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Showing posts from June, 2011

John Osborne's Jimmy Porter is a Modern Hamlet ( Look Back In Anger)- A Comparative Analysis

John Osborne (1929-1994), British playwright and motion picture screenwriter, is known for his sharp criticism of modern British life. His play Look Back in Anger (1956), about rebellion against traditional mores, is regarded as a landmark in post-World War II British drama and made its author famous as the first of “the angry young men”.

"The Lucy" poems by William Wordsworth: Quick Facts & Few Important Short Questions

The Lucy poems by William Wordsworth: Quick Facts         The Lucy poems are a series of five poems composed   by the English Romantic Poet William Wordsworth (1770–1850) between 1798 and 1801. In the series, Wordsworth sought to write unaffected English verse infused with abstract ideals of beauty, nature, love, longing and death.        Common traits in "Lucy poems": In all of the"Lucy poems” Lucy is given the embodiment of lady nature with all her spiritual powers and blessings. She is also depicted heavenly and beyond earthly. Again her memory is a fountain of poet’s joy. In the subjective world of Wordsworth , she is indeed the princess.

Analysis of Robert Burns' "A Red Red Rose": Adaptations of Traditional Scottish Ballads and Folk Songs

I ntroduction : Burns's literary output consisted almost entirely of songs, both original compositions and adaptations of traditional Scottish ballads and folk songs. He had used the Scottish lowland vernacular to rhyme in about then neighbors and their scandals, their loves and their church. Himself at the confluence of the two streams, the national and the local, he has such favorites as “Auld Lang Syne,””Comin' Thro' the Rye, “Scots Wha Hae,””A Red, Red Rosé, “The Banks o' Doon,” and “John Anderson, My Jo.” His “Red Red Rose" ,first published in 1794 in A Selection of Scots Songs, edited by Peter Urbani , is a love poem also written to be sung. Ballad in form it is an adaptation of old Scottish folk song. Rhyme Scheme : Written in four ballad stanzas (quatrains) with iambic tetrameter and iambic trimeter alternatively "A Red, Red Rose" has a sweet metrical rhythm. In each stanza 1st and 4th lines rhyme together while only in two occasions in 3rd and...

The Place of English in the School Curriculum at the Present Set up in India

P lace of English in School Curriculum in India  is  an important issue in modern day utilitarian principles. English in India in 21st century is no more a colonial burden, but a real wings of hope and prosperity. Now let's bullet the points of importance.   A Bridge to Higher Studies: English should continue to occupy an important place in the curriculum of secondary schools so that at the end of the secondary stage the pupils will attain good working knowledge of English. The pupil learn English efficiency at secondary level it will not be difficult to catch higher studies. 

Teaching English in the Secondary level : Aims and Principles

E NGLISH is the subject in which teachers and parents are most vitally interested, for it is not only the groundwork of all the other studies but the foundation of career. This article aims to give teachers of elementary and high school English as well as mothers and all others interested in child training knowledge of the English language, types of literature and the most representative classics. It is intended to show definitely how to present the various skills of English language so that classes will appreciate the type, and will acquire a liking for the language.  By means of concrete teaching suggestions the application of practical methods to the various secondary classics is made clear.

Critical Appreciation of H.W. Longfellow's "Nature"

Introduction  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882) is one of the most popular and celebrated American poets .Longfellow's poetic work is characterized by familiar themes, easily grasped ideas, and clear, simple, melodious stylish language. His beautiful sonnet Nature is a popular example of his simple yet melodious lyricism. It is not hard, then, to show in the poem Nature the general structure: the rhyme-scheme; the sustained simile expressed by the two great waves of thought, one in the octave and the other in the sestet; and the complete impression in few words.

Critical Appreciation of P. B. Shelley's "THE MOON"

P. B. Shelley is considered by many to be among the greatest, and one of the most influential leaders of the Romantic Movement. Of no poet in English, or perhaps in any other tongue, could it be said with more surety, that the pursuit of the spirit of beauty dominates all his work. For Shelley it inter-fused all nature and to possess it was the goal of all endeavour. The visible world and the world of thought mingle themselves inextricably in his contemplation of it. For him there is no boundary line between the two, the one is as real and actual as the other. It is in The Moon P. B. Shelley addresses the basic question of romanticism: what is beauty? How is it enjoyed? The Moon is a superb example that shows that everything depends on the eye of the beholder. What strikes most is the contrasting feature that the poem offers.   The Moon is a brilliant fusion of poetic craftsmanship and skilled imagery. The moon has been compared to two different personae in the two stanzas:...

Tips for UGC- NET English Examination

  Approaches to UGC- NET English Examination Some of the most widely administered tests for Teaching Job in India include the UGC- NET, SET , State level teachers’ recruitment programmers like SSC etc. UGC- NET use standardized tests to assess literature achievement, to determine lecturer placement, and to reach specific skill- oriented men. PG students wishing to prefer lectureship continue their efforts after PG generally take these tests, since most INDIAN colleges and universities require test results in applications for lectureship. The most common of these tests include the general aptitude and knowledge of a specific subject. Now look at the syllabi first  I have omitted the general objective paper which wa s more like a filt e r earlier . But , Now, it is equally important to score marks. So add maximum , study it forcefully . UGC National Eligibility Test English Syllabus Subject: English   Note: There will be two question papers, Paper – ...

Sir Philip Sidney’s "Loving In Truth" in Sonnet Series "Astrophil and Stella" as a Typical Love Poem

  S ir Philip Sidney ’s Loving In Truth taken from his sonnet series Astrophil and Stella , is a typical Elizabethan sonnet based on Petrarchan figurative devices. In fact, it is characteristic piece of Sidney’ well known sonnet series and adequately represents his theme of love and impressive technique.  As a Petrarchan form of sonnet, Loving In Truth has love as its central theme. Sidney, the celebrated ideal courtly poet of the Elizabethan Age, reportedly had a love relationship with Penelope Devereux, a lady in waiting to Queen Elizabeth I. His Astrophel and Stella tells the story of the poet Astrophel’s unrequited love for Stella, a high-born and virtuous woman. Loving In Truth, The first sonnet from the cycle conveys the changing emotions of Astrophel, in whose voice the poem is written toward Stella.

Critical Analyses of Henry Vaughan's poem " THE RETREAT"

  Introduction: The poems by which Vaughan is remembered are contained in Silex Scintillans, which appeared in two parts in 1650 and 1655 respectively. This is largely religious inspiration and its title is significant for the emblem on the title page that reveals its meaning to be a heart of flint burning and bleeding under the stroke of a thunder bolt and so throwing off sparks. It is of course the light of divinity. Vaughan is at his best when he deals with the themes of childhood and of communion with nature and with eternity. The poem in discussion The Retreat influenced Wordsworth in the composition of The Ode on the Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early childhood. Vaughan’s Retreat is a religious lyric, a spiritual optimism. It is also a characteristic poem of the metaphysical school. Vanghan’s expression and imagery bear the marks of the metaphysical religious poem of Donne and Herbert. Heaven A deep religious poem: Vaughan’s first love in his poem...

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