Knowledge of Second Language: Advantage of Bilingual Uses :Different Techniques of Communicative Range

Time was when there was a fairly widespread belief that bilingualism was some kind of an aberration rather than a normal human condition. It was also believed that bilingualism was hindrance to learning development that bilingualism is not an obstacle or a burden; it is ‘rather, an enabling and enriching phenomenon. Knowing two or more languages rather than only one, not also makes the bilingual person more versatile in communicative and international terms, more open minded, more receptive to varied cultural conventions and customs and usages. Bilingualism also increases a person’s reach in terms of intimation and knowledge. All these have a far more important consequence, in that, by increasing a person’s receptivity, access and awareness, bilingualism also tends to make him / her more tolerant and open minded . As far as the question of bilingualism being a burden is concerned, studies have shown that bilingualism actually facilitates rather than hinders learning processes.

In cases when entire groups or communities are characterized by wide- spread bilingualism, i.e., the presence and use of two languages, there is a general tendency to allocate, different functional roles to the two languages. Thus the group may, by tacit consent, use one language for a set of function and the other language for a different set to be in some kind of a hierarchical order, one language may come to be regarded as ‘high’ and the other languages (used for day to day, ordinary activity) many come to be regarded as ‘low’. When such a situation obtains, the two languages are said to be in a ‘diagnostic’ relationship. In several cases, how ever, I and L2 operate in complementary roles and are (as in the case of Hindi and English) given equal value and respect. In cases of societal bilingualism, institutional support is given to the two languages and things are so structured and arranged as to provide equal opportunities for growth, spread and development of be in stable societal bilingualism.

Bilingualism simply is mastery of two languages. A person is bilingual if he or she knows two languages; a document or message is bilingual if it is presented in two languages. Bilingual education is teaching students in both their native language and the primary language of the culture. When two languages are learnt, spoken and used by individuals and whole groups of communities, they come to from a find of co-existent, system in the linguistic repertoire of bilinguals. The coexist and habitual use of the two languages may have the following consequences- 

Firstly, L1 and L2, due to mutual influence, may undergo structural change at the level of sound, syntax, vocabulary and Semitics.

Secondly, the two engages May, in due course of time and due to various sociohistorical  reasons, came to be viewed and evaluated differentially. One language may language of education, opportunity, prestige or status while the other may not be perceived to have these attributes.

Thirdly , due to herbicidal  use of L1 and L2 in different domains and situations, the bilingual uses of the two language  may begin it smith from L1 and L2 and vice verse or even to mix the two languages such switching and mixing may come of respectability and social acceptability and may, in fact, become a kind of new code/ language.

Fourthly, where institutional and educational support is given to L1 and L2 in a large measure, it may come to be viewed as an imposition an unwanted burden. It may also happen that the L2 is viewed as language of power, prestige and opportunity, leading to negative altitudes towards L1. In extreme case such a situation may lead to partial politics. The fact is L1 is epicenter Indian languages learning. However,   urban  L1 speakers of major Indian languages are also learning English( L2) as sociological perspectives demand. The increasing numbers of English Medium schools is the glaring example of it.

However, there are many advantages to being bilingual. Some of the most common advantages include:

Improved cognitive skills: Bilingualism has been shown to improve cognitive skills such as attention, memory, and problem-solving.
Increased brain plasticity: Bilingualism can help to increase brain plasticity, which is the brain's ability to change and adapt. This can be beneficial for learning new things and for preventing cognitive decline.
Enhanced creativity: Bilinguals may be more creative than monolinguals, as they are able to think about problems from different perspectives.
Improved job prospects: Bilingualism can be a valuable asset in the workplace, and it can open up job opportunities in international business, tourism, and education.
Greater cultural understanding: Bilinguals have a better understanding of different cultures, as they are exposed to different ways of thinking and communicating.
Enhanced social skills: Bilinguals may be better at communicating with people from different cultures, as they are more aware of the different ways that people communicate.

There are many different techniques that can be used to improve communicative range in a second language. Some of the most common techniques include:

Immersion: Immersion is the most effective way to improve communicative range. This can be done by living in a country where the second language is spoken, or by taking immersion classes.
Practice: The more you practice speaking and listening to the second language, the better you will become at it. Try to find opportunities to practice speaking with native speakers, or join a language learning group.
Repetition: Repetition is important for learning new vocabulary and grammar. Try to repeat new words and phrases aloud as often as possible.
Reading and writing: Reading and writing in the second language can help you to improve your understanding of the language and your ability to express yourself.
Listening to music and watching movies: Listening to music and watching movies in the second language can help you to improve your listening comprehension.
Using technology: There are many language learning apps and websites that can help you to improve your communicative range.

The best technique for improving communicative range will vary depending on the individual. However, all of the techniques listed above can be effective if used consistently.

It is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to improve communicative range will vary depending on the individual and their learning style. However, some general tips that may be helpful include:

Set realistic goals: Don't try to learn too much too quickly. Start with small, achievable goals and gradually increase your level of difficulty as you progress.
Be patient: Learning a new language takes time and effort. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results immediately.
Find a learning method that works for you: There are many different ways to learn a language. Experiment with different methods until you find one that you enjoy and that fits your learning style.
Don't be afraid to make mistakes: Everyone makes mistakes when they are learning a new language. Don't let this discourage you. The important thing is to keep practicing and learning from your mistakes.
Find opportunities to practice: The more you practice speaking and listening to the second language, the better you will become at it. Try to find opportunities to practice speaking with native speakers, or join a language learning group.
Be positive and motivated: Learning a new language can be challenging, but it is also a rewarding experience. Stay positive and motivated, and you will eventually reach your goals.

Let's Learn: 

1.What is lingua franca?
2.When does a pidgin language born?
3.How does a creole language step out? Give example.


Second language learning theories : Mitchell, Rosamond, author : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive. (n.d.). Internet Archive.


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