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Showing posts from October, 2016

John Galsworthy's Falder in "Justice": How does his Tragedy Prove Social Injustice?

 Introduction: John Galsworthy's  Falder in Justice is not a hero in the Aristotalian or Shakespearen sense. The dramatic action of Justice by Galsworthy revolves around Falder. He is in the middle of our attention of sympathy and pity. He is the tragic hero and the victims of social injustice which we all resent. He is the character of a man who is in the machinery of social injustice.

"The Rising of the Moon" by Lady Gregory as a Drama of Patriotism

"MAN [ going towards steps ]. Well, good-night, comrade, and thank you. You did me a good turn  to-night, and I'm obliged to you. Maybe I'll be able to do as much for you when the small rise up  and the big fall down . . . when we all change places at the rising [ waves his hand and  disappears ] of the Moon."- The Rising of the Moon   T he Rising of the Moon by Lady Gregory is a play concerning patriotism and struggle for freedom in the background of Ireland political history involving two characters- one the disguised ballad singer and the other the sergeant in search of a run away prisoner.  The Rising of the Moon carries a title well  chosen  from a popular ballad for the  Irish  Revolutionary who would  relay  round at the precise moment for same undertaking.  Fenian  poet John  Keegan   Casey  composed his well known ballad with the following lines: “Who would follow in their footsteps at the Rising ...

Biographical and Autobiographical Writing in English Text: Preview of It's Journey

B iographical and autobiographical prose is more or less true-to-life stories and often bears great literary merits. They pervade the world of history, philosophy, psychology, ideology, propaganda, untold mysteries, confessions, criticism, travelogues etc. These works are conventionally classified into factual writing and fictional writing, or simply, true and semi true. The present essay deals with biography and autobiography and its truthfulness and literary merits. As a descriptive term, biography and autobiography is completely meaningless, since all story is beyond eyewitnesses when it first appears. Further, if one takes it as applying to all modern perceptions, one soon discovers that they differ so much among themselves that any simple definition of the school will exclude a number of important lies. One perception will emphasize close reading, another symbol, another morality, another psychology, sociology, and till another mythical as of criticism. Now coming to the terminol...

A TO Z Literary Principles from History of English Literature: Note 103

A Set of 26 Objective Questions & Answers UGC NET ENGLISH / COMPETITIVE EXAM QUESTION BANK 1. An oxymoron is: (A) A figure of speech made up of two seemingly opposite words. (B) A type of metaphor. (C) A form of alliteration. (D) A type of simile. Answer: (A) 2. John Dryden's poem that celebrates Charles II’s return to the throne is: (A) Annus Mirabilis (B) Astraea Redux (C) Macflecknoe (D) The Hind and the Panther Answer: (B) 3. The author of "Absalom and Achitophel" is: (A) Samuel Johnson (B) John Milton (C) John Dryden (D) Alexander Pope Answer: (C) 4. An allusion is: (A) A direct quote from another work. (B) A passing reference to something outside of a literary work. (C) A figure of speech that exaggerates. (D) A type of satire. Answer: (B) 5. The term "Restoration" in English history refers to: (A) The end of the monarchy. (B) The restoration of monarchy under Charles II. (C) The establishment of the Commonwealth. (D) The rise of Puritanism. Answer: (B...

Significance of the Dumb Scene (Act III Sc. III) in John Galsworthy’s "Justice"

I n John Galsworthy’s play Justice the exercise of social injustice in the name of legal justice has been criticized. And in the dramatic action of the Dumb Scene (Act III Sc. III)   of his play, Galsworthy has portrayed the deep agency of a sensitive prisoner kept in a solitary confinement. With a cudgel in hand here Galsworthy is merciless in his criticism of prison administration that treats prisoners not as humans but as dumb inhabitants of dungeon. Here is the description of the small cell that brings out the indifference of the prison authority to the emotional needs of a prisoner. The scene shows Falder, the convict, hasten to catch a sound from the world outside. But nothing except the sound of a lid of tin falling from his hand or that of an occasional banging travelling from cell to cell is heard. He has no companion but his image reflected on the tin lid. The only activity in which he may engage himself is the stitching of a shirt in which he sometimes seen to fanc...

Roman Mob in William Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" is Itself a Character

Introduction:  In the group of Shakespearean    Roman plays ,  Julius Caesar  remains an epic making work and like  Coriolanus , their other theatrical play,  Julius Caesar  also has a strong opening scene of a crowd in commotion. In fact, the presence of Roman Crowd in their various characteristics can be felt throughout the play of  Julius Caesar.  However, it is in the opening scene and in the forum scene that they are actively instrumental in mounding the course of the play. Let us now have a close look of their characteristics under the following heads.

R. K. Narayan's "Emden" is the Reminiscence of Human Life in Old Age: Clocking Time

S ome of the important literary qualities of  R. K. Narayan 's  Emden  are the use of humanized time reference, character complexity and development, interwoven stories, a flashback technique to vividly portray past events, and a setting that demonstrates themes, personalities, and conflicts. Emden, the title character in R. K. Narayan 's Emden , is more than 100 years old and now he can’t even remember his age. Emden, the oldest man in Malgudi , who hated birthdays. He abominated birthdays because  according  to him it may reduce the days of  birthdays' count . He has nearly lost his hearing abilities and can’t retain names. According to Narayan “Even such a situation was acceptable, as it seemed to nature to keep the mind  uncluttered  in old age”.  Narayan in his portrayal of the oldest man gives a glimpse of his history through half remembered memories by the old man who loves his routinely two-hour walk. We also get...

Eliminate Your Fears and Doubts about Comprehension Skill of a Target Text

T he students will have to complete numerous comprehension exercises during their time in school, both in class and at end of each Key Stage examination. This is true from early secondary stage to the post graduate label. The tasks i.e. The Comprehension Skill of a Target Text which help the students with their writing, such as adjective use, creating atmosphere and so on, introduce the skills that the students will need to discuss in their analysis of texts. Learning of these skills and implementations of them are very crucial both for the students and the teachers. Here it is very essential to remind the students of these lessons and of how they create effects in their own writing. Some comprehension questions are 'what' questions i.e. WH questions on knowledge base, which ask the students to retrieve information. These will generally be lower-tariff questions and so remind the students not to spend too long on their answers. Higher-tariff questions will ask the students t...

George Herbert’s “The Pulley”: Establishing Our Relation to God

B efore we go into the Christian doctrine let’s focus on the title Pulley or the Gift of God by George Herbert first. Pulleys and hoists are mechanical devices aimed at assisting us with moving heavy loads through a system of ropes and wheels (pulleys) to gain advantage. We should not be surprised at the use of a pulley as a central conceit since the domain of physics and imagery from that discipline would have felt quite comfortable to most of the metaphysical poets. God is the most important character in “The Pulley”, and the only one whose name is given except the poet narrator. In the beginning of the poem, he is excited by the ringing of the truth while He and his creations, i. e. the human being are having a conversation while in imaginations through the poet’s conversation with the God. Herbert sees a perfect design of our psychology in Christian ideological terms explained through his God's eyes, but he longs to join the religious journey. God opened a glass of blessings ...

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