"My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun; Coral is far more red than her lips' red." William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616) English poet and playwright. Sonnet 130 In the whole mysterious world of Shakespeare ’s sonnets, the most enigmatic personality to emerge is the Dark Lady raising ever-increasing curiosity among the readers of all times and climes. The few of the sonnets describe the devotion of a person, often identified as Shakespeare himself, to a young man whose beauty and virtue he praises and to a mysterious and faithless Dark Lady with whom the poet is infatuated. Many learned attempts to identify her with this or that feminine personality of the time have met with equally strong counter-claims making confusion worse confounded. In several sonnets the poet accuses his patron of deserting him for a rival poet or charges him with stealing the poet’s mistress, the Dark Lady . The ensuing triangular situation, resulting from the att...
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