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Showing posts from February, 2015

The Dark Lady— Mysterious World of Shakespeare’s Sonnets

"My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun; Coral is far more red than her lips' red." William Shakespeare  (1564 - 1616) English poet and playwright. Sonnet 130   In the whole mysterious world of Shakespeare ’s sonnets, the most enigmatic personality to emerge is the Dark Lady raising ever-increasing curiosity among the readers of all times and climes. The few of the sonnets describe the devotion of a person, often identified as Shakespeare himself, to a young man whose beauty and virtue he praises and to a mysterious and faithless Dark Lady with whom the poet is infatuated. Many learned attempts to identify her with this or that feminine personality of the time have met with equally strong counter-claims making confusion worse confounded.  In several sonnets the poet accuses his patron of deserting him for a rival poet or charges him with stealing the poet’s mistress, the Dark Lady . The ensuing triangular situation, resulting from the att...

Starting Point of Learning English as Second Language in the Classroom Situation

The early start English as Second Language prepares children for school both academically and socially in English atmosphere. It teaches children the alphabet so they will be ready to learn to read and write, and it teaches them fun of languages so they can learn the hidden joys in rhyming. The teachers at the primary stage while teaching English as Second Language read to children whose parents may not have the time or the ability to read to them. Children and teachers in the classroom often sing together, both to learn music and to encourage group participation by shy children. Children learn coordination through indoor and outdoor play. Read More TEFL In some areas of the teaching process, teachers work on English language skills with children whose p rimary language is not definably English, but the other languages. Of course, there is another saying that goes round together with this. The observation shows that the children can pick up the language more easily if they ...

Analysis of William Henry Davies 's Leisure : Fine Sympathy with Man and Nature

Leisure is a simple yet beautiful and thought provoking poem written by William Henry Davies. In this poem , the poet wonders whether it is worth leading a life which provides one with no time for leisure. It is humanity's inability to "feel" nature that most concerns the poet of Leisure . Our obsession with the material worth has made us insensible to the beauties of nature . The consumer culture has made it impossible for us to appreciate the simple beauties of the world around us and stolen our leisure. Thus, The appearance of William Henry Davies 's Leisure  is bombastic truisms, the inference must be that their sensibilities are not delicate enough to recognize the fresh, strong, healthy presentation of common things in a way that revivifies them, the generous aspiration, the fine sympathy with man and nature, the buoyant belief in immortality, which are no less characteristic of the author than his mistaken boldness in displaying the carnal side of existence...

T. S. Eliot's "The Hollow Men" : Cyclic Events in Human History both in Tautology and Monologue

"We are the hollow men We are the stuffed men Leaning together Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!" T. S. Eliot  (1888 - 1965) U.S.-born British poet and playwright. The Hollow Men In  The Hollow Men T. S. Eliot explores what appear to be cyclic events in human history both in tautology and monologue. The story of everyman parallels the modern men of sanctimonious selfish ends of materialism. We are empowered by a powerful magical incantation of spiritual bankruptcy. The importance of these cyclic events is that they represent the repeated clashes between the powers of good and evil that seems to be occurring on an escalating scale over time. Farther, The Hollow Men presents nihilism , designation applied to various radical philosophies, usually by their opponents, the implication being that adherents of these philosophies reject all positive values and believe in nothing. The best-known poetic nihilist was The Waste Land and The Hol...

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