Preparing for the M.A. English entrance exam requires a thorough understanding of various aspects of English literature, literary theory, and critical thinking. Here’s a model question-answer format that might help guide your preparation:
Model Descriptive/ Big Question-Answer for M.A. English Entrance
Question 1: Discuss the major features of metaphysical poetry with reference to John Donne’s works.
Metaphysical poetry is characterized by its intellectual and philosophical depth, intricate metaphors (often called conceits), and a blend of wit with emotion. John Donne, one of the most prominent metaphysical poets, incorporates these elements into his poetry, making his works both intellectually stimulating and emotionally profound.
Key Features of Metaphysical Poetry:
Use of Conceits: A conceit is an elaborate metaphor that compares two seemingly dissimilar things. Donne often uses these in his poetry, such as in “The Flea”, where he compares a flea biting two lovers to their physical union.
Philosophical Themes: Metaphysical poets engage with complex ideas, particularly about love, death, and religion. In Donne’s “Holy Sonnets”, for example, he contemplates mortality and the afterlife.
Blend of Passion and Intellect: Donne combines intense emotions with intellectual reasoning. In “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning”, he uses scientific and mathematical imagery, such as a compass, to illustrate the emotional depth and stability of true love.
Paradox and Irony: Donne’s poems often feature paradoxical statements and ironic twists. For instance, in “Death, be not proud”, he paradoxically declares that death itself shall die.
Through his innovative use of language, complex imagery, and exploration of profound themes, John Donne stands as a representative figure of metaphysical poetry, influencing later poets like George Herbert and Andrew Marvell.
Question 2: Examine the theme of social criticism in Charles Dickens’ Hard Times.
Charles Dickens' Hard Times (1854) is a novel that offers a scathing critique of the social and industrial conditions of Victorian England. Through his portrayal of life in the fictional industrial town of Coketown, Dickens examines the dehumanizing effects of industrialization, the failures of the education system, and the exploitation of the working class.
Key Themes of Social Criticism:
Industrialization and Dehumanization: The novel portrays how industrialization reduces human beings to mere "hands" in factories, stripping them of individuality and creativity. Coketown, with its monotonous, smoky atmosphere, symbolizes the oppressive nature of industrial capitalism.
Utilitarian Education: Dickens criticizes the utilitarian approach to education, which focuses solely on facts and disregards imagination and emotion. Thomas Gradgrind, the schoolmaster, embodies this philosophy, and his rigid adherence to it has disastrous effects on his children, particularly Louisa.
Class Struggle and Exploitation: Dickens highlights the vast disparity between the wealthy factory owners, like Mr. Bounderby, and the oppressed working class. The character of Stephen Blackpool represents the moral integrity and suffering of the working poor, while Bounderby’s hypocrisy and self-interest underscore the corruption among the elite.
The Role of Women: Through characters like Louisa Gradgrind and Sissy Jupe, Dickens explores the limited roles available to women in Victorian society. Louisa’s emotional repression and eventual breakdown serve as a critique of the rigid social expectations placed on women.
In Hard Times, Dickens uses satire and vivid characterization to challenge the dominant social and economic systems of his time, calling for greater compassion and humanity in the face of industrial progress.
Question 3: Analyze the use of imagery in William Wordsworth’s poetry, with reference to “Tintern Abbey”.
William Wordsworth is celebrated for his vivid use of nature imagery, which serves both as a reflection of his emotional and spiritual state and as a symbol of broader philosophical themes. In “Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey”, Wordsworth uses natural imagery to convey his deep connection to the landscape and his evolving relationship with nature.
Key Aspects of Imagery in Tintern Abbey:
Nature as a Healing Force: Wordsworth describes the landscape of the Wye River Valley in vivid detail, using images of “steep and lofty cliffs,” “hedge-rows,” and “wreaths of smoke” rising from rural homes. These images of nature represent a sanctuary from the stresses of urban life and industrialization, offering solace and rejuvenation.
Memory and Time: The imagery in “Tintern Abbey” evokes the passage of time and the way memory shapes our perception of the natural world. Wordsworth recalls how, in his youth, he experienced nature with a sense of wild ecstasy. Now, he appreciates it with a deeper, more reflective understanding, describing it as “the anchor of my purest thoughts.”
The Sublime: The grandeur of the landscape evokes feelings of the sublime, a sense of awe and wonder at the vastness of nature. Wordsworth’s depiction of the “mountain-springs” and “murmuring waters” suggests a mystical connection between humanity and the natural world, one that transcends physical reality and touches on the divine.
Spiritual Reflection: Wordsworth’s imagery serves a dual purpose: not only does it paint a vivid picture of the natural world, but it also reflects the poet’s inner emotional and spiritual journey. The imagery of “rolling waters” and “quiet sky” suggests a deep peace and harmony, echoing Wordsworth’s own feelings of spiritual calm as he contemplates the landscape.
Through his powerful use of imagery in “Tintern Abbey”, Wordsworth presents nature as both a physical reality and a source of emotional and spiritual sustenance, central to his Romantic vision.
Question 4: How does Shakespeare explore the theme of ambition in Macbeth?
In Macbeth, William Shakespeare explores the destructive power of unchecked ambition. The play’s protagonist, Macbeth, begins as a loyal and brave soldier, but his vaulting ambition leads him down a dark and treacherous path. Shakespeare examines how ambition can corrupt an individual, undermine moral values, and ultimately lead to downfall.
Key Aspects of Ambition in Macbeth:
Macbeth’s Ambition: At the beginning of the play, Macbeth is celebrated for his valor, but the witches' prophecy plants the seed of ambition in him. This ambition is further fueled by Lady Macbeth, who encourages him to seize the throne by murdering King Duncan. As Macbeth succumbs to his ambition, he begins to lose his sense of right and wrong, driven solely by his desire for power.
Moral Consequences: Shakespeare demonstrates how unchecked ambition leads to moral decay. Macbeth’s murder of Duncan sets off a chain of violent actions, each more heinous than the last. His ambition isolates him from others and causes him immense guilt, as seen in his hallucinations of Banquo’s ghost and the famous “dagger” scene.
Lady Macbeth’s Role: Lady Macbeth also embodies the theme of ambition. She is initially more ambitious and ruthless than her husband, pushing him to act on his desires. However, her own ambition ultimately leads to her mental breakdown and death, as the guilt overwhelms her.
Downfall: By the end of the play, Macbeth’s ambition has destroyed him. His tyranny leads to widespread suffering, and he loses everything—his wife, his friends, and his kingdom. Shakespeare suggests that ambition, when not tempered by moral consideration, leads to self-destruction and chaos.
In Macbeth, ambition is portrayed as a double-edged sword—while it can lead to power, it also brings about the downfall of those who pursue it recklessly.
Model Objective/ Short Question-Answer for M.A. English Entrance
1. What is the theme of Ode to a skylark by Shelley?
Ans. The theme of Shelley’s lyric about the skylark is the contrast between human life, particularly the life of a poet, and the life of the skylark. And reflection on this contrast is prompted by the pure unalloyed happiness in the song of the bird.
2. How do you contrast the two lines from the Ode to The West wind – ‘O lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud’ and ‘O wind;/ If winter comes, can spring be far behind’?
Ans. As in the visible world so in poet’s soul, the wind is both destroyer and preserver. The poet wishes to be creative writer of the mass. In the last line he passes to the Universal. The world old must go, a new world must come with the spring, laden with fresh sweet promises for suffering humanity.
3. How is Ulysses associated with the death of Tennyson’s friend Hallam?
Ans. Ulysses which was written by Tennyson shortly after Hallam’s death, states his feeling about the struggle of life to recover the strength of mind lost owing to the poignancy of the grief for untimely death of the friend.
4. What is the central thought of The Wild Swans At Coole?
Ans. Transitory is the name of our earthly existence with the ravaging power of decay and destruction. But the infinite variety of nature with its truism and passion reside permanently. The everlasting joy and beauty as in the swan’s presence is eternal.
5. What does the ‘staircase’ signify in The Listeners?
Ans. The staircase in the poem stands for the means of communication. Here in the poem a traveler vainly tries to communicate with the phantom listeners. As there is widening gap between the earthly and supernatural, the empty staircase intensifies the void situation of the personae involved.
6. What is called ‘Vain citadels’ in Strange Meeting?
Ans. On material terms ‘citadel’ means a refuge safe place. But on the comment of war Owen is critical and with the light of disillusionment cites the world retreating owing to its barbaric and foolish war. Thus the citadel is vain, void, tasteless and worthless of living in this war torn world.
7. What is called sensuousness? Give example from Keats Ode to A Nightingale.
Ans. Sensuousness means a passionate appeal for outward beauties of Nature. As sensory organs appeal our senses, Keatsian odes give plentiful stimulation at our senses. In reference from Ode To A Nightingale we can quote ‘blushful Hippocrene’, ‘beaded bubbles’, ‘embalmed darkness’, ‘murmurous haunt’ etc.
8. Why is the ‘Lagoon’ a story of disillusionment?
Ans. Conrad’s ‘The Lagoon’ is a depiction of a tale of a human suffering in a void situation of lovelessness. Arsat, the protagonist oscillates and vacillates of two extreme ends of love – love to brother & love to his beloved. He has forsaken the call of brother’s lamentable last cries to quench the thirst of love in Diamelen. But in the conclusion when she breathes her last he finds himself in an hoax situation of disillusionment.
9. “We are not of Alice, nor of thee” -------- who is Alice here? Who are speaking thus?
Ans. Alice is here no other than Ann Simmons the girl lamb wanted to marry, but failed to marry her. Lamb strikes a very pathetic note towards the end of his essay, when he puts the quoted lines into the mouths of his imaginary children.
10. Why is Wilson a Lotus Eater?
Ans. Wilson, being charmed by the scenic beauty of Capri, an Italian sea resort for sakes the mundane hardship of life and settles himself in absolute pleasure relinquishing his job. Parallel to the mythological lotus-eaters, Wilson turns oblivious, jobless and intoxicated in pleasures & beauties.
11. Justify the title of Galsworthy’s play justice.
Ans. Justice, the problem play of Galsworthy, has been given an ironic little to highlight the injustice prevalent in the then time England. The brutal prison law as well as the biasness regarding divorce system had crippled the moral ethics. Through the tragic death of Falder here is given an occult criticism on hoay justice.
12. Write a short note on humour in She stoops to conquer.
Ans. Goldsmith’s she stoops to conquer is one of the most hilarious comedies produced on the English stage. Here is the profusion of pure fun and humour. Laughter in the play is mainly derived from three sources – comic situations, comic characters, and comic dialogues. If there is mistaken identity or situation there is incompatible comic personae with the sting of verbal wit.
13. Explain the historical background of Arms and the man if any.
Ans. Arms and The Man is not a historical drama, as events of history do not constitute the action of the play. But the time facts and even the place are set in a historical background for Ruritanian affect. The scenes of action are laid in Bulgaria in 1885, where actually the battle of Slivnitza was fought. The Serbians who were supported by the Austrians were defeated in this battle by the Bulgarians who had the military aid from the Russians.
14. Change the Voice:
a) Do it now.
b) Someone has picked my pocket.
Ans. A) Let it be done now.
b) My pocket has been picked.
15. Rewrite the following sentences correctly.
a) Please ask her that whether she wants to go or not.
b) The buses crowded particularly while it is raining heavily.
Ans. A) Please ask her whether she wants to go or not.
b) The buses are crowded particularly while it is raining heavily.
16. What are coordinating conjunctions?
Ans. These, as their name implies, are link words that join two or more words, word-groups, or sentences, that are of equal value and perform similar functions.
And, or, nor, and the pairs both ……… and, either or, and neither …….. nor act in this capacity; so does but which besides acting as a link-word suggests contrast.
17. Change the narration: “Speak, or my gun will go off”, the policeman said to the prisoner.
Ans. The policeman ordered the prisoner to speak. He threatened the prisoner that in case of his not speaking his (The Policemen’s) gun would go off.
18. What is called ‘mood’ of finite verb?
Ans. Beside denoting action, a finite verb tells us something about the mood or manner in which the speaker regards what he has to say-his attitude of mind. That is indicative mood, stating ‘fact’, imperative mood, stating abrupt command, subjunctive mood, stating.
19. Put down the collective noun for the creatures mentioned in these sentences.
a) The hen was scratching for food to feed her ____________________ of chickens.
b) We saw a fine ______________ of elephants as we flew over the grassland.
20. Explain as clearly as you can the difference between:
a) Spoon and ladle
b) A boot and a shoe
Ans. A) A spoon is an implement consisting of a shallow bowl on a handle, used for stirring, serving and eating food; while ladle is a large spoon with a long handle.
b) A boot is leather covering for the foot, ankle and often the leg below the knee, while a shoe covers a person’s foot only.
21. Write sentences showing the difference in meaning between the adverbs – late, lately, and latterly.
Ans. Late (after the right time / delay)
Rajdhani Express is coming late tonight.
Lately means ‘presently’ or ‘current’.
Lately introduced economic measures have reduced the inflation rates.
Latterly (later / second mentioned).
22. What is called ‘defining relative clause’? Give examples.
Ans. Defining relative clauses define or identify which person or thing we are talking about.
The man who came in late is the boss.
There is no comma before a defining relative clause the pronouns that you use in these clause are who, who, that and which. They are called Relative pronouns.
[Non defining relative clauses add extra information about somebody or something which could be left out and the sentence would still make sense. This extra information is separated from the main clauses by commas.
The pronouns that can be used in non defining clauses are who whom, which, whose etc.
Exp: The film, which was shot in Mexico, has won an Oscar]
23. What is the use of ‘incorrect’ and ‘inaccurate’?
Ans. A fact, figure or spelling that is wrong is ‘incorrect’; information, a belief or a description based on incorrect facts can be incorrect or inaccurate; something that is produced such as a film, report or man, that contains incorrect facts is inaccurate.
Exp. 1. Many of the figures were incorrect.
2. The report was badly researched and quite inaccurate.
24. What are the different use of the word ‘beside’ and ‘besides’?
Ans. The preposition ‘beside’ usually means ‘next to something or somebody’ or ‘at the side of something or somebody’.
Exp. Sit here beside me.
‘Besides’ means ‘in addition to something.
Exp. What other novel do you like besides Pamela?
25. What are the possible uses of ‘Ought to’?
Ans. ‘Ought to’ expresses –
1. Duty or moral obligation:
Young people ought to help the old and sick as much as possible.
The rich ought to be heavily taxed.
2. Probability or strong supposition –
I’ll borrow the book from Tom. He ought to have finished reading it by now.
3. Advisability or desirability:
You ought to buy a new care before the prices go up.
26. How do you rate The Lagoon a saga of adventure?
Ans. The Lagoon, although a short story, has the unique quality of portraying the saga of life – death, love, courage and guilt. It is in a way a saga of adventure motivated by love and courage. The tale of Arsat’s elopement with Diamelen with the assistance of his brother is a pure romance rarely paralleled in real life. Through a driving zeal of love Arsat and his brother have braved the mighty Inchi Midah’s fury. They escape denying the ruler’s sword at night. Although Arsat and his beloved excape, Arsat’s brother dies en route courageous battle.
27. How did Mrs. Thurlow break the boundaries of her world?
Ans. Although Mrs. Thurlow is confined into the narrow walls of drudgery, she has broken it in her leisure reading of newspaper which she collects from her employer’s houses. In the Sunday afternoons when she reads them, she makes imaginary excursions into the lives of other people, such as, tragic lovers, cabinet ministers, Atlantic flyers, suicides, society, social beauties, murderers and kings.
28. What connection with She stoops to conquer have Dr. Johnson?
Ans. Dr. Johnson, the famous critic and man of scholar of the 18th century, was a constant friend to Goldsmith. It was largely through him that the play of Goldsmith reached the literary circle and accepted. Goldsmith thus dedicates his play to him and thanks him for the ‘particular reason’ mentioned avobe.
29. Why does Raina compare their family to ‘the old Castilian noble’? ( arms and the man by shaw)
Ans. Raina says to Blimtschli that they are nobles and any guest be it enemy is sacred to them Despite being enemy soldier he would receive hospitality here. Raina compares theirs to the scene from Erani. It is the title of an opera show by the Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901), first performed in Venice in 1844. Here in this show the knight takes refuge in the castle of his bitterest enemy, an old Castilian noble. The old Spanish nobleman takes this guest with cordiality forgetting all enmity. Such is the spirit of Petkofs too.
30. Do you think that justice by Galsworthy should have ended with Sc III of Act III?
Ans. Act III Sc III of Justice is the famous mute scene where Falder suffers in his cell alone in restlessness and loneliness. The agony and torments in which of Falder passes, intensifies his tragic situation which is definitely a tragic culmination. Galsworthy in this particular scene heightens the criticism of law and justice which put into death love and innocence. Thus if the play ends with Act III Sc III it becomes more convincing. Yet, the Act IV is also added importance by Falder’s tragic death, Ruth’s sacrifice and James How and Walter How’s human faces.
These sample question-answers should give you a sense of the kinds of topics and depth of analysis expected in an M.A. English entrance exam. You may encounter questions from various genres, periods, and critical theories, so it’s important to be well-versed in different aspects of English literature.
E ighteenth-century writer Samuel Johnson ((1709-1784) is one of the most significant figures in English literature. His fame is due in part to a widely read biography of him, written by his friend James Boswell and published in 1791. Although probably best known for compiling his celebrated dictionary, Johnson was an extremely prolific writer who worked in a variety of fields and forms. Chief Critical Approaches of Dr. Johnson are: Johnson tried teaching and later organized a school in Lichfield. His educational ventures were not successful, however, although one of his students, David Garrick, later famous as an actor, became a lifelong friend.
Introduction: Poetry is a form of literary expression that has captivated readers and listeners for centuries. It allows poets to convey their thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a condensed and artistic manner. While there are countless poetic forms and styles, poetry can be broadly categorized into three main kinds: Narrative, Lyric, and Dramatic. Each of these kinds has distinct characteristics, purposes, and examples that showcase the rich diversity within the world of poetry. Kinds of poetry : There are three great kinds of poetic writing: Narrative, Lyric, and Dramatic. Narrative poetry: Narrative poetry tells a story with a plot, characters, and a setting. It is one of the oldest and most straightforward forms of poetry. It tells a story, often in a chronological sequence, using poetic devices to create a vivid and engaging narrative. Some key points about narrative poetry include: Storytelling: Narrative poetry focuses on storytelling, using poetic language to c...
"Peace hath her victories No less renowned than war."- John Milton (1608 - 1674) Letters of State...Together with Several of his Poems , "To Oliver Cromwell" “Progress” by St. John Greer Ervine is a successful specimen of a one act play . It has not only a unity of theme (the abolition of war) the unities of time; place and action are also meticulously maintained. Thematically, “Progress” is written against the background of the First World War in which thousands were butchered and many more became disabled for life. It left many mothers childless and incredible number of widows and orphans. This insensible devastation has created diverse reactions in social thinking, and “Progress” by the Irish playwright St. John Greer Ervine is just the product of one of the strongest of these sentiments, namely the anti-war feeling of the post war modern age . Through the basic conflict between two ideas- the point of view of ...
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