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Showing posts from August, 2015

J. M. Synge and The Aran Islands: The Making of a Creative Writer

"As he headed home, I asked about his uncanny talent to predict rain—a skill I had witnessed several times. “We've lived on the sky all our lives,” he says, “listening to the wind and rain.”" The Aran Islands; ANCIENT HEARTS Modern Minds; By Lisa Moore Laroe   J. M. Synge was aware that he had in him the makings of a creative writer. With this awareness he came to settle in Paris where he earned money by teaching English and writing on French life and literature for English readers. Then came his fateful meeting with W. B. Yeats that changed the course of his life. He was persuaded to go back to Ireland and look for his themes in the life and experiences of the People in the Aran Islands.  Yeats saw the possibilities in Synge and he was anxious to see Synge Join the Irish literary movement and thenational mainstream . Synge visited the Aran Islands in 1898. The Islands opened up new vistas before him and he was fascinated by the simple and primitive life of th...

Why ‘Tall Man Small Shadow’ is an Existential Novel: Philosophical Fiction for Searching Self

“I t is goo d t o pra y eve n i f yo u d o no t believ e i n God. ”   Tall Man Small Shadow by   Vipin Behari Goyal The whole story of Vipin Behari Goyal ’s Tall Man Small Shadow is woven around the theory of Existentialism. Before I venture into the novel's intricate patterns of  relationship ethics, let us summarize the  key five precincts of Existentialism. There are five basic themes incorporated in the theory of Existentialism 1. Existence precedes essence: We are sum of the choices we made. Whatever we are today, is result of choices we made in past. 2. Time is of essence : Our life is time bound and and our lived time is qualitative 3. Humanism : Society develops a pressure for superficiality and conformism by its socio economic structure, and human search of identity and meaning causes clash 4. Freedom : We have a chance to stand back from our lives and reflect on our experiences. However we are not free from responsibility. 5. Et...

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