lamb is innocence, the tiger experience. What are the symbolic stand for The Lamb and The Tyger? Ans:- With an unmatched skill Blake uses his subtle symbols in his poetry. Here in his poems The Lamb And The Tyger , the lamb represents the purity of the Divine Soul and the tiger represents the fierce of the soul. The tiger stands for the revolt and wrath. However, terrible a tiger may be it is the different manifestation of Christ. The lamb is innocence, love, meekness and beauty of wood. Mention two key...
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