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The Threads of Destiny: A Comparative Study of William Shakespeare and Thomas Hardy


Destiny, the inexorable force that shapes the lives of individuals and the outcomes of their actions, has been a perennial theme in literature. Two literary giants, William Shakespeare and Thomas Hardy, each explored the concept of destiny in their works, albeit in distinct ways. It is oftain said that charecters are the form of destiny in Shakespeare while destiny itself is a character in Hardy. In this essay, we embark on a comparative journey to dissect their unique perspectives on destiny, classifying into how far they deviate from Aristotle's views on tragedy. By examining the originality and divergence in their treatment of destiny, we aim to gain insights into the profound and complex nature of this timeless theme.

I. Shakespeare's Exploration of Destiny: The Power of the Stars

William Shakespeare, often hailed as the bard of Avon, had a profound fascination with the notion of destiny. In many of his plays, he imbued characters with a sense of predestination, often tied to celestial forces. Shakespeare's belief in the influence of the stars is prominently displayed in "Romeo and Juliet." The play opens with the chorus declaring the lovers as "star-crossed," signifying their ill-fated destiny.

Critical Comment: Shakespeare's conception of destiny in "Romeo and Juliet" aligns with Aristotle's idea of tragic inevitability. The lovers' tragic end is foreshadowed from the start, emphasizing the role of fate and external forces in shaping their lives. This adherence to Aristotle's views reflects the classical understanding of tragedy as a result of preordained destiny. 

II. Shakespeare's Ambiguity: The Human Element in Destiny

While Shakespeare embraces the idea of destiny in his works, he also infuses them with a sense of ambiguity. This is evident in "Macbeth," where the prophecies of the witches set in motion a chain of events leading to Macbeth's downfall. However, Shakespeare leaves room for interpretation regarding whether these prophecies were mere predictions or self-fulfilling prophecies driven by Macbeth's ambition.

Critical Comment: Shakespeare's ambiguity in "Macbeth" challenges the deterministic view of destiny. It raises the question of whether destiny is shaped solely by external forces or if human agency plays a role in its fulfillment. This ambiguity deviates from Aristotle's more deterministic perspective and introduces complexity into the concept of destiny.

III. Hardy's Perspective: The Unforgiving Hand of Fate

Thomas Hardy, in his novels such as "Tess of the d'Urbervilles" and "The Mayor of Casterbridge," paints a bleaker picture of destiny. His characters are often trapped in a relentless cycle of suffering, seemingly powerless in the face of an unforgiving fate. In "Tess," for instance, Tess's tragic life is marked by a series of misfortunes that culminate in her downfall.

Critical Comment: Hardy's portrayal of destiny aligns with Aristotle's concept of tragedy, where the protagonist is subject to an inescapable fate. Hardy's characters are bound by circumstances beyond their control, mirroring the classical view of destiny as a force that determines their tragic outcomes. It is his "Immanent Will".

IV. Hardy's Revisionism: Human Agency and the Role of Society

While Hardy adheres to the tragic view of destiny, he also introduces elements of revisionism. In "The Mayor of Casterbridge," the protagonist, Michael Henchard, is a tragic figure whose actions contribute to his downfall. His character embodies the complexities of human agency in the face of destiny.

Critical Comment: Hardy's exploration of human agency in "The Mayor of Casterbridge" challenges the strict deterministic view of tragedy. It raises questions about the extent to which individuals can influence their destinies through their choices and actions. This departure from classical determinism aligns with evolving views on destiny.

V. Aristotle's Influence: A Comparative Lens

Aristotle's view of tragedy, as articulated in his "Poetics," emphasizes the idea of a tragic hero's downfall as a result of a predetermined destiny. Both Shakespeare and Hardy draw on this classical framework, albeit with variations. Shakespeare's ambiguity in "Macbeth" and Hardy's exploration of human agency in "The Mayor of Casterbridge" demonstrate their departures from strict adherence to Aristotle's deterministic view.

Critical Comment: While Shakespeare and Hardy share some common ground with Aristotle in their exploration of destiny, their deviations reflect the evolving perspectives on the role of human agency in shaping one's fate. This evolution mirrors changing societal and philosophical views on determinism and free will.

VI. Conclusion: The Complex Tapestry of Destiny

Harold Bloom, in his book Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human, writes of the similarities between Shakespeare and Hardy. He says that Shakespeare and Hardy are two of the most profound explorers of the human condition in all of literature. Their work is characterized by its realism, its psychological depth, and its insights into the human heart. Shakespeare and Hardy were also masters of language, and they created some of the most memorable characters in English literature. John Bayley writes in his book Shakespeare and Tragedy that Shakespeare's work is characterized by its "profound realism" and its "universality." He argues that Shakespeare's characters are "not just individuals, but representatives of humanity." Alistair Hardy writes in his book Thomas Hardy's Later Years that Hardy's fatalism is "not a depressing or nihilistic view of life." He argues that Hardy's work "offers us a way of understanding the world and our place in it."

Shakespeare's works, marked by ambiguity and a nuanced exploration of human agency, depart from strict determinism. Hardy, on the other hand, adheres more closely to Aristotle's view of tragic inevitability while introducing elements of revisionism. Through their unique perspectives on destiny, these literary giants offer profound insights into the human condition. They invite readers to grapple with the complexities of fate, free will, and the enduring question of whether we are masters of our destinies or mere players on the stage of life. In this comparative exploration, we find that the concept of destiny, as portrayed by Shakespeare and Hardy, continues to captivate and challenge our understanding of the forces that shape our lives.

Summary Note:

Temporal Tapestry: Delving into the temporal dimensions of both Shakespeare and Hardy's works, the study examines how the concept of destiny is interwoven throughout various eras. From Shakespeare's Elizabethan England to Hardy's Victorian landscape, the authors' treatment of fate reflects the societal beliefs and challenges of their times.

Character Warp: Analyzing the characters in the plays and novels of both writers, the study explores how destiny shapes and reshapes the lives of protagonists. Whether it's the tragic heroes of Shakespearean tragedies or the rural figures in Hardy's naturalistic novels, the characters become puppets or rebels in the hands of fate.

Fate vs. Free Will: One of the central debates in both literary canons is the conflict between fate and free will. Shakespeare's intricate plots often depict characters attempting to thwart or fulfill their destinies, while Hardy's works grapple with the deterministic forces that seem to control human lives. The study dissects the nuanced approaches each author takes in navigating this eternal struggle.

Genre Threads: Comparing the genres of drama and novel, the study explores how the chosen medium influences the portrayal of destiny. Shakespeare's plays, with their dynamic performances, utilize dialogue and dramatic irony to convey fate. On the other hand, Hardy's novels, with their detailed narratives, provide a canvas for exploring the subtleties of destiny in a more extended format.

Symbolic Threads: Unraveling the symbolic motifs and imagery employed by both authors, the study unveils the hidden meanings woven into the fabric of destiny. Whether it's the stars in Shakespeare's cosmic dramas or the natural landscapes in Hardy's rural settings, symbols become the threads through which destiny is subtly communicated.

Narrative Techniques: Comparing the narrative techniques, the study investigates how Shakespeare's use of soliloquies, sonnets, and poetic language contrasts with Hardy's realism and regional dialects. These techniques not only shape the literary styles of the authors but also influence the portrayal of destiny in their respective works.


Bloom, H. (1998, January 1). Shakespeare: Invention of the Human. Riverhead Books.

Bayley, J. (1981, January 1). Shakespeare and Tragedy. Routledge.

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