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Showing posts from August, 2016

Robert Lynd Captures a Beautiful Atmosphere in the Essay “Seaside”

"S easide"  is an essay by Robert Lynd (1879–1949), one of the well known Irish essayists of the twentieth century. He provides a befitting description of French Sea Coast along with it's setting- the Sea and the Travelers. In fact, this is the personal essay of the author who has been staying in a holyday resort nearby the French Sea Coast. The essay captures the beauty of the sea, the sand, and the sky.  Lynd's prose is rich in sensory details and he portrays the sea as a source of inspiration and wonder. The festivity and the mood of gala permeate and pervade the entire atmosphere for the sea side. Not only the beauty of the sea side is minutely expressed but also that visitor’s activities are minutely put into account. Account of the individuals both human and nature are presented here. But here and there a note of sadness is plotting in the atmosphere. It is seen fisher women working hard for their lively hood. There are another instance of the unhappy grey hair...

Critical Commentary on A. G. Gardiner’s “On Shaking Hands”

A. G. Gardiner’s amusing subject On Shaking Hands is a beautifully curved piece of essay carrying out a discussion to pros and cons of shaking hands. Gardiner is of the view that hands shake is the most innocent and amiable custom of greeting. Even it is criticized on medical grounds. Taking the concept Gardiner rather carries out a thorough discussion On Shaking Hands . Gardiner then mentions few of the examples of salutation worldwide. In India we pay ‘Namaskar’ while the Japanese ‘kowtow’. Such examples can easily be multiplied. Gardiner comparatively discusses hands shake along with the other mood of salutation kissing, practiced and excessively nourished in the 15 th and 16 th century during reign of Tudor kings. Gardiner thinks that along with the mood of kissing as a salutation there is a sense of sexual overtones.

The Character of Prospero in the Design of Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”

A lthough The Tempest has been assessed as the full expression of Shakespeare ’s mood in his final period and although the play has been praised for its observance of the classic unities, it requires no elaboration to establish that the play is lacking in essential dramatic elements. This is due to the preponderance of only one character, Prospero, besides whom other characters seem pale and even anemic. Indeed, Prospero occupies a more important place in The Tempest than does the Prince of Denmark in Hamlet. Prospero is Providence personified, the omnipotent and omniscient destiny itself, manipulating and wire-pulling everything human, non-human or super-human in the enchanted island. Nothing happens in the play without Prospero wishing it to happen. The consequence is that the plot lacks an inner law of growth and the dramatic presentation is somewhat bloodless. Prospero is a strong man, a sweet man, a gracious man given to forgiveness. He is also a garrulous old man, pedanti...

Isabella in William Shakespeare’s “Measure for Measure”: Paragon of Virtue or Despicable Pride?

At varying times Isabella in William Shakespeare’s "Measure for Measure" has been seen as a marvelous symbol of virginal purity, and an utterly distasteful and self-righteous prude. The problem is that while it is theologically correct for her to value her immortal soul more highly than her brother’s life, it is also distasteful, and an audience might prefer her to take a decision that was theologically and morally wrong, but more admirable in human terms, namely to sacrifice her body for her brother’s survival.  William Shakespeare Perhaps Shakespeare’s audience would have been more familiar than a modern audience with ‘the idea that no good can come out of evil, and Angelo confirms this when he says he will not release Claudia even if Isabella does submit to him, thus perhaps justifying Isabella’s early decision not to submit. A Jacobean audience would have had a more vivid concept of hellfire and damnation (which is what Isabella risks if she submits to Angelo), ...

Analysing Deep and Profound Philosophy in Robert Browning’s "Rabi Ben Ezra"

R obert Browning’s Rabi Ben Ezra is a poem for young and old alike. It gives inspiration and courage to youth, and consolation and peace to old men. It is indeed a priceless “jewel of Browning’s poetry”. Robert Browning ’s Rabi Ben Ezra is meant anew for those persons who consider that the aim of life is merely to live for the gratification of bodily needs. Browning gives a jolt to such thoroughgoing  worshipers  of the body, and awakens them from their mistaken conception of life. Those who read this poem attentively will realize the wisdom of living life as it reflects a philosophy of acceptance and gratitude for life's challenges and limitations. "Rabi Ben Ezra" by Robert Browning is a poem consisting of 155 lines, divided into nine stanzas of varying lengths. Written in blank verse, the poem is structured as a conversation between the narrator and Rabi Ben Ezra, a medieval Jewish scholar. The first stanza sets the scene and introduces the main theme of the poem...

Beauty of Capri as told in Maugham’s Short Story ‘The Lotus Eater’

Maugham’s short story ‘The Lotus Eater’ is set on the island of Capri. It is a place as the author has described is a modern lotusland for its scenic beauty and charm.  Situated at the entrance to the Bay of Naples in Italy, Capri Island is famous for beaches, and mild climate, the picturesque measures.   The protagonist of the short story Wilson, the lotus eater like the mythical mariners of Ulysses, settles down here to a life of utter indolence and ease bidding adieu to a life of toil and sweat as a Londoner. He looks in the sundry places of Capri forsaking the hardships of a Londoner.

Lists of Literary Clubs and Web links while Understanding English Literature

In the golden 50’s or 60’s there had been the glory of reading books and analysis in campus adda or Sahitya Sava . It is now renovated through Google Search with wide spectrum in literary clubs. But now a day, academically such a glorious part of discussions is restricted upon literary conferences and academic dissertation where a few of the research scholars and guest teaching remain present. There had been hardly any fresh air albeit the thesis submission and obtains the degree. However, it is not the whole situation. A few of the college and university regularly publish journals and paper for research scholars .And few of them has literary clubs too. They promote young talents towards the domain of creativity. Participants also receive awards and cash prizes. But the real aspect of adda or gossip in pure fun frolic with a lot of literary buzz is gradually letting down. This guide is designed for people who love to read, whether it for personal enjoyment or within a reading g...

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