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Timeline of English Literature - The Age of John Dryden (1660-1700)

The Age of Dryden (1660-1700)

John Dryden
The Age of John Dryden, also known as the Restoration Period (1660-1700), marks a significant era in English literary history. The Age of John Dryden roughly spans the period from the Restoration of Charles II in 1660 to the year 1700. It begins with the restoration of King Charles II to the throne in 1660, ending the Puritan Commonwealth. This era is characterized by a revival of drama, an emphasis on satire, and the development of literary forms such as heroic couplets and formal verse. John Dryden, the dominant literary figure of the time, contributed to all these forms and shaped the period's intellectual and artistic landscape. Truly speaking he best represents the English mindset of his time. He publishes an astonishing variety of work, including poetry, prose, drama, criticism, translation, and satire. He becomes the leading literary figure of Restoration England.Such an influential English poet, literary critic, translator, and playwright mounds the glory of English Literature

Historical Context (1660-1700)

  • 1660: The monarchy is restored with Charles II becoming king, ending the Puritan Interregnum. This ushers in a new era of cultural and artistic flourishing, with renewed interest in literature, theater, and science.
  • 1665: The Great Plague devastates London.
  • 1666: The Great Fire of London occurs, destroying much of the city.
  • 1685: James II ascends to the throne after Charles II’s death. His reign is short-lived, as it ends with the Glorious Revolution in 1688.
  • 1688: The Glorious Revolution leads to the overthrow of James II and the crowning of William III and Mary II, solidifying the constitutional monarchy.

Major Features of the Age of John Dryden

  1. Restoration Comedy: The theaters, which had been closed during the Puritan era, were reopened, and there was a revival of English drama. Restoration comedy is known for its wit, sexual explicitness, and focus on the manners and morals of high society. Key dramatists include:

    • William Wycherley (The Country Wife, 1675)
    • Sir George Etherege (The Man of Mode, 1676)
    • Aphra Behn (The Rover, 1677) — the first professional female playwright.
  2. Heroic Drama: Heroic plays, which often focused on grandiose themes of honor, love, and political power, were a prominent form of drama. John Dryden’s "All for Love" (1677) and "The Conquest of Granada" (1670-1671) are key examples.

  3. Satire: Satire flourished during this period, as writers used wit and irony to critique social norms and political corruption. John Dryden’s "Absalom and Achitophel" (1681) is a significant political satire in heroic couplets, and "Mac Flecknoe" (1682) is a mock-heroic satire that ridicules Thomas Shadwell, a rival poet.

  4. The Rise of Neoclassicism: The Restoration period saw the rise of neoclassicism, which emphasized order, decorum, and restraint in literature. Writers looked to classical antiquity, particularly the works of Homer, Virgil, and Horace, as models. This influence is evident in Dryden’s translations of Virgil’s Aeneid (1697) and his critical essays advocating for classical principles in drama and poetry.

  5. Prose and Scientific Inquiry: This period also saw the rise of prose writing, with a focus on clarity and precision, as well as the establishment of the Royal Society (1660), which encouraged scientific inquiry and empirical observation. Writers like John Locke made significant contributions to philosophy with works such as "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding" (1690).

  6. Poetry and Heroic Couplet: John Dryden is often credited with perfecting the use of the heroic couplet—rhymed pairs of iambic pentameter lines—in English poetry. His works, such as "Annus Mirabilis" (1667), demonstrate this form, which became a dominant mode of poetic expression in the period.

Key Literary Figures

  1. John Dryden (1631-1700): The preeminent poet, playwright, and critic of the Restoration era, Dryden was made Poet Laureate in 1668. His notable works include:

    • "Absalom and Achitophel" (1681) — a political allegory written in heroic couplets.
    • "Mac Flecknoe" (1682) — a satirical poem mocking Thomas Shadwell.
    • "The Conquest of Granada" (1670) — a heroic drama.
    • "All for Love" (1677) — a tragic drama based on Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra.
  2. Aphra Behn (1640-1689): One of the first English female writers to earn a living by her pen, Behn was a prolific playwright, poet, and novelist. Her plays like "The Rover" and novel "Oroonoko" (1688), which deals with issues of slavery and colonialism, were groundbreaking for their time.

  3. William Congreve (1670-1729): Though his career blossomed toward the end of the period, Congreve’s works, especially "The Way of the World" (1700), exemplify Restoration comedy’s wit and sophistication.

  4. John Bunyan (1628-1688): A Puritan writer whose "The Pilgrim’s Progress" (1678) stands apart from the decadence of Restoration literature, Bunyan’s allegorical prose work explores Christian themes of salvation and faith.

  5. Samuel Pepys (1633-1703): Pepys’ "Diary", kept from 1660 to 1669, offers an invaluable first-hand account of life in Restoration England, including events like the Great Fire of London and the plague.

  6. John Locke (1632-1704): A philosopher whose works, such as "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding" (1690), laid the groundwork for modern theories of empiricism and political philosophy. Locke's ideas on the nature of human knowledge and government were highly influential during and beyond this period.  John Locke argues that the only way to apprehend reality is through the experience of the senses. In his major work entitled An Essay Concerning Human Understanding published in 1690, Locke states that the mind of an individual is a tabula rasa, or blank slate, upon which experience imprints knowledge. This theory forms the basis of empiricism. Locke’s political theories, which place sovereignty in the hands of the people, underpin a good portion of the U.S. Constitution.Read More History of English Literature (Short questions)

Major Historical and Literary Events
  • 1668. Dryden Made poet Laureate
  • 1668. Dryden's "Essay of Dramatic Poesy."
  •  1671 Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes by Milton.
  •  1670. Dryden's"Conquest ofGranada."
  • 1671. The " Rehearsal."
  • 1672. Wycherley's" Love in aWood."
  • 1675. Wycherley's"Country Wife."
  • 1677. Dryden's "All for Love."
  • 1677. Wycherley's "Plain Dealer."
  • 1678. The Pilgrim’s Progress by Bunyan.
  • 1678. All for Love by Dryden.
  • 1678. Third part of " Hudibras."
  • 1680. Gilbert Burnet's " Account ofthe Life and Death of the Earl of Rochester."
  • 1681. Dryden's "Absalom and Achitophel."
  • 1682. Dryden's "The Medal,""Mac Flecknoe," and" Religio Laici."
  • 1686. Dryden joined the Church of Rome.
  • 1686. Dryden's poem "To the Memory of Miss Anne Killegrew."
  • 1687. Dryden's" Hind and Panther."
  • 1687. Sir Isaac Newton's " Principia."
  • 1688. James II flees
  • 1688. Glorious Revolution
  • 1689. Thomas Shadwell, made poet Laureate.
  • 1689. Dryden's" Don Sebastian."
  • 1689. Burnet appointed Bishop of  Salisbury.
  • 1690. Locke's "Essay on the Human Understanding." 
  • 1691. Tillotson appointed Archbishopof Canterbury.
  • 1692. Locke made Secretary ofProsecutions.
  • 1693. Congreve's" Old Bachelor."
  • 1694. Dryden's" Love Triumphant."
  • 1694. Congreve's" Double Dealer."
  • 1695. Congreve's" Love for Love."
  • 1697. Dryden's translation of " Virgil-"
  • 1697. Congreve's "Mourning Bride."
  • 1698. Jeremy Collier's " Short View."
  • 1699. Dryden's" Fables."
  • 1700. Congreve's "Way of the World."
  • 1706. Farquhar's"Recruiting Officer."
  • 1707. Farquhar's "Beaux Stratagem."
  • 1759. Butler's " Genuine Prose Remains" published.
  • 1775. Sheridan's " The Rivals," " St. Patrick's Day,: and" The Duenna."
  • 1777. Sheridan's " School for Scandal."
  • 1779. Sheridan's "The Critic."
  • 1780. Sheridan became a Member of Parliament.
English Rulers
  • 1660-1685 Charles II
  • 1685-1688 James II
  • 1688-1702 William & Mary
Major Authors
  • 1631-1700 John Dryden
  • 1628-88 John Bunyan
  • 1664-1721 Matthew Prior
  • 1633-1703 Samuel Pepys
  • 1664-1726 Sir John Vanbragh

Important Short Questions from this Period:

  1. Why are the years 1649 and 1688 important? Ans.Read More History of English Literature (Short questions) The year 1649 is important for the beheading of Charles I by the puritans and 1688 is important for the Glorious Revolution in England. In that connection to the incident, James II was dethroned and the revolution was succeeded without bloodshed. James fled from the capital and William and Mary took the throne.
  2. How are these two years related to each other 1658 and 1660? Ans. In 1658 the death of Cromwell was actuated and then in 1660 the Restoration Period was started.
  3. Name two Diarists of the 17th century? Ans. Samuel Pepys (1633-1703) John Evelyn (1620-1706)
  4. Which work of Dryden celebrates Charles II's return to power? Ans. Astrea Redux (1660) of Dryden celebrates the restoration of Charles II to the throne. It shows the progress of Dryden's poetical artisan ship. It presents Dryden’s change of political affiliations too.
  5. Who originated the genre Heroic Tragedy and when? Ans. Read More History of English Literature (Short questions) In this type of tragedy, which became prominent after the Restoration, a great heroic figure is chosen as a central personage and subsequent heroic incidents are introduced.   Although it owes its origin to the dramatic romances popularized by Beaumont and Fletcher and written by Shakespeare, Dryden is the most versatile between 1664-77.
  6. Give two example of Dryden's political writing. Ans. Dryden's Astraea Redux (1660) celebrates Charles II's return to the English throne. Annus Mirabilis (1667) gives a spirited account of the great fire in London.
  7. Mention the European dramatist who influenced the Restoration comedy? Ans. Restoration comedy was popular and artistically superior genre. Here, the great French model was Moliere. Although he built his plays around central characters with marked eccentricities, he also combined the exposure of the characters with probing social criticism. The Restoration comedy of manners likewise provided critique of the manners and morals of the contemporary society.
  8. What is called Glorious Revolution? Why it is called so? Ans. Read More History of English Literature (Short questions) Glorious Revolution is the events of 1689. After the death of Charles II in 1685, Jame II, his brother was succeeded. James II was more popish than even the pope of Rome. His stubborn and cruel desire of establishing Catholicism in England enraged revolt. Ultimately, he fled from the capital and the parliament conferred the crown on William III and Mary in 1689. The revolution was bloodless, thus it is called Glorious Revolution.
  9. Who wrote The Medal? Why is it famous? Ans. It is a shorter serious satire by Dryden. It is partly bitter invective against Shaftsbury. It also argues about the unfitness of Republican institutions of England.
  10. What event marks the beginning of the Restoration period? Ans.Read More History of English Literature (Short questions) The Restoration of King Charles II to the English throne in 1660 marks the beginning of this period.
  11. Who was the most prominent literary figure during the Age of Dryden? Ans.Read More History of English Literature (Short questions) John Dryden was the most prominent literary figure of this era.
  12. What is a heroic couplet? A heroic couplet consists of two rhymed lines of iambic pentameter, often used in narrative and satirical poetry during the Restoration period.
  13. What genre of drama was most popular during the Restoration period? Ans.Read More History of English Literature (Short questions) Restoration comedy, known for its wit, satire, and depiction of high society’s manners and morals, was most popular during this period.
  14. What is the theme of Dryden's poem Absalom and AchitophelAbsalom and Achitophel is a political satire that uses biblical allegory to comment on the political crisis involving the Duke of Monmouth’s rebellion against King Charles II.
  15. Which playwright was one of the first professional female writers during the Restoration period? Ans.Read More History of English Literature (Short questions) Aphra Behn was one of the first professional female writers during this period, known for works like The Rover.
  16. What is the significance of Dryden's poem Mac FlecknoeAns.Read More History of English Literature (Short questions) Mac Flecknoe is a mock-heroic satire that ridicules Dryden’s rival, Thomas Shadwell.
  17. Name a major prose work from the Age of Dryden. Ans.Read More History of English Literature (Short questions) John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress (1678) is a major prose work from this period, offering an allegorical tale of Christian salvation.
  18. Who is considered the father of empiricism in the Restoration period? Ans.Read More History of English Literature (Short questions) John Locke, with works like An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690), is considered the father of empiricism during this period.
  19. What role did Samuel Pepys play in the literature of this period? Samuel Pepys was known for his "Diary", which provides a vivid account of daily life and major events like the Great Fire of London and the plague.
  20. What type of play is Dryden’s All for LoveAll for Love is a tragic drama, modeled after Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra.
  21. Which two key historical events occurred during the Restoration period that are often referenced in the literature of the time? Ans.Read More History of English Literature (Short questions) The Great Plague of London (1665) and the Great Fire of London (1666) are key historical events often referenced in Restoration literature.
  22. What philosophical work of John Locke influenced political thinking during the Restoration? Ans.Read More History of English Literature (Short questions) Locke’s Two Treatises of Government (1689) influenced political thought during this time, advocating for the social contract and government by consent.
  23. What literary form did John Dryden help popularize in poetry?Ans.Read More History of English Literature (Short questions) John Dryden helped popularize the heroic couplet in English poetry. 
  24. What is Restoration tragedy, and how does it differ from earlier forms of tragedy? Ans.Read More History of English Literature (Short questions) Restoration tragedy, often known as heroic drama, focused on themes of love and honor, using heightened language and grandiose themes, differing from the more human-centered tragedies of earlier periods.

    Ardhendu De  


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