Literature of Pop Culture: Complete Analysis #ardhendude

 1.0 Introduction

Literature of pop culture. It consists of three words: literature, pop and culture.

1.1 Now what is literature?

Literature is a term used to describe written and sometimes spoken works, including novels, plays, poems, and other works of artistic merit. It is a broad term that can encompass a wide range of writing and can be used in a variety of contexts, from academic to artistic to personal. Literature is often seen as a reflection of a culture or society, and it can be used to explore complex themes and ideas. It is an important part of the cultural and artistic heritage of any society, and it has the power to inspire, educate, and entertain.

1.2 What is pop? 

Pop is short for popular, and it is a genre of music that is characterized by its appeal to a wide audience. Pop music is typically upbeat and catchy, and it is often produced in a way that makes it easy to listen to and enjoyable for a broad range of people. 

1.3 What is culture? 

Culture refers to the beliefs, behaviors, objects, and other characteristics that define a group or society. It can also refer to the understanding and appreciation of art and literature. Culture is the sum of a society's ways of life, and it includes the various customs, practices, and norms that shape the way people live and interact with one another. Culture is often shaped by a society's history, religion, and language, and it can also be influenced by external factors such as politics and the environment. Culture plays a significant role in shaping the values and attitudes of the people who live within a particular society, and it can vary greatly from one group to another.

Now there is a word cluster 'pop culture' started in 1960s. We can access a few books on the topic. 

1.4 Critical Books On Pop Culture 

In fact, there are many books that explore pop culture and its influence on society. 

"The Pop Culture Manifesto" in his conference lecture by Eric S. Jenkins discusses the role of pop culture in shaping our values, beliefs, and behaviors.

"Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle" 2009 by Chris Hedges examines the ways in which the mass media and pop culture manipulate and distract us from important issues.

"The Death of Expertise: The Campaign Againstg against Established Knowledge and Why it Matters" 2017 by Tom Nichols explores the rise of anti-intellectualism and the erosion of expertise in contemporary culture.

"Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business" 1985 by Neil Postman is a classic book that looks at the ways in which mass media and entertainment have replaced serious discourse in modern society.

"The Culture Industry: Selected Essays on Mass Culture" first published in 1991 and is a collection of essays that were originally published between the 1930s and 1950s. by Theodor W. Adorno. It is a collection of essays that examine the ways in which mass culture reinforces conformity and suppresses individuality.

Out of these books it can be defined that Pop culture, or popular culture, refers to the cultural trends, practices, and products that are popular within a society at a given point in time. Pop culture can include elements such as music, television shows, films, literature, and other forms of media, as well as fashion, trends, and consumer products. Popular Culture is the sum total of  values that come from advertising, the entertainment industry, the media, and icons of style and are targeted to the ordinary people in society. These values are distinguished from those espoused by more traditional political, educational, or religious institutions.

 Pop culture is often associated with youth culture and reflects the values, attitudes, and interests of a particular generation. It can also be shaped by social and cultural influences, such as technology, politics, and social issues. Pop culture is constantly evolving and can be a way for people to connect with one another and express their identity.

Now collecting the three words we can say that Pop culture literature refers to literature that is influenced by or reflects popular culture, including popular music, television shows, films, and other forms of media. All these must have a cultural ethics and have considerable influence on society.

 This can include novels, graphic novels, non-fiction books, and other written works that are inspired by or reference elements of popular culture. Pop culture literature can also include fan fiction, which is written by fans of a particular pop culture franchise and explores characters, storylines, or worlds that are part of that franchise. 

Pop culture literature can be a fun and enjoyable way to engage with the media and franchises that we love, and it can also provide insight into the social and cultural contexts in which these works were created and consumed.

2.0 Critiques of Pop Culture: The American Way

During the twentieth century, mass entertainment expanded American culture's reach, reversing the direction of influence as Europe and the rest of the world became consumers of American popular culture. From the jeans and T-shirts young people wear to the music groups and rock stars they listen to and the movies they watch, America has become the dominant cultural source for entertainment and popular fashion. People all over the world watch American television shows, even if their popularity has dwindled in the United States. American news broadcasts have become such an international fixture that they help define what people in other countries know about current events and politics. Although some countries, such as France, resist this influence because they see it as a threat to their unique national culture, American entertainment is likely one of the most powerful means by which American culture influences the world.  

3.0 Here are a few examples of pop culture:

Music: Pop culture is often reflected in the music that is popular at a given time. This can include genres like pop, rock, hip hop, and electronic dance music (EDM), as well as specific artists or bands.

Television shows and films: Pop culture is often influenced by popular television shows and films, which can include comedies, dramas, action movies, and more.

Fashion: Pop culture can also be reflected in the clothing, accessories, and other fashion items that are popular at a given time. This can include trends like skinny jeans, grunge fashion, and athleisure.

Social media: The rise of social media has had a significant impact on pop culture, with platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter shaping trends and facilitating the spread of memes and other cultural phenomena.

Video games: Pop culture is also influenced by popular video games, which can range from first-person shooters to role-playing games to mobile games.

4.0 There are many examples of pop culture literature, including:

The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling: This popular series of young adult novels was inspired by Rowling's love of mythology and folklore, and it has become a cultural phenomenon with a huge following of fans around the world.

The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins: This series of dystopian young adult novels was inspired by the Greek myth of the Minotaur and has been adapted into a successful film franchise.

The Marvel Comics series: Marvel Comics has a long history of creating comics and graphic novels that explore the characters and storylines of the Marvel Universe, which has been adapted into numerous successful film and television franchises.

The Walking Dead graphic novel series by Robert Kirkman: This series of graphic novels explores a world in which a zombie apocalypse has occurred and follows a group of survivors as they navigate this dangerous new world.

The Star Wars franchise: This iconic science fiction franchise includes a vast array of novels, comics, and other written works that explore the characters, worlds, and storylines of the Star Wars universe.

The Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan: This series of young adult fantasy novels is inspired by Greek mythology and follows the adventures of a teenage boy who discovers that he is the son of the Greek god Poseidon.

The Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer: This series of young adult romance novels follows the story of a teenage girl who falls in love with a vampire.

The Game of Thrones series by George R.R. Martin: This series of fantasy novels has been adapted into a successful television show and follows the complex political and personal dynamics of several noble families in a fictional world.

The Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon: This series of historical fiction novels follows the adventures of a nurse who travels back in time to 18th-century Scotland and falls in love with a Highland warrior.

The Sherlock Holmes series by Arthur Conan Doyle: This classic series of detective novels follows the adventures of the brilliant detective Sherlock Holmes and his faithful companion Dr. John Watson as they solve mysteries in Victorian England.

5.0 Conclusion

Both pop culture fiction and classic literature are byproducts of their eras. Pop culture is a phenomenon that has existed for a long time. As an academic subject, it elaborates on how popular culture has handled the specific subject since the 1930s. But it's important to keep in mind that numerous Spectator or Tatler essays have addressed subjects like pop culture, fashion customs, writing styles, and lifestyle issues. In addition, we can learn about the ladies’ headdress or exercise of fan from this. The well-known English fashions of the time are also covered in these essays. It goes on forever; it's a journey that never ends. It appears to be an endless journey as it continues. As a result, the current popular pop culture might not last forever. It's dynamic. It will change. When assessing a pop culture, it's important to keep in mind that it was never popular on an academic level; rather, what defines a pop culture or popular culture is a mass awakening or acceptance of that culture.  Again, the definition of popularity or its ultimate definition of creative excellence can be defined in a long term, whether it is in the academic version or the rather authentic critical version of something, whether it is music, film, or any other type of film, or whether it is in the literature form. In a significant way, time will demonstrate its universality, its never-ending nature, and the fact that its popularity is not predetermined. Therefore, its popularity is real, true, and striking, and it will endure forever.

Ardhendu De (AD)


1.Pop culture fiction - Wikipedia. (n.d.). Pop Culture Fiction - Wikipedia. Retrieved January 16, 2023, from

2. MAMBROL, N. (2018, August 17). Popular Culture. Popular Culture – Literary Theory and Criticism. Retrieved January 16, 2023, from


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