Exploring Yasmine Gooneratne's "The Pleasures of Conquest": Unmasking the Colonial Narrative


Introduction: Unveiling the Literary Masterpiece

"The Pleasures of Conquest" by Yasmine Gooneratne is a remarkable literary work that transcends time and borders. Published in 1996, this novel has left an indelible mark on the literary world, offering a unique perspective on the complex interplay of culture, identity, and imperialism. In this article, we will dissect the key themes, characters, and narrative techniques that make Gooneratne's work an essential read for anyone interested in exploring the nuances of post-colonial literature.

The Author's Background

Before entering into the intricacies of "The Pleasures of Conquest," it's crucial to understand the author herself. Yasmine Gooneratne is a Sri Lankan-Australian writer and academic renowned for her contributions to post-colonial literature. With her rich cultural background and extensive literary expertise, Gooneratne brings a unique perspective to her writing, which is evident in "The Pleasures of Conquest."

Fictional Country of Amnesia

Yasmine Gooneratne's novel "The Pleasures of Conquest" is a postcolonial work. It is set in the fictional country of Amnesia, which is clearly based on Sri Lanka. The novel explores the legacy of colonialism and the ways in which it continues to shape the lives of people in Amnesia. It also examines the relationships between men and women, East and West, and tradition and modernity. Despite being set in Sri Lanka, a country that gained independence from colonial rule, the narrative explores the lingering effects of conquest and the challenges of forging a unique national identity amidst the remnants of the colonial past.

Through her novel, Gooneratne addresses issues such as cultural hybridity, the clash of traditional and modern values, and the struggle for self-determination. The characters in the story grapple with their sense of belonging, torn between the influences of their colonial history and their aspirations for an independent and progressive future. It highlights the ongoing process of decolonization and the complexities of nation-building in a world shaped by historical conquests and global power dynamics. 

The Four Stories

The novel is divided into four stories, each of which tells the story of a different character who is struggling to come to terms with the legacy of colonialism. The first story is about a young woman who is torn between her traditional Sri Lankan culture and the modern Western values that she has been exposed to. The second story is about a British businessman who is trying to make a fortune in Amnesia, but who is ultimately undone by his own greed. The third story is about a group of American tourists who come to Amnesia in search of adventure, but who end up being more interested in exploiting the country than in understanding it. The fourth story is about a young man who is trying to find his place in the world, but who is haunted by the memories of his father's involvement in the Sri Lankan civil war.

Through these stories, Gooneratne explores the complex and often contradictory ways in which colonialism has shaped the lives of people in Amnesia. She shows how colonialism has left a legacy of violence, exploitation, and inequality, but she also shows how it has created new opportunities and possibilities. The novel is a powerful and moving exploration of the postcolonial condition.

Unmasking the Colonial Narrative

Here are some of the specific ways in which "The Pleasures of Conquest" can be considered a postcolonial work:

  • It deals with the legacy of colonialism and its impact on the lives of people in the former colony.
  • It explores the relationships between East and West, and the ways in which these relationships have been shaped by colonialism.
  • It challenges the Eurocentric view of history and culture.
  • It gives voice to the experiences of marginalized groups, such as women and the working class.
  • It is critical of the ways in which colonialism has perpetuated violence, exploitation, and inequality.

A Critique of Imperialism

"The Pleasures of Conquest" challenges the conventional colonial narrative by offering a critical examination of imperialism's impact on Sri Lanka. Through vivid storytelling and well-crafted characters, Gooneratne unearths the hidden facets of colonialism, shedding light on the socio-cultural consequences it wrought upon the island nation.

Complex Characters and Their Struggles

One of the strengths of Gooneratne's novel lies in her portrayal of multi-dimensional characters. Readers are introduced to individuals grappling with their identities in a post-colonial world. This exploration of identity and cultural clash adds depth to the narrative, making it a compelling read.

Language as a Tool of Liberation

Language plays a pivotal role in "The Pleasures of Conquest." Gooneratne masterfully utilizes language to empower her characters and challenge the hegemony of the colonial language. This theme resonates with the broader discourse on linguistic imperialism, adding layers of complexity to the narrative.

The Relevance of Gooneratne's Work Today

A Timeless Exploration of Identity

Despite being published over two decades ago, "The Pleasures of Conquest" remains highly relevant in the contemporary literary landscape. Its examination of identity, cultural imperialism, and post-colonial struggles continues to resonate with readers worldwide.

A Source of Inspiration

Gooneratne's work serves as a source of inspiration for aspiring writers and scholars interested in post-colonial studies. Her ability to dissect complex themes with clarity and eloquence sets a standard for excellence in literature.


Yasmine Gooneratne's "The Pleasures of Conquest" is a literary masterpiece that continues to captivate readers with its thought-provoking themes and well-drawn characters. As we conclude our exploration of this novel, it's evident that its enduring relevance in the world of literature makes it a valuable addition to any reader's bookshelf. In a landscape where quality literature is cherished, Gooneratne's work stands as a beacon of excellence.


Gooneratne: The Pleasures of Conquest | The Modern Novel. (n.d.). Gooneratne: The Pleasures of Conquest | the Modern Novel. https://www.themodernnovel.org/asia/other-asia/sri-lanka/gooneratne/pleasures/#:~:text=Yasmine%20Gooneratne%3A%20The%20Pleasures%20of,cultural%20imperialist%20Americans)%20and%20men.

Yasmine Gooneratne - Wikipedia. (2017, November 2). Yasmine Gooneratne - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasmine_Gooneratne


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