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Showing posts from June, 2017

A TO Z Literary Principles from History of English Literature: Note 105 (Miscellaneous)

A Set of Objective Questions & Answers UGC NET ENGLISH QUESTION BANK Here is some kind of random stuff for the test with the sole purpose of time management.  Match the List I with List II List I Dr. Johnson says The Mistakes of a Night Oscar Wilde Cavalier poets Carlyle’s Sartor Resartus The phrase ‘Sweetness and Light’ Lord Peter’s forcibly cutting of a lock of Miss Arabella Fermor’s hair "Father of English Poetry" Adonis Modern Fiction , Virginia Woolf List II A. “Life is not a series of gig lamps symmetrically arranged; life is a luminous halo, a semi-transparent envelope surrounding us from the beginning of consciousness to the end.” B. Fictional biography C. “There is no moral purpose in Shakespeare” D. First used by Swift in The Battle of the Books E. Geoffrey Chaucer F. Sub-title of She Stoops to Conquer G. Not a member of the ‘pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood’ H. An elegy written on the death of John Keats I. The Rape of the Lock J. Band of poets in 17th Century who...

Major Functions of Creative Commercial Writing

What is Creative commercial writing? I n the broad perspective of language and the functions, what it performs, creative commercial writing is the very superior market genius in it. Look at the Ads in the publishing media or even in the domain of paid review or writing, millions are involved- they run after the money not for the name or fame of the Poetic Muse. Writing and creative commercial writing, though closely related, are not exactly the same. Both are art involving using the thought process to produce eligible words or sentences. While every normal human being writes, not every normal human being makes creative commercial writing always. Anything that proceeds out of the eligible words could be regarded as writing. Creative commercial writing goes beyond this, as it involves conveying a particular message to a particular reader at a given time in such a way that the said reader gets the message clearly. This is difficult to determine, since we do not have access to one anothe...

A TO Z Literary Principles from History of English Literature: Note 104

A Set of 26 Objective Questions & Answers UGC NET ENGLISH QUESTION BANK   1.    Pamela by Richardson: Novel as a popular genre began with Richardson's Pamela in 1740. 2.  But the journey of Novel began in 14’Th and 15’Th centuries in the process of formation in the form of romantic tales based upon adventures and romantic episodes. Malory's- Morte D'Arthur ; Chaucer’s- The Canterbury Tales ; Thomas More's- Utopia; Sidney's – Arcadia ; Lodge's- Rosalynde; Greene's- Pandosto ; John Bunyan’s- The Pilgrim's Progress and   The Life and Death of Mr. Badman  (Other contributed: Lyly, More ,Bacon Delony, Dekker and Nashe) 3.   The Rockinghorse Winner  by D.H. Lawrence has documented the strange relationship between a spendthrift mother and her son, who only longs to make her happy 4.    The author of  Ars Poetica  is Horace. Horace - BC, Roman lyric poet and satirist, whose works are masterpieces of Latin literature of the ...

Actability of William Shakespeare’s “King Lear”: A Criticism on Charles Lamb's Observation, "The Lear of Shakespeare Cannot be Acted"

“ T o see Lear acted, to see an old man tottering about the stage with a walking stick, turned out of doors by his daughters in a rainy night, has nothing in it but what is painful and disgusting. We want to take him into shelter and relieve him. That is all the feeling which the acting of Lear ever produced in me. But the Lear of Shakespeare cannot be acted. ……………………Lear is essentially impossible to be represented on a stage.” - On the tragedies of Shakespeare by Charles Lamb  from The Reflector 1810-1811

What is the Meaning of Children's Literature? Why is it Important that Children should Read Literature in School?

  I t is a matter of variable answer to the question of if a child in your class be his own judge of what to read on not. Teachers and parents differ on the issue. Some say that a child need help, guidance, censorship in choosing books to read. Children must be instructed that few books they have to read and some are to get out of them. In many ways literature have a part to play in developing reading skills among the pupil? And for that there are many steps that you will undergo to stimulate readiness and willingness for every student in the class to read literature.

Approaches to Teaching Writing: Process Writing

P rocess writing, as the name suggests, focuses on the process of writing rather than on the final product. This involves teaching students about the stages involved in writing; i.e. the process. The aim is to help students see each stage as being important and to dedicate time to each of them. The teacher’s role is to guide students through the stages one uses when writing . The stages are: Brainstorming and noting down any ideas connected to the topic. Deciding from the brainstormed list which ideas are the most relevant to the topic, task or title. Deciding which order to put those ideas in. This can be done in the form of a plan or a mind map. Preparation of the first draft; the focus at this stage is organization of the piece of writing. This doesn’t mean that grammar and accuracy are not important; it just means that they are not the focus at this stage. Revision and editing of drafts, focusing initially on content, relevance and organization. Then moving onto correcting grammar...

English Fiction in the Seventeenth Century: Reflection on Daniel Defoe and Samuel Richardson

  I n the seventeenth century the English readers of fiction were chiefly supplied with material for reading by France where there had arisen a school of writers who told at great length the stories of several half-historical heroes. But a notable contribution to the development of the modern English novel was John Bunyan’s book, The Pilgrim’s Progress , in which a common type of story was adapted to the religious life Bunyan’s pilgrim wanders through the world like the knight-errant or the Spanish rogue, meeting adventures. Like the knight the pilgrim has a high purpose. Like the rogue he mingles with people of every kind and reflects in his journey the sights and interests of English country life. An equally important work was Bunyan’s autobiography Grace Abounding . One of the chief elements of the novel is the study of character, and in this work by Bunyan the novelist has often found his most genuine material in the literature of confessions. The real beginning of the English...

Key Elements to Consider in the Teaching of Writing

W riting is a productive skill and, as such, the way we treat it in class has some similarities with the teaching and learning of speaking. The focus of this post belongs to written assignments and creative writing; we will not cover written exercises that are designed to practice a language point. The key elements to consider in the teaching of writing are:

Other Fat Writing