How to use YouTube as learning tools for English language students (L2)


Although second-language acquisition literally refers to learning a language after having acquired a first language, the term is frequently used to refer to the acquisition of a second language after a person has reached puberty. Whereas children experience little difficulty in acquiring more than one language, after puberty people generally must expend greater effort to learn a second language and they often achieve lower levels of competence in that language. People learn second languages more successfully when they become immersed in the cultures of the communities that speak those languages. People also learn second languages more successfully in cultures in which acquiring a second language is expected, as in most African countries, than they do in cultures in which second-language proficiency is considered unusual, as in most English-speaking countries.

Now with the advancement of digital media, we can get easy access to Youtube, Facebook or Quara contents. YouTube is a powerful tool for English language learners. It is a platform that provides a wide variety of videos on various subjects, including English language instruction. Here are some ways that English language students can use YouTube to improve their skills:

Watch videos with subtitles: Many English language videos on YouTube have subtitles in the same language. This can be helpful for students who are still developing their listening skills, as they can read along with the spoken words.

Watch videos with captions in English: Some YouTube videos have captions in English. This can be beneficial for students who are still developing their reading skills, as they can read along with the spoken words.

Watch videos with transcripts: Some YouTube videos have transcripts available. This can be beneficial for students who want to improve their reading and writing skills, as they can read along with the spoken words and make note of any new vocabulary or grammar structures.

Watch authentic English language content: Watching videos in English that are not specifically designed for language learners can expose students to the way English is spoken in real life, which can help them develop their comprehension skills.

Watch videos on specific English language topics: There are many videos on YouTube that cover specific English language topics, such as grammar, vocabulary, or pronunciation. These can be great resources for students who want to focus on specific areas of the language.

Watch videos with engaging and interesting content: To maintain interest and motivate students, try to find videos that match student's interest and hobbies.

Watch videos with native speakers: Watching videos with native speakers can help students get used to the rhythm and intonation of spoken English, which can help them improve their pronunciation.

Here are a few examples of ways that English language students can use YouTube to improve their skills:

An English language student who wants to improve their listening skills can watch TED Talks with subtitles in their native language. This will allow them to listen to native speakers and understand the content, while also getting the benefit of reading the subtitles.

An English language student who wants to improve their reading skills can watch news broadcasts with captions in English. This will allow them to read along with the spoken words and improve their reading comprehension.

An English language student who wants to improve their vocabulary can watch vocabulary-building videos such as "Words in the News" by BBC Learning English. These videos cover specific English vocabulary related to current events and are accompanied by transcripts, quizzes and other learning materials.

An English language student who wants to improve their speaking and pronunciation can watch videos of native speakers talking, such as "Slow English" videos by Rachel's English which focus on slow and clear pronunciation of words and phrases.

An English language student who wants to improve their grammar can watch grammar lessons and exercises by English teachers like "English Central" or "Grammarly"

By taking advantage of the wide variety of resources available on YouTube, English language students can improve their listening, reading, writing, speaking and other skills. Remember, always practice what you learn to retain it and make progress. By using these techniques, English language students can take advantage of the wealth of resources available on YouTube to improve their language skills. Remember to practice and make use of it regularly as consistent practice is key to improve skills.

1. P. Yadav, Rajan & Tiruwa, Anurag & Suri, “No Title,” J. Int. Educ. Bus., vol. 10, 2017, doi: 10.1108/JIEB-10-2016-0035. 
2. M. Lynch, “YOUTUBE A VALUABLE EDUCATIONAL TOOL, NOT JUST CAT VIDEOS,” Online, 2016. 3.  B. K. B. Fleck, L. M. Beckman, J. L. Sterns, and H. D. Hussey, “YouTube in the Classroom: Helpful Tips and Student Perceptions,” J. Eff. Teach., vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 21–37, 2014. 
4. E. Bravo, B. Amante, P. Simo, M. Enache, and V. Fernandez, “Video as a new teaching tool to increase student motivation,” 2011 IEEE Glob. Eng. Educ. Conf. EDUCON 2011, pp. 638–642, 2011, doi: 10.1109/EDUCON.2011.5773205.


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