A Set of Objective Questions & Answers UGC NET ENGLISH QUESTION BANK Here is some kind of random stuff for the test with the sole purpose of time management. Match the List I with List II List I Dr. Johnson says The Mistakes of a Night Oscar Wilde Cavalier poets Carlyle’s Sartor Resartus The phrase ‘Sweetness and Light’ Lord Peter’s forcibly cutting of a lock of Miss Arabella Fermor’s hair "Father of English Poetry" Adonis Modern Fiction , Virginia Woolf List II A. “Life is not a series of gig lamps symmetrically arranged; life is a luminous halo, a semi-transparent envelope surrounding us from the beginning of consciousness to the end.” B. Fictional biography C. “There is no moral purpose in Shakespeare” D. First used by Swift in The Battle of the Books E. Geoffrey Chaucer F. Sub-title of She Stoops to Conquer G. Not a member of the ‘pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood’ H. An elegy written on the death of John Keats I. The Rape of the Lock J. Band of poets in 17th Century who...
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