The early start English as Second Language prepares children for school both academically and socially in English atmosphere. It teaches children the alphabet so they will be ready to learn to read and write, and it teaches them fun of languages so they can learn the hidden joys in rhyming. The teachers at the primary stage while teaching English as Second Language read to children whose parents may not have the time or the ability to read to them. Children and teachers in the classroom often sing together, both to learn music and to encourage group participation by shy children. Children learn coordination through indoor and outdoor play. Read More TEFL In some areas of the teaching process, teachers work on English language skills with children whose primary language is not definably English, but the other languages.
Of course, there is another saying that goes round together with this. The observation shows that the children can pick up the language more easily if they are introduced to them at an early age. But in this context, it should be kept in mind that the decision is conditionally true. A student can spontaneously learn a language when he gets the opportunity of learning, speaking and understanding the language in his own natural environment. Read More TEFL In our country, when there is no natural environment to learn English or any other language and where the learning of second language is confined to classroom, in that case, it is better to start learning English only after a student has developed a great deal of knowledge in his mother tongue. Otherwise he will not learn anything—neither the mother tongue nor the second language. This wastage had been prevalent in the sphere of education for a long time. This kind of national wastage is definite if the education of a certain section is valued by the controller of education instead of mass education. That is why it is justified to start English at the end of the primary stage and at the onset of higher stage that is from class VI.
With the increase of knowledge, it is necessary to take the help of indirect experience for acquisition of knowledge, and it is universally ‘accepted that written document is the only medium for this. Apart from this, it is considered as the first and foremost medium for expression and thought.
Now , how to start learning English as a second language in a classroom setting. Here's a step-by-step approach to get you started:
Introduction and Greetings:
Begin with basic greetings and introductions. Learn how to say "Hello," introduce yourself, and ask others for their names.
Alphabet and Pronunciation:
Familiarize yourself with the English alphabet and its sounds. Pay attention to pronunciation, as English sounds might be different from your native language.
Basic Vocabulary:
Start building your vocabulary with common words related to everyday life, such as colors, numbers, family members, and objects in the classroom.
Simple Sentences:
Learn to construct simple sentences using subject-verb-object structures. For example, "I like apples" or "She reads books."
Greetings and Polite Expressions:
Move on to more advanced greetings and polite expressions like "How are you?" and "Please" and "Thank you."
Present Tense Verbs:
Focus on the present tense of verbs. Learn about verb conjugation for different pronouns, such as "I eat," "You eat," "He/She/It eats," etc.
Grammar Basics:
Introduce yourself to basic grammar concepts like articles (a, an, the), plurals, and prepositions (in, on, under, etc.).
Daily Routine and Activities:
Describe your daily routine and learn vocabulary related to activities like waking up, eating, going to school, and hobbies.
Asking Questions:
Practice forming questions using question words (who, what, where, when, why, how). For instance, "What is your favorite color?" or "Where do you live?"
Listening and Speaking Exercises:
Engage in listening and speaking exercises to improve your understanding of spoken English and your ability to communicate.
Reading and Writing Practice:
Start reading simple texts, like short stories or dialogues, to improve your reading skills. Practice writing short paragraphs about yourself or various topics.
Expanding Vocabulary:
Continue learning new words related to various themes such as food, travel, emotions, and more.
Past and Future Tenses:
Move on to learning about the past and future tenses of verbs to express actions that happened before or will happen in the future.
Describing and Expressing:
Learn how to describe people, places, and things using adjectives. Also, explore expressing opinions, likes, and dislikes.
Conversational Skills:
Practice having simple conversations with classmates or teachers. This will help you become more comfortable with using English in real-life situations.
Interactive Activities:
Engage in group activities, role plays, and language games to make learning English enjoyable and interactive.
Cultural Awareness:
Gain insight into English-speaking cultures by learning about customs, traditions, and holidays.
Advanced Grammar and Vocabulary:
As you progress, delve deeper into more advanced grammar topics and expand your vocabulary to cover a wide range of subjects.
Listening to Native Speakers:
Listen to English songs, movies, podcasts, and videos to expose yourself to different accents and improve your listening skills.
Regular Practice:
Consistency is key. Set aside time every day to practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English.
It is to be remembered, learning a new language takes time and dedication. Be patient with yourself and celebrate your progress along the way. Practice of English as Second Language can be utilized in the following ways:
1. To develop the habit of applying personal and social behavior norms in students’ own life: here is few sample poems for awakening interest among the pupils. The following poems are suggested: Browning: How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix; Campbell: Lord Ullin's Daughter; Field: Little Boy Blue; Holmes: Grandmother's Story of Bunker Hill, Old Ironsides, The Height of the Ridiculous, and The Last Leaf; Hogg: A Boy's Song; Kingsley: Farewell; Longfellow: Excelsior, Paul Revere' s Ride, The Children, and The Village Blacksmith; Lowell: Aladdin, and The Singing Leaves; Tennyson: The Charge of the Light Brigade, and The May Queen; Whittier: The Angels of Buena Vista; Wordsworth: Lucy Gray, The Reverie of Poor Susan, and We Are Seven.
2. To get habituated with co-operative lifestyle for doing work for the upliftment of society one should take help of literary texts. Simply one should start reading text. In this regard the first story read to a class should be of such character that one reading by a sympathetic voice brings out its beauty or power. Read More TEFL All that should be attempted at first is to arouse a feeling for literature as harmony, a liking for its emotional stir, and a grasp of its unusual ways of saying things.
Cautions to be made on inopportune explanation or forced interpretation. Teachers should Read so that the listeners enjoy the sound of your voice; bring out the meaning of the poem; and be satisfied if the class wants more. It is true that only through the human voice can the spiritual truth of literature be communicated to others.
3. To develop the habit of maintaining balance in the emotional life and to acquire the capability of visualizing natural and social incident literary students will be given appropriate texts.
4. To develop the capability of expression both verbally and in writing in mother tongue and also comprehending words and writing of others: A poem is meant primarily to be read aloud. This is the only way in which the full beauty of the rhythm can impress pupils. Teachers should cultivate a sympathetic voice and an insight that will lead them to bring out what is in a poem. They should not rant; nor should they read in a sing-song manner. In talking about literature quote as illustration bits of poems and paragraphs. Give these simply to make the listeners enjoy them and want more. Always stop before the class is tired. If attention wanders, look to yourself; for there is something wrong either in your method of discussion or in your manner of reading. At the end of the chapter is given a list of simple poems suitable for awakening interest, but each teacher must really compile his own list, because the poems must suit the needs of the individual class and the likes of the individual teacher.
5. To develop the habit of leading a disciplined life individually and socially: Amusing exercises may be made by changing several of the rhymes in writing a poem on the blackboard. Pupils will have a good deal of fun in finding the proper words to rhyme.
6. To develop the capacity of solving problems by applying the acquired knowledge as well the power to develop mathematical thoughts and application with numbers and quantity students should take funny texts of literature fantasy stories especially science fictions.
7. To develop the capability of participating in simple process of productivity: Have pupils try to find the rhyme for the first, second, and last lines, and the rhyme for the third and fourth lines. Reading the poem both ways will help children to appreciate the beauty that associates itself with rhyme.
8. To develop the power of expressing various creativity Pupils should be given enough practice in acquiring a particular skill so that the repeated exercise of a learning bond may increase its strength; the lack of exercise will decrease it: A good game may be planned by cutting up a poem into its separate lines and pasting each on a slip of paper. Give to a pupil the lines that belong together in a stanza and let him fit them in place, as he thinks the poet wrote them.
9. Pupils should be given ample scope for application of the newly learnt skill which will lead them to perfection. Students should practice correct forms of the language: let the students expose to the national news channel both from of radio and television. Keeping this into mind, the principle of Transfer of Training has a definite place in teaching English in that the mother-tongue and English have may identical elements in them.
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