In the Greek language, the word ‘tragedy’ means ‘Goat Song’
and the word came to be used for plays because of the practice of awarding
goats to winners in a dramatic contest. The plays were generally serous in
tone. For the Greeks, tragedy simply meant “A play with a sorrow ending,”
usually, at least one death, “The action and the thoughts are create seriously
and with a respect for human personality.”
The central character in tragedy, according to Aristotle is
a person of admirable character and important position who is reined by single
flaw of characters. Tragic flow or Hamartia, such as the ambition of Macbeth.
The atmosphere of tragedy is sombre and serious. The tragedy arouses in us the
emotion of pity and fear, but only to purge us of these and similar emotion and
it has a spiritually gracing effect. And important feature of true tragedy in that we are left
with a sense of greatness of man as well as of the suffering involved in human
In English literature there are comic interludes to heighten
the effect by contrast. The tragedy gives pleasure and that of a high order.
The spectacle of a noble character caught in the audience to a level for above
the petty interest and troubles of its own everyday life. It feels exalted and
ennobled rather than distressed.
Classical drama are either tragic or purely comic, but not a mixture of the two, and
there should be not sub-plot or episodes uncompensated with the main theme. In
other words, actions or events the play should be confined to ones species and
one single plot to ensure verisimilitude. The incidents must all be logically
connected. The Unity of place is a natural corollary of the Unity of time. If
the play must limit itself to event that covers only a few hours, it must be
confined to one place, the scene must be such as might be conceivable with the
short time allowed to the action of the plot.
The chorus is other note worthy element in the classical
Greek tragedy. It consisted of a group of actors; whose businesses off the
stage.It also made moral comments from time to time in the action
of the play to deepen the desired effect. It was sometimes an integral part of
the plot, sometimes the lonely related to it. In fact, the action in the play.
In English literature, a classical type of tragedy is to be found in Milton's Samson
The romantic tragedy is built on a plan different from that
of classical tragedy. It is not circumscribed by the there Unities. Its action
extends for years and the scene of action change from place to place as offer
as the plot required. The action of Julius Ceaser takes place in Roman Sardis
and then Philippi.
The romantic tragedy is debarred from mixing the tragic and
the comic and also from introduced a sub-plot. Marlowe's Dr. Faustus has a
no. of comic scenes. In the romantic tragedy scenes of violence, horror, murders
and battle may be represented on the stage. In King Lear the horrible scene
of the blinding of ‘Gloucester’
takes place on the stage.
The romantic tragedy does not employ the chorus. The purpose
of chorus is served through some minor characters, the soliloquies and
retrospective narration, put into the mouth of some major characters. Moreover,
the romantic tragedy is not completed to be did active.
In short, the romantic tragedy is written not to a set
pattern, but in what ever from the writer finds best suited to his dramatic purpose.
The name Shakespeare is inseparably associated with this type of tragedy,
though it had been popularized earlier in England by Marlowe.
Although Shakespeare broke away from the classical tradition
in several ways, the hero in his tragedy is a man of important station in life
and his tragedy accurst from some tragic flaw in his character.
Ardhendu De
Ardhendu De
Informative explanation.