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Showing posts from March, 2016

Dylan Thomas’s Language in ‘Poem in October’ Follows the ‘Grammar of Dreams’: Way of Construction of Sentences in the Poem

 The language that Thomas uses to dress the thoughts of his poems has always drawn the attention of critics, admirers, and readers alike. Had they been written in the normal way, ordinary people would have found no difficulty in understanding the strands of his thoughts. But they have been written in a way which makes their meanings very difficult to the uninitiated. The poet’s careless attitude to grammatical rules, his attempt to see past and present simultaneously, his belief at the unity of man and nature and of death and life, his projection of matters in a surrealistic way (i.e. in a dream-like manner), and his greater emphasis to unrealistic things and creations of the imagination have indeed made his poetry very difficult to understand. Noting this, a critic has commented that his poems follow the ‘grammar of dreams’ and that his remarkable poem ‘poem in October’ is one such poem. Before we proceed to discuss this matter we shall have to be clear as regards the implications...

In light of our experience, the common difficulties we face in teaching English to our pupils: the psychological principles applied to the teaching of English

T he teacher of English generally faces certain difficulties in connection with the teaching of it. Primarily any of the teaching English class aims @ a) To develop receptive and productive language skills b) To improve the students’ language skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing) c) To expand vocabulary and to develop grammatical competence d) To improve speech and oral competence e) To develop paragraph, essay and letter writing skills f) To use contemporary English forms in speech and writing To achieve the aims above, English teachers have some overall objectives. Each unit class also has objectives. These will guide the students in your study. They are usually stated at the beginning of the each model class and when the students are through with studying the model classes go back and read the objectives. This would help the students assimilate the task the students have set out to achieve. On completion of the extensive creative style of teaching, the students should b...

Critical Appreciation of Robert Browning’s "Meeting at Night” :Serious Theme of Love in Quite Dramatic Way

A part from  Tennyson , the word “lyric” again came up in the poem of  Robert Browning  in 1842 in a volume called “Dramatic Lyrics”. Browning became more famous when he ran away with a female poet, of the century, Elizabeth Barrett Browning with whom they live in Italy for many years. His "Meeting at Night” is smart in technical (two stanza rhyme scheme ABCCBA ABCCBA) and skillful use of language to discuss serious theme of love in quite dramatic way, and this poem is an emblem of his passionate deal with his beloved.   Robert Browning ’s "Meeting at Night” (which has its sister poem "Parting at Morning”) describe the journey of a lover through sea and land to meet his beloved. We are also given to understand that the beloved also waits eagerly for the lover and the meeting at night is a moment of fulfillment the wish of both.   In the half moon of the night, the sea looks grey while the land looks black. With the yellow moon visible in the sky, which looks ...

Starting Point of English in India: When to Start English Seriously for the Children?

“Language is the primary and most highly elaborated form of human symbolic activity…made up of symbols made by sounds produced by the vocal apparatus….” (A. A Hill) India, where English is needed as purely imposed social condition, a parent often raises a question when he should start English seriously for his child. The answers to such questions are variables and contradictory. As we cannot go for immediate social changes, we can accept the verdict that we should accept English as and when it comes and we cannot go for compromises in the salary.  It should be clear to you now that English in India is needed in all areas of human life. When we talk about the domains of English in India, roughly we mean the fields or areas of activities of English usage: The fields or areas of activities of English use as well as the intensity of used in the status accorded the India. Therefore, the status accorded English in India is not inherently linguistic. This is to say that English in Indi...

How is the study of social history along with history of English literature essential part of reading texts?

T he study of social history along with history of English literature is essential part of reading texts. This is a step in right direction, for literature is closely associated with the general activities of men in a particular age. Literature has social origins, in the folk-song, folk-ballad, folk- dance, folk-stories. It is the result of self-expression on the solid foundations of social life. Every great writer is the product of his age and in his turn moulds his age. In this matter ESL students suffer from a peculiar disadvantage. The study of a foreign literature is difficult enough: the ignorance of social conditions add to the difficulty. Consequently students are led to cram things mechanically, without grasping why a writer like Shelly dreams of social reconstruction, or a writer like Shaw shatters Victorian ideals and established institutions . The study of social history will give them a clearer perspective of English life, which will enable them to study their authors wit...

What is the Necessity of Introducing Stories in the Homeschooling?

S torytelling is something relating of a story, either verbally or in written form. It is very necessary to introduce stories in the homeschooling as stories are interesting , captivating and absorbing for the primary students. We all know that the children like to listen to stories and they wait with rapt attention to know the end of the happening. So a teacher can arrest their attention and concentration all through the lesson/story and make them listen to the English words and sentences for 30 minutes in the class or home situation. It enhances the listening skill of the students. Stories are not only enjoying, they are motivating also. If a child enjoys hearing one story it is very likely that he or she will want to hear another one. Stories help to develop a positive attitude towards the foreign or second language being learned. Again if a child enjoys hearing a story in the English class, the child will in turn find interest in attending English class. Stories develop the power ...

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