1.What do you trace ‘Myth making faculty’ in Shelley and Keats? Substantiate your answer.
2. How do you know that Shelley’s Skylark is not a creature of ‘flesh and blood’?
3. What does the bird specially know in Hardy’s poem?
4. What was the last thought that was not in vain for the lover in The Last Ride Together?
5. Why ‘the listeners’ in the Mare’s poem do not react?
6. How do you explain the title strange Meeting?
7. What historical period do you find as hints in The Lagoon?
8. Why did Mrs. Thurlow remain unsympathetic towards her husband?
9. Ulysses provides an interesting study in contrast along with another poem of Tennyson’s The Lotos Eaters – discuss.
10. “Drive my dead thoughts over the Universe like withered leaves to quicken a new birth” – explain the line with critical comment.
11. Describe The Traveler in the poem The Listeners.
12. “Della, being slender, had mastered the art” – What was the art that Della mastered?
13. Define The Ox as a short story.14. “I had more pleasure in these busy-idle diversions….” What does the author mean by the phrase ‘busy idle’?
15. What is meant by ‘cult of cosiness’? What particular rhetoric does it show?
16. What are the opposing views of justice that are expressed by Frome and Cleaver in the court during the trail scene in Justice?
17. “Would it were bedtime, and all were well”- Where from the lines are quoted? Who says this and why?
18. What is the act wise time-scheme in Arms and The Man?
19. What is Hell’s view on style?
20. What was the story of Norfolk?
21. What kind of person do you find in Cokeson?
22. What is your comment on Raina - Bluntsehli marriage?
23. Write a short note on Mr. Hardcastle.
24. Fill in the blanks with appropriate article.
25. What is called an ‘Interjection’? How is the use of it?
26. Comment on the different use of populace and populous.
27. Rewrite the sentence correctly: We are staying in this building for the last two decades.
28. What difference do you find in following sentences.
a) It has been raining since Friday last.
b) It has been raining for the last ten days.
29. What is an absolute phrase?
30. Write a short paragraph on ‘Success is not permanent – the same is true of failure’.
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