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Analysis of Anton Chekhov’s "A Marriage Proposal": Great Economic Security Takes Precedence over Romance and Love; What Keeps Together and Binding?— Defining the Institution of Marriage

"I must live a well regulated life.  I have a weak heart, continual pappitations, and I am very sensitive and always getting excited...But the worst of all is sleep! I hardly lie down and begin to doze before....I jump up like a madman, walk about a little, and lie down again.... And so it is all night long!"
-Ivan Vassilievich Lomov in Anton Chekhov’s A Marriage Proposal

  Anton Chekhov’s one act play A Marriage Proposal is not thoroughly anti romantic like that of G. B. Shaw’s Arms and the Man. In Shaw’s case it was practicality and good judgment preceding over romance and love, here in Chekhov’s A Marriage Proposal economic security takes precedence over romance and love. Even though Russia is the primary setting, it can be anywhere in the world, and the home can be the case of any household history. Read More Drama Ivan Vassilievich Lomov is no superhuman Bluntschli, and Natalia is no sweet sixteen of Riana. But they are representative of every man, every couple in the world of families.

A Marriage Proposal features a complex interaction among its characters, but Lomov, A ridiculous figure befitting farce, 35 years old, and a nervous hypochondriac, who is socially awkward and prone to anxiety attacks, is the main character. At the start of the drama, Lomov, Natalia, a twenty-five, well past the age of most brides at the time of the play's Russian setting and her father are living at distance of the same location. One objectionable and sustained complication of the issue is that Natalia is trapped because her father is ill, aging and cannot care for her. Read More World Literature One important aspect of A Marriage Proposal is how Lomov and Natalia mature from chapter to chapter. At the start of the drama, both are impulsive and determined to have their own way, even when having their own way hurts others. Finally a great compulsion keeps them together and binding—Marriage! Read More Drama

However, the theme marriage is not as romantic as some people believe. Here it is of two people who love each other by fighting. Lomov and Natalia act like a married couple before they become engaged. They are argumentative from the start. No doubt, the theme is that married people inevitably fight, even before they say I do. In the play, Lomov is seen attempting to work up his nerve to propose to Natalia, his neighbor's daughter. They are not well-acquainted, despite being neighbors. Read More Russian Literature

Apparently looking, On the other hand, Natalia, who lives down the same block from Lomov, is not as driven in her behavior as Lomov. After all, her father is not immediately dying. She just wants to make friends, and crawling through the attic to the abandoned house does seem like a fine adventure, but she is too trusting of grownups. Lomov’s attitude persuades Natalia to touch one of the magic   rings: marriage without which life is a burden!! Read More World Literature Lomov finally realizes that the marriage pools are like strange doors, and the worlds they lead to are like linked houses, a fairly profound insight. Read More Drama

One of the themes of A Marriage Proposal is the difference between practicality and myth of marriage. At first audience speaks only to Lomov and took no notice of Natalia (until the very end) because Lomov was the one she wanted to make use of, however, once she had realization, she took every notice of Lomov. We expect, in Chekov’s ideas, most married couples are like that. They are not interested in things or people unless they can use them; they are terribly practical. Read More Russian Literature

In general social institutions, Marriage is commonly defined as a partnership between two members of opposite sex known as husband and wife. However, scholars who study human culture and society disagree on whether marriage can be universally defined. The usual roles and responsibilities of the husband and wife include living together, having sexual relations only with one another, sharing economic resources, and being recognized as the parents of their children. Read More Drama

As is gradually revealed over the course of the play, Lomov is not particularly romantic, and his proposal has more to do with the economic advantages of combining their families' adjacent properties than with any particular degree of love of Natalia or desire to get married. His efforts to actually propose keep on getting derailed as he and Natalia get in various arguments, but with some help from her father, and despite a major panic attack, he does successfully succeed in proposing and the proposal is accepted. Read More World Literature Finally, he broaches his proposal of marriage; Lomov speaks at length of property, thus indicating that marriage is symbolic of economic considerations, reinforcing the theme of marriage as contract for economic security:” LOMOV I'll try to be brief. My dear Natalia Stepanovna, as you know, for many years...I inherited the estate, always have the greatest respect for your brother and ...father....and furthermore my meadows touch your birchwoods.”

With within these dramatic events, positive characteristics in Lomov and Natalia begin to show. For one thing, they have enough understanding of people’s characters to know that marriage is a worked, crafted and magical togetherness. Further, they are loyal to a friendly bond even in terms of economy. Lomov is quick to decide that he must follow Natalia to help her. Read More World Literature In this, he shows courage, because there is no telling what evil he might face when he touches a gold ring and marries. Later, Lomov shows imagination and intelligence when he understands how an individual needs a marriage to overcome certain obstacles in life….being married is far better than remain lonely in this world!! Read More Drama

In conclusion, Chekhov's A Marriage Proposal is a satirical critique of the social norms of his time. The play mocks the absurdity of the marriage market and the lack of agency given to women in the process. Chekhov exposes the flaws and superficiality of a society that values wealth and status over genuine human connection. He also farcically confronts the romantic marriageChekhov is equally placed, and hardly projects any striking point of view. However, Chekhov presents his characters as puppets. The characters are often irrational and prone to outbursts of emotion, highlighting the ridiculousness of the situation. Chekhov uses this to criticize the rigidity of social norms and the dangers of allowing emotions to cloud judgment. Chekhov's use of humor is a key element in his criticism. He uses irony, sarcasm, and exaggeration to draw attention to the absurdity of the situation. By using humor, Chekhov is able to critique society in a way that is both entertaining and thought-provoking, encouraging his audience to question their own beliefs and values. Read More Russian Literature

Key Discussions:

Anton Chekhov's "A Marriage Proposal" delves into the complexities of marriage:

Economic Security vs. Romance:

1. The play satirizes the prioritization of economic security over love.
2. The characters, Chubukov and Lomov, prioritize property ownership and economic stability over genuine feelings.

Marriage as a Binding Force:

1. The play humorously depicts how trivial matters can lead to disputes, yet the characters remain bound by societal expectations.
2. The proposal itself is more about merging estates than about affection. Read More Russian Literature

Defining Marriage:

1. Chekhov explores the paradoxes within marriage, revealing how financial considerations and societal norms shape its essence.
2. The play questions whether shared property or mutual affection is the true foundation of a successful marriage.

Through wit and irony, "A Marriage Proposal" compels us to reflect on the intricate dynamics of matrimony, showcasing how economic concerns often overshadow the romantic ideal.


A marriage proposal : a comedy in one act : Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive. (1942). Internet Archive.


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