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Showing posts from April, 2016

Ernest Hemingway’s “A Farewell to Arms”: Philosophical and Religious Views Seen through Symbolism and Naturalism

In  A Farewell to Arms , one of the themes of Frederic Henry's adventure as an ambulance driver during World War I is identity seen through a text of a judicious admixture of naturalism and symbolism. Hemingway has not only portrayed war, death, sex, love and religion, but has also intensified the effects of his writings through his use of symbols and ironies.   Carlos Baker has analyzed the central themes of A Farewell to Arms in terms of the Mountain and the plain. Mountains are of dryness and comfort, where as the plain represents rain and the fog. 

Creative Writing Lesson: How to Write an " Autobiography of River"? Model for Writing Class for EFL Students

       Writing a Topic Paragraph: I am river Ganga. People call me in different names at different places. You may laugh to hear that I am going to write my autobiography as I have painted an entire history of Aryan race. They have written their autobiographies then why do I not in my own vision?

Comparative End Reading of O’ Henry’s “The Cactus” and “The Princess and the Puma”

O. Henry's Narrative Craftsmanship and Symbolism in "The Cactus" and "The Princess and the Puma" Introduction O. Henry, the celebrated short story writer, employed his narratives not only as a means of artistic expression but also as vehicles for exploring unconventional possibilities. Despite his adept use of irony and plot twists, some of his stories might appear less appealing to modern readers. O. Henry's hallmark ironic twists were achieved through two main themes: narrative reversal and character transformation. Stories like "The Gift of the Magi," "The Furnished Room," and "The Ransom of Red Chief" employed straightforward yet impactful paradoxical coincidences to delve into artistic concepts and deliver ironic conclusions. Subversion of Genre Expectations In works such as "The Cactus" and "The Princess and the Puma," O. Henry appeared to play with and potentially subvert the fairytale genre. His s...

Merits and Demerits of Fielding as a Novelist— Salient Features of Fielding’s Art as a Novelist

It was Sir Walter Scott who called Fielding ‘the Father of the English novel’, and he certainly deserves the title. His characterization   Successful characterization is the very backbone of the art of a novelist, and in this respect Henry Fielding is second to none. Fielding’s skill in characterization has received eloquent praises from critics. The reality, the vividness, the vitality, and the variety of his characters have been linked with those of Shakespeare himself, Thus Raleigh admires his vivifying power which brings to life the various walking gentleman and stage-mutes, and further that, “In his two later novels Fielding completed that gallery of portraits which transcends for reality and variety the work of all former English narrations save, perhaps, Chaucer’s alone. Like Richardson, Fielding had a genius for sounding the emotions of the human heart, but his methods are different. Richardson ponders over human weakness with a wrinkled brow and with many sigh; Fielding...

Goldsmith and Sheridan: the Champions of Anti Sentimental Comedy- How do You Distinguish “The Rivals” and “She Stoops to Conquer” from a “Sentimental Comedy”?

T here had been a decay of the spirit of true comedy before Oliver Goldsmith and Richard Brinsley Sheridan of which the best exponent was Congreve in his masterpiece "The Way of the World". The Comedy of Manners, so popular in the Restoration period, was now rapidly degenerating. It became much too coarse, artificial and blatantly immoral.

Nature And Her Description That You Can Learn From Mathew Arnold’s Poetry : How far Removed from William Wordsworth?

T he nineteenth century poetry is rich in Nature and her description. As regards to the poetry of Arnold, who can think of Arnold’s poetry as a whole with the feeling that nature is always behind it as a living background. Whether it be the story of wind and rain shaking Tintagel, or the scent laden water meadows along the Thames, or the pine forests on the flanks of Etna, or an English Garden in June Oxus, its mists and fens and “the hushed Chorasmian waste”. Arnold has worshiped nature with the devotion of William Wordsworth . But he is not the High Priest of nature for he treats her as a refuge from the fever and fret and the weariness and waste of life. He also turns to nature to learn the moral lesson it teaches. He recommends the supreme lesson of peaceful toil, of incessant labour, of work as duty which nature teaches us. But he does not like friendship with nature. Man may learn from nature, love and admire and enjoy her, he must still remember that ‘Nature and Man can never ...

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