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Showing posts from August, 2014

General Notes on Tragedy, Classical Tragedy and Romantic Tragedy

In the Greek language, the word ‘tragedy’ means ‘Goat Song’ and the word came to be used for plays because of the practice of awarding goats to winners in a dramatic contest. The plays were generally serous in tone. For the Greeks, tragedy simply meant “A play with a sorrow ending,” usually, at least one death, “The action and the thoughts are create seriously and with a respect for human personality.” The central character in tragedy, according to Aristotle is a person of admirable character and important position who is reined by single flaw of characters . Tragic flow or Hamartia, such as the ambition of Macbeth. The atmosphere of tragedy is sombre and serious. The tragedy arouses in us the emotion of pity and fear, but only to purge us of these and similar emotion and it has a spiritually gracing effect. And important feature of true tragedy in that we are left with a sense of greatness of man as well as of the suffering involved in human life. In English literature there ...

Critical Analysis of Amitav Ghosh's "The Shadow Lines", Story of an Indian family and an English family in the Transitional Days of 1960's

Simply, Amitav Ghosh's The Shadow Lines (1988), is about an Indian family and an    English   family in the transitional days of 1960's covering three  cities- Calcutta, London and Dhaka.  Ghosh primarily focuses are on the meaning of political freedom in the modern world and the force of nationalism. One might struck by the  complexity of themes, destiny of narrative texture, or use of language in The Shadow Lines . But critics observe that Ghosh puts the very concept of nationalism and nationality, as it were, under the microscope, and analyses the ideologies, exigencies and implications inherent in it.  In fact,  Ghosh even questions the idea of nationalism and national boundaries while at the same time granting its existence an its operation upon human minds.      The novel , according to the blurb, focuses on "nationalism, the Shadow Lines we draw between people and nations, which is both  absurd illusion and a so...

Interpretation from “Louise” by W. Somerset Maugham: References to Conversations that Takes Place Between the Narrator and Louise

“I could never understand why Louise bothered with me. She disliked me and I knew that behind my back she seldom lost the opportunity of saying a disagreeable thing about me.”-   “Louise”  by  W. Somerset Maugham Introduction: #  William Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) , a celebrated writer of his time, showcased his versatility as a novelist, playwright, and short-story writer. His 1936 short-story "Louise" revolves around a woman who manipulates others with her supposed "weak heart" to fulfill her desires. Titled with a woman's name and written in the first person by a male author, the story hints at a captivating female protagonist. With its gripping narrative, emotional depth, and pervasive irony, the story exposes the intricate dynamics of human relationships. Maugham's central message highlights the alarming capacity of some individuals to sacrifice the well-being of others, including their own family members, for personal gain.   Hidden Irony #  As...

How to the Reading of the History of English Literature?

"All of Stratford, in fact, suggests powdered history—add hot water and stir and you have a delicious, nourishing Shakespeare." Margaret Halsey  (1910 - 1997) U.S. writer. With Malice Toward Some The history of English literature is invested with great importance, indicating as it does a landmark or development and expansion in the study of English literature as a whole. Indeed, from the ancient tribal worlds of Anglo Saxon to the present century space-age English literature has found a vivid and panoramic reflection in the history of the ages. Even a closer observation of the wide range and astonishing variety of the history of the ages is a formidably stupendous task, not to speak of scrutiny and analysis.

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