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Showing posts from May, 2011

Analysis of Robert Frost's poem "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening"

Robert Frost   (1874 - 1963) Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening (included 1923 volume  New Hampshire ) is one of the most moving lyrics of Robert Frost (1874 - 1963) . It moves us as unobtrusively as it conveys to us the profundity of its thoughts. It is this lyrics that appealed to the late prime minister Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru and guided and inspired him to be able constantly on the move, adhering to his duties. After his death on 27 th may, 1964, it was found that on the office table of the Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru , there lay a piece of papers bearing the following four lines written by his own hand from this lyric: “The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.”

The Poetic Quality of the Colloquial Speech in J. M.Synge's ‘Riders to the Sea’.

S ynge began his literary career as a poet but he proved to be a failure. This is because of his inability to transcribe the language of the Aran Islanders into material structures. Later on in his life, as advised by Yeats, he thoroughly studied this language of the Aran-Islanders and carefully and comprehensively studies in different shades of life that existed there. Synge realized that the colloquial speech untarnished by cultural polish and sophistication had immense poetical potentialities. Synge knew that poetry and dramatic expression may co-exist; poetry and drama may even be simultaneous. Synge recognized the need of instilling poetry into drama and thereby sustains British dramatic art from degenerating into the state track of naturalism and realism. He, therefore, revived the art of poetic drama and in the Shadow of the Glen , Deidre of the Sorrow and Riders to the Sea he achieved his dreams very successfully. J. M.Synge

Expaining "Seven Ages Of Man" --from "AS YOU LIKE IT" by William Shakespeare

AS YOU LIKE IT William Shakespeare Lines 139-166, Act II, Scene VII JAQUES : All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. At first the infant , Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms. And then the whining school-boy , with his satchel And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwillingly to school. And then the lover , Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier , Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel, Seeking the bubble reputation Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice , In fair round belly with good capon lined, With eyes severe and beard of formal cut, Full of wise saws and modern instances; And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts Into the lean and slipper'd pantaloon , With spectacles on nose and pouch on...

G. K. Chesterton’s use of Paradox in "The Architect of Spears"

Saintsbury, while introducing Chesterton and assessing his position in the history of English prose observes that Chesterton’s strength as a writer neither rely on any propensity of thought nor on any original point of view, but on the clear and witty way is which he expresses commonplace truths. Read More Essay Admittedly this thorough going vindicator of the romantic imagination has a charming style, at once splendid and perfect. A careful scrutiny of The Architect of spears reveals that the secret of Chesterton’s flawless artistry is his ‘love of paradox’. Paradox, incidentally, is a statement that seems to say something opposite to common sense (or the devious truth) but which actually contains a deeper truth. In his essay Chesterton, like show, widely uses paradox as a vehicle for promulgating his points of view. Legovis is right in her conclusion that he had made platitudes sparkle by clothing them in the outward form of paradox. The Architect of Spears best illustrates this....

Lord Tennyson’s Philosophy of Life as Reflected in the Poem “Ulysses”

F ew poets have produced acknowledged masterpieces in so many different poetic genres as Alfred, Lord Tennyson   (1809-1892); he furnished perhaps the most notable example in English letters of the eclectic style. His consummately crafted verse expresses in readily comprehensible terms the Victorian feeling for order and harmony. Tennyson , like Browning , is the great literary titan of Victorian Age whose philosophy of life is expressed again and again through his poetry. Tennyson was devout Christian and ardent believer in God;                 “That God, which ever loves and loves                    One God, one law, one element,                 The one far off divine event               ...

Effective Strategies for Teaching English (TEFL) at the Secondary Stage (Class IX- X)

Introduction To achieve the aims of teaching English at the secondary level , educators must adopt specific principles and strategies to ensure students develop essential language skills. These skills include understanding, speaking, reading, and writing in English. By incorporating audiovisual aids, practical exercises, and opportunities for communication, teachers can create a more engaging and effective learning environment for students. Using Audiovisual Aids for Language Acquisition One of the key strategies is to integrate audiovisual aids to help students grasp the fundamental aspects of the language. The teacher should demonstrate various aids such as pictures, videos, or models while simultaneously encouraging students to read and write corresponding words in English. This method allows students to visually connect the words with their meanings. As students gain confidence, they will gradually move toward understanding, writing, and reading without relying on aids or teacher a...

Analysis of Charles Lamb’s essay, "Modern Gallantry"

The ward ‘gallantry’ means a special respect or a show of chivalrous attention to women . Charles Lamb builds the essay, Modern Gallantry, on this theme and shows how the social attitude towards women in the 19 th century England falls short of a genuine sense of gallantry.    “Modern Gallantry”  becomes a satirical critique of the superficial and selective nature of what was considered chivalry or gentlemanly behavior in his time. In the essay, Lamb exposes the hypocrisy behind the concept of "gallantry" by showing how it was often reserved only for women of higher social status, while working-class women, such as servants or shopgirls, were largely ignored or mistreated by the same men who professed to be gallant. Lamb begins with an attack against the popular pretension of the age that in comparison to the ancient times, the 19 th century can pride itself upon a growing sense of gallantry. Lamb lashes at the falsity of this idea and points out in this essay tha...

Analysis of O' Henry's Short Story "The Gift of the Magi": Neatness, Brevity and a Significant Incident

As A Short Story To be perfect short story neatness, brevity and a significant incident or an aspect of character or an experience of some psychological moment is essential. Within its short frame work, it must have a beginning, middle and an end. There must be completeness in its structure. All the elements plot, character, dialogue, descriptions and background must be organically connected with each other. Generally a good story has a surprising end which bears a sense of endlessness. All these characteristics of a good short story are fulfilled in the short story of O Henry’s The Gift of the Magi . The story contains Porter’s characteristic ironical twist at the end that is surprising and at the same time striking to the readers. Jim and Della’s bold self sacrifice for the sake of love comes unexpectedly to the readers, but none the less convincing and admirable. O. Henry  (William Sydney Porter) Introduction   The Gift of the Magi one of the best-known American short ...

Tragic Atmosphere in J. M. Synge's play, "Riders to the Sea" by Means of Hints and Forebodings

Riders to the Sea dramatizes the archetypal struggle of man against the hostile natural forces and rends man’s inevitable defeat in the war against destiny which brings out the tragic effect of the play. Man as rendered in Riders to the Sea is, as if pitted to undergo the sinister attack of an unsympathetic death. Maurya, the protagonist has to suffer the loss of all men folk in her family. The hungry Atlantic has mercilessly devoured her husband, her husband’s father and her four sons, before the play began, and the play ends when all her six sons are dead. Maurya’s life is a long tale of agony. Her life records a history of unmitigated pain. Tragedy gains poignancy through the excruciating against suffered by this mother excruciating figure under the crushing burden of death. Right from beginning, as a matter of artistic strategy Synge focused on the ultimate disaster of Maurya’s life through different hints and forebodings.

Key Factors of Word Formation in English Language

Introduction:   Word formation does not often involve the creation of completely new words with no prior association. In fact, entirely novel words are rare in modern usage. The English vocabulary has evolved continuously for over 1,500 years, resulting in a lexicon that includes over one million words, encompassing obsolete forms and variant spellings. This extensive vocabulary is one of the largest of any language, with a word-building capacity comparable to Chinese. Various factors have contributed to this linguistic expansion, with the most common method being the adaptation of existing words or word elements. The primary factors in word formation include affixation, compounding, conversion, clipping, blending, acronyms, and borrowing. Let's explore these key processes that shape the vocabulary. Compounding: Compounding involves combining two or more existing words into a new term. This process has been a cornerstone of English word formation throughout history. Compound words ...

The Conflict Between the Pleasures of Youth and the Pleasures of Poverty-- An Analysis of Charles Lamb's Essay, "Old China"

  Old China by Charles Lamb is not about Ancient China nor is it about delicate China- tea cups, vases, and dishes. Old China , 1823 - March included in Last Essays of Elia is rather contemplation upon the nature of youthful pleasures irrespective of physical and economic situations. Read More Romantic Period The major part of the essay comprises of Bridget ’s harangue upon Elia ’s human deterioration with increasing wealth and in an explication of the pleasures that were attendant upon them during their days of severe economic constraints. Contrasted to this idea stands Elia ’s counterpoint that the past was indeed pleasurable not because of poverty, but because of the dilatoriness of youth that lightens even the heaviest burden of misery.

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