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Showing posts from September, 2016

Interview Tips For School Service Commission English Teachers

 Hi Friends! Now get ready for the Interview--The last hurdle of your glory. You are the Constructor: 'Teaching refers to the actions of a real live instructor designed to impart learning to the student.' So friends, teachers are not machines but an articulation of human passions with the objective of imparting guidance to learning. So the job of teaching is different from other jobs in the sense that it is not a subject of calculating your money rather it provides perspective to the whole of education as well as life. The approach to teaching at school level is integrative rather than as additive which means values are integrated into the processes of life, living and enlightenment. A teacher should involve himself / herself into the over-all school climate and interactions and they are transformed in the tradition of constructor of social values. It is because the attitudes and values of a teacher are incorporated in the foundation of a student's character.     Oscill...

Compare and Contrast James How and Walter How in Galsworthy’s "Justice"

I n John Galsworthy’s Justice , James How and Walter How, the owners of a solicitors firm are father and son. Both are educated, polished and reasonable persons. But while the father is more conservative in his attitude to life, the son is rather liberal in his views on the problems of life. Both agree that forgery by Falder is a serious crime. But the son wishes to ignore it as the first crime by him and to give him a second chance. The father, on the other hand, thinks that allowing this crime to go unpunished will itself be a crime. James How is a grand Victorian. His prudery may sound false, but his concern for honesty and sanctity of institutions is very much genuine. He hates dishonesty and immorality. It is difficult for him to forgive Falder, for he has not only swindled his employer but has proved himself a hardened criminal by ensuring that everybody suspects Davis. He appears to be custodian of the edifice of law, and his devotion to and respect for it makes him very much c...

Character of Ruth Honeywill (John Galsworthy’s "Justice") : How is She Responsible for Falder’s Death?

Introduction:  John Galsworthy ’s " Justice " has a propaganda basis. While his  fiction is concerned principally with English upper middle-class life; his dramas frequently find their themes in this stratum of society, but also often deal, sympathetically, with the economically and socially oppressed and with questions of social justice.  His  " Justice "  also has two problems raised and racked in minute details – the rigorous system of legal justice prevailing in the society and the other is the contemporary prison system. To portray these social hindrances Galsworthy has to device a plot. And here is the story of a young man Falder who has been crunched under the wheel of fatal social systems. And the person behind the Falder’s tragic catastrophe is a love and sympathy personified Ruth Honeywill. Only woman character in Justice:  In " Justice ", Ruth is the only woman character. A married and having two children, she lives a miserable life und...

Character of the Ragged Man from Lady Gregory's "The Rising of the Moon"

The Ragged Man: Symbol of Struggle and Revolution Spirit  in Lady Gregory's "The Rising of the Moon" The Rising of the Moon by Lady Gregory is a play concerning Irish revolution and an effort to arouse Irish nationalism through an appreciation of Irish literature and speech. The ragged man is no other than distinguished patriot, at Irish rebel who has absconded from the prison. In a disguise of poor ballad singers he appears on a seaside. In a secret plan he is plotting to escape in a boat to a safety place. To hide his face he is wearing a wig and a hat. The parson is so clever that he succeeds his real nature to an experience intelligent police man without vast suspicion. The ragged man would have to wait at the sea-side until the fellow friends or reveals come on the harbor in aid of him. He dupes and misleads the sergeant by clever tricks even though he continues his physical gesture of talking singing and smoking. A fellow feeling or sympathy seized the atmosphere,...

Forum Scene in William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar (Act III, SCENE II. The Forum): Compare and Contrast Brutus' Speech and Antony’s Speech

" A man of great common sense and good taste,—meaning thereby a man without originality or moral courage." George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950) Irish playwright, 1901 Referring to Julius Caesar B oth Brutus and Antony are the great orators as we find them in William Shakespeare ’s Julius Caesar . Their respective speeches signify their character as well as patriotism- the two individual in different colours. At first Brutus delivers his speech and explained the reason of Caesar’s assassination. He says that Caesar being a friend of him makes him proud by his valiant deeds and heroism. But he is a dictator, autocrat and ambitious. For this reasons, in order to save the beloved mother-land Rome he is murdered by him. His death is an inevitable consequence of a tyrant ruler who is persuading the hostility and barbarism to cause the destruction of republic in his country. Brutus the stoic philosopher, have to bear a burden too heavy for him:

Lyrical Faculty in P. B. Shelley’s Poetry

I n none of P. B. Shelley’s greatest contemporaries was the lyrical faculty so paramount. Whether we consider his (i) minor songs (ii) his odes, or his more complicated (iii) choral dramas , we acknowledge that he vas the loftiest and the most spontaneous singer in our language’ says Symonds, comparing Shelley to the other romantic poets. The lyrics of Shelley cover a wide range and variety and can be classified under three different heads: (I) Personal Lyrics (ii) Lyrics of Nature (iii) Lyrics of Hope & Liberty

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