Tips for UGC- NET English Examination

  Approaches to UGC- NET English Examination

Some of the most widely administered tests for Teaching Job in India include the UGC- NET, SET, State level teachers’ recruitment programmers like SSC etc. UGC- NET use standardized tests to assess literature achievement, to determine lecturer placement, and to reach specific skill- oriented men. PG students wishing to prefer lectureship continue their efforts after PG generally take these tests, since most INDIAN colleges and universities require test results in applications for lectureship. The most common of these tests include the general aptitude and knowledge of a specific subject.

Now look at the syllabi first

 I have omitted the general objective paper which was more like a filter earlier .But , Now, it is equally important to score marks. So add maximum, study it forcefully.

UGC National Eligibility Test English Syllabus

Subject: English  

There will be two question papers, Paper – II and Paper – III 

Paper – II 

Note: It will cover 50 Objective Type Questions (Multiple choice, Matching type, True / False, Assertion – Reasoning type) carrying 100 marks.
Questions Covers:
  1. Chaucer to Shakespeare
  2. Jacobean to Restoration Periods
  3. Augustan Age : 18th Century Literature
  4. Romantic Period
  5. Victorian Period
  6. Modern Period
  7. Contemporary Period
  8. American and other non – British Literatures
  9. Literary Theory and Criticism
  10. Rhetoric and Prosody
Paper – III 
(The Commission decided that Paper-III be converted into objective type from the ensuing examination scheduled in June 2012. Further, the Commission also recommended that the action may also be initiated for the development of question banks.There should be 75 objective questions all of which are compulsory covering all the periods of History of English Literature and critical approaches.
These objective tests, I think, are designed to assess current performance in an academic area of a student. Your achievement is viewed as an indicator of previous learning; it will also be used to predict future academic success. A such  test administered in a UGC setting would typically include separate measures of Literature, language skills and reading comprehension, arithmetic literary data computation and problem solving, Linguistics, and social studies. In Such a case Electives are not so selective; rather whole literary circle is the syllabi, I think.

Link @ UGC)

Now as you are a literature student , even though the format is objective, what you need to do is to do your studies well with a vision:

There’s enormous diversity in literature as this partial list of genres demonstrates: poetry, drama, novel, story, essay etc. They can be grouped farther. For example, in the case of fiction----- satirical, biographical, religious, romantic, the novel of manners, naturalistic, allegorical, political, utopian, historical, regional, national epic, ethnic, family saga, experimental, and proletarian or protest. Popular (mass-market) fiction genres include Western, science fiction, detective, romance, and horror/occult. List is not yet conclusive.
We read for entertainment and/or instruction, to delight and/or enlighten through the various expressions of the imagination according to some critics. Few find them as the art of exploring and explaining the human experience. Popular or commercial literature may also aim to shock, amaze, or provide us with an escape from reality into another world. Now as a reader you need to explain, extract and exhibit the threads of meaning in the literary piece:

As a reader there are two approaches to reach the meaning:
*      Readers--> Aesthetics --> Meaning
*      Readers--> Society-->Writers ' Identity --> Meaning

In the first one you have to reach the aesthetic level of the created work with such spiritual acclaim as that of the author. You need to be Jogi!

 In the second category it is quite cheaper and easier way of reaching the goal. It is the ladder of knowing myself--> where am I --> who are you( the character/ the author)--> The relation between you and me --> the meaning of the text.

*      Figure out the point of view, or perspective, the writer is using
   --> Third-person omniscient-- In third-person, the author like god like stature filters everything through a single character’s perceptions. Example: Thomas Hardy‘s novels.
  -->First person-- the author lets a character tell the story. Example: Rabindranath Tegore’s Hungry Stone.

*      The author’s style— note author’s use of literary devices -- figures of speech, such as metaphors and similes; symbolism; major images; motifs (repetition of images), humour, innovativeness etc.

Are you reading Macbeth? Okay let’s watch the film, listen others who have read or watched, search the history of Macbeth, get an idea of Shakespeare and Elizabethan theatre, and so on. You can enjoy literary piece more if you have some knowledge of its different types, techniques, and styles.

*      Literature is not an isolated field of studies. You have to know the historical and social context in which that piece of literature was created. Art, music, film, anthropology and philosophy who is not there! 

*      Take a note of the author's biography for the totality of the comprehension and application.

*      Names, places, and dates are to be computed which I personally fear most.

Not much needs to be said that would distinguish writing in English literature from writing in most other college courses. Good writing is good writing, and the chief characteristic of good writing is clarity.

*      Clarity does not mean wordiness. So tell what you know in short, lucid and logical sentences.

*      Effective argumentation is a must in your answer but it should be a mixed result of what you feel and what you know.
*      Demonstrate understanding of literary texts through personal and creative interpretation as well as analytical criticism

*      Recent, relevant, and reputable reference are also key earners of marks. So be up to date on related topic.

*      The present tense is generally used to describe the events within a literary work; the past tense is used to describe what the author did. So write in present tense to gain more scope of animated verbs. 

*      Manage your time properly

*      Chose your topics correctly so that boring can't be pouring in you!

*      In answering objective questions implement your logical assertions.

Good Luck!

English: For UGC-NET/SLET And Other Competitive Examinations - See more at:
UGC-NET Junior Research Fellowship & Lectureship Exam: Teaching & Research Aptitude (Paper - 1) - See more at:


  1. thank you very much for your suggestions i am planning to appear for it next year n it wl help a lot

  2. Iwant to appear for the ugc-net exam.but i have secured 54.4% marks in english m.a.though i have completed my m.phil degree and pursuing the phd entrance i eligible for the ugc-net exam.

  3. Those candidates who have even secured 54.99% marks or below (even 49.99% marks or below for SC/ST & PH/VH candidates) in Master's Degree or equivalent Examination are NOT eligible for this Test. THERE IS NO PROVISION OF ROUNDING OFF OF MARKS TO MAKE IT 55% (50% FOR SC/ST and PH/VH).

    NET shall remain the compulsory requirement for appointment as lecturer even for candidates having Ph.D. degree. However, the candidates who have passed their M.Phil degree by 31st December 1993 or have submitted their Ph.D. thesis to the University in the concerned subject on or before 31st December 2002 are exempted from appearing in the NET Examination. In case such candidates fail to obtain Ph.D. degree, they shall have to pass the NET Examination. The candidates who have passed the UGC/CSIR JRF Examination prior to 1989 are also exempted from appearing in the NET Examination.

    Details @

  4. thanx!a lot, for ur valuable advice.i was really confused about my eligibility for ugc-net.

  5. Dear Ardhendu De
    I will be highly obliged if you can give me some genuine tips to crack NET/SET as i have attempted the exams five times before and because of third paper iam not able to crack it. Any particular books should i refer or what to do iam thoroughly confused. iam studying agewise and genrewise, but even then as the scope of modern literature is so vast iam not able to handle it . Please help.
    If possible please give your mail id so that i can get in touch with you.
    I have recently been awarded Ph.D and my registration was in 2005 , am i exempted from NET/SET ,as what is the UGC 2009 rule even that is not clear.

    Meenakshi Banerji

  6. sir please send me the answers of previous questions papers {english literature paper 2 and 3 andalso for paper one

  7. sir, i want to know the answers of previous question papers [ english literature paper two and paper three and also for paper one ] please sir send me answers for these. my e_mail id is

  8. you are really great sir,thank you.


  10. Sir,

    Can you please sent me the notes on the following

    Chaucer to Shakespeare
    Jacobean to Restoration Periods
    Augustan Age : 18th Century Literature
    Romantic Period
    Victorian Period
    Modern Period
    Contemporary Period
    American and other non – British Literatures
    Literary Theory and Criticism
    Rhetoric and Prosody
    My emial id is

  11. hello sir
    your notes are really really useful. thanks a lot for sharing the same. I have been appearing for UGC NET/SET exam and I am able to clear paper 1 and paper 2 except paper 3 (I have chosen literary theory and criticism for paper3) Can you suggest me how to prepare for this and from where can I get good study material(I have already thoroughly checked internet for the same) Kindly advise & oblige. my mail id is


  12. hi sir

    can u pls suggest a book for his of lit? i am studying from daiches but should i also refer baugh? and thank u so much for the tips. may i have ur mail id?

  13. i am first time watching this log as i recently decided to come to prepare for net exam.
    dear sir can u plz help me on the folling points...
    i am a student of science stream till my garduation and then i only done my pg degree with english lit.
    i hv persued 56 %of marks with the same but as i personally feel i m totaly unknown about the cousre and basics in gradutaion.
    i know i hav to practise more but is this o to start prer for net now

  14. plz tel me how can i remeber the dates nd time period of d prticular genre of literature.......i find difficulty in it.

  15. i am really happy to find your blog sir, i am presently working as contractual lecturer in english in a college and i am preparing to appear net exam in june 2012,my elective is american literature and non british english novels, which has been disturbing me as i am unable to find sufficient notes, can you please help me sir, my id is

  16. Hello sir, Is it possible for the one who have arrear to apply for the NET?

  17. Good morning ,
    Glad to see your Blog here Sir, iam preparing for June NET 2012 Exam kindly sugget me if i make my prepration through NET blogs ? so will they be sufficent for success.? Or anythning other i have to adopt.

  18. Dear Rajib

    I rather emphasize here on suggestion test programs. Here I encourage you to learn only the material likely to be covered in the tests rather than provide a comprehensive education. So I have certain limitations. You better follow me as a guide but not a complete teacher.

  19. Sir,
    I wish to give net exam this year please help me if you have some notes on paper 2 and 3.. my email id is

  20. Sir I am in MA IInd Sem. and preparing for NET exam, would love to seek your suggestion regarding elective subjects PaperII Sec 2; kindly bestow your kind counseling to choose best 3 topics among them.

    waiting for your penned suggestions as per your convenience of time. Thanks in advance, Sir!and Happy new year.

    Regards: Gopi Kumar Parganiha

  21. Dear Sir,

    Will be obliged if you reply..the net june 2012 is to have a objective paper 3 , how does one anticipate its questions and prepare for it. Should we read the texts of MA OR DO WHAT ? AM CLUELESS AND LOST !! please suggest


  22. Dear Sir,
    I am very much delighted by your contribution to candidates aspiring to qualify NET, and we would be very much greatful to you if guide us about the objective exam pattern also.
    expecting a lot from you,
    somanchi saikumar

  23. Dear Students, the paper iii is still under construction for UGC.I will certainly update it soon. Thanks for the comments.

    1. Sir
      I am planning to appear net first time.
      What should I read please suggest reference material.
      I would be very grateful if you send me material on this mail
      thanks a lot.

  24. hello sir,
    can u please guide me regarding the starting point for the net exam........I'm bit confused about the choice in 3rd paper...what all will be included in the paper 0f Indian writing?what is meant by Indian literature in English translation?

  25. Hello sir,
    I am totally confused what to study now or not.I mean now the third paper will contain 75 objective questions.Still we will be given choices with electives or not? I mean its not clear about how to study now.Pls help sir ....

  26. hallo sir,
    i planned to appear 4 NEXT net EXAm.i 'm lil bit confused abt da new proceedure of 3rd u have any idea about how many questions are from each elective?

  27. Dear Students,

    These objective tests, I think, are designed to assess current performance in an academic area of a student. Your achievement is viewed as an indicator of previous learning; it will also be used to predict future academic success. A such test administered in a UGC setting would typically include separate measures of Literature, language skills and reading comprehension, arithmetic literary data computation and problem solving, Linguistics, and social studies. In Such a case Electives are not so selective; rather whole literary circle is the syllabi, I think.

  28. ashok reddy its good really helpful please update paper III..

  29. hello sir myself is a post graduate in science subject having ASRB NET qualified meanwhile i have done PG in english due to my intense interest in the subject through private i am thinking of appearing in december NET exam but as a layman i don't know how to start and from where to start plz help me by providing names of every fundamental book needed to crack this exam.

  30. sir i would like to know if you can send study material for ugc net english exam to be held in dec 2012.kindly update as soon as possible to avoid delay.Thank you

  31. i qualified ugc net english. i would like to know how will i get placement in central university centres? can u suggest some sites providing opportunities?

  32. "Plants are enough to meet the need of society but not to greed." Similarly, u&your attitude...because i have seen that lot of websites are provide their study material but they greed money...but u r real i have not word to express..because i am literary..

  33. Can you suggest a comprehensive guide to prepare for English literature for theNET? Much obliged. thanks.


  34. sir can u supply us with the new pattern third paper sample question and answer paper?

  35. Thanks padmini and sahu for your comments. as far as you query in net is concerned a through analytical study is required. i do function few tips for studies here. follow them regularly. best of luck!

  36. very nice initiative sir . thanks a lot

  37. Sir,
    In paper III,do we need to study one or all of the electives?

  38. Dear Ankita, Electives are not so selective; rather whole literary circle is the syllabi..particularly the analytical Criticism..

  39. i have completed my ma in english. i studied only 4 papers of linguistics in the 2nd year because we had an option to choose either indian english or linguistics .can i choose linguistics for net exam ? please,please reply!

  40. Dear Anil,in the present format of NET exam there is no such option. Electives are not so selective; rather whole literary circle is the syllabi..particularly the analytical Criticism..
    best wishes!

  41. Hello sir, am doing M.A through postal. Am I eligible for net exam?

  42. Dear Vani, You are very much eligible if your P.G. is recognized by UGC. good luck.

  43. Hi sir please suggest names of some essential books needed for the preparation of next net exam. Thanks for this helpful blog. sourav.

  44. Sir I am preparing for NET English exams and I would like to know that is it essential to read all the works of all the writers or getting a fair idea about all these works would be sufficient enough.

  45. Sir i think after years of search i have found a help..

  46. sir, I have scored 214 (61%) in dec,12 net in the first answer key. I expect my score may increase in the final answer. as a general student do I have any chance to make it?

  47. Respected sir,
    I am glad to have ur blog and valuable material for English Net exam but sir I'm unable to understand how should I start preparation for Net exam for being surly success. Kindly suggest me.
    Waiting for ur response.

    Thanking u.

  48. Sir can u give me the key to crack NET successfully, A Smart tip from a smart brain.
    If possible pls send me previous yrs. solved Q. papers of'10,'11,'12. Eagerly looking forward for ur guide.My id is

  49. hi sir ur web site nis really helpful

  50. Sir,

    Can you please sent me the notes on the following

    Chaucer to Shakespeare
    Jacobean to Restoration Periods
    Augustan Age : 18th Century Literature
    Romantic Period
    Victorian Period
    Modern Period
    Contemporary Period
    American and other non – British Literatures
    Literary Theory and Criticism
    Rhetoric and Prosody

    my email ID-

  51. Sir,

    Can you please sent me the notes of ugc english syllabus and suggest names of some essential books.
    my email id-

  52. can u please sent me the notes on these
    Chaucer to Shakespeare
    Jacobean to Restoration Periods
    Augustan Age : 18th Century Literature
    Romantic Period
    Victorian Period
    Modern Period
    Contemporary Period
    American and other non – British Literatures
    Literary Theory and Criticism
    Rhetoric and Prosody
    and also suggest me the name of some books.
    actually i leave my studies five years ago due to my marriage,now i want to continue them but don't know where to start from as i have nothing with me and also can't have money to take coaching classes please help me
    my email id is

  53. Sir plz help me out as I forgot everything plz guide me from scratch. I m so nervous.

  54. thank you vry much sir for ur helpful advice...i'm a student of graduation 1st year, and my aim is to crack net in future...i wish for ur guidance sir, my email id is

  55. Dear sir
    I request you to please send me the study material for paper 2 and ppr 3 .I'll be greatly thankful to you.
    Email id.

  56. Sir
    Can u please send me net English materials to my email id . And suggest me how to study and what all things I need to study.. thank u..

  57. sir please send some very useful and important notes for i am much confused..waiting for your response...please sir help me..
    my email id is-

  58. Can you please sent me the notes on the following

    Chaucer to Shakespeare
    Jacobean to Restoration Periods
    Augustan Age : 18th Century Literature
    Romantic Period
    Victorian Period
    Modern Period
    Contemporary Period
    American and other non – British Literatures
    Literary Theory and Criticism
    Rhetoric and Prosody
    my email id

  59. Hello sir
    My name is rakesh Kumar sir I need ur tips to crack the ugc net in English subject because the course is very lengthy & it's not so easy to read all novels & poems of every age please give me some tips my email id is

  60. Sir I did ma in English after my then I want to know that I'm eligible for net or not please tell me soon....

  61. You are well spotted if secured 55% in Masters.


  63. Hi sir, I just wanted to know do colleges for jrf consider graduation percentage too while screening? As my score in graduation was 48.5% but in master's I got 62%. And what do people do in research dept. Of english?

  64. Hi, Nope, there is marks allotted for % but the real test is your research goal

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Sir,Can you please sent me the notes on the following
    Chaucer to ShakespeareJacobean to Restoration PeriodsAugustan Age : 18th Century LiteratureRomantic PeriodVictorian PeriodModern PeriodContemporary PeriodAmerican and other non – British LiteraturesLiterary Theory and CriticismRhetoric and Prosody

    My emial id is

  67. sir plz tell me should i note down from books on poetry only summary and critical appreciation or something else

  68. denish
    sir can youmail me your net notes and i have a doubt ,what way i am going to touch the syllabus first
    email id denishdurai@gmail com

  69. sir .. please suggest me a book for paper II and III which cover most of all topics. i wish to give net exam of 28th dec 2014

  70. Sir, please can u help me..

    Can you please sent me the notes on the following

    Chaucer to Shakespeare
    Jacobean to Restoration Periods
    Augustan Age : 18th Century Literature
    Romantic Period
    Victorian Period
    Modern Period
    Contemporary Period
    American and other non – British Literatures
    Literary Theory and Criticism
    Rhetoric and Prosody
    my mail id is

  71. Hi Veeru, I don't recommend books here. However, take a note of every passing moments of literature and put a logical and analytical observation in them. best wishes.

  72. Dear Sir,

    I am a Science Post-graduate. Due to my interests in Eng.Lit., I opted it for further studies. Now I have cleared my NET exams and also hv passed M.Phil. I want to appear in College Lecturer Exams. I don't have a good base of Eng. Lit. as I had chosen the subject lately. Please guide me for the exam, what and How should I study. I will always be thankful to you.


  73. Dear sir,
    I am trying to crack the NET exam for a long time and unable to get through it. Please send me your notes with some tips to answer the MCQs. I will greatly be obliged to you. Thank you in advance.


  74. Dear sir,
    I am trying to crack the NET exam for a long time and unable to get through it. Please send me your notes with some tips to answer the MCQs. I will greatly be obliged to you. Thank you in advance.


  75. Hello sir,

    I wish you are doing good.

    Currently I am pursuing my masters from IGNOU (Distance Mode), and have been employed with private companies for the last eight years.

    Can you please suggest, how can I build my resume healthier in preparation for job interviews in colleges/universities. For I have a substantial gap in my academic pursuits.

    Thank you
    Looking forward to your help
    Aseem Halder

  76. hello sir,
    it was quite a help going through your blog.

    i have a BA in sociology,hist n pub ad.
    MA in english through i eligible to apprear in net?
    .though i think i am alien to many authors n books.
    do u suggest coaching or at home study?
    could u pl e mail the notes at ?
    pl guide .

  77. Hello sir i am Niti. I have pursued my masters in English. I am planning to write net in the coming year , June 2016.please give me some tips and all possible study materials . email-

  78. Hello sir I am Niti..... I am planning to write my net in June ,2016. My subject is english literature....can u giv me some tips as well as all possible study materials in my

  79. Sir tell me Net English books names

  80. Thanks everybody for commenting here.... I don't recomment books here ... for more keep updated by following @ FB or G+

  81. thanks for sharing this article for ugc net

  82. hello sir,
    I doing MA english, 2nd sem. I want to appear for net exam. whether I am eligible now and what steps should i take to appear for the exam. pl also enlighten me about the papers and the books to read

  83. Hello sir,
    According to the ugc net notificationexam will be in june, can you provide me some preparation material for the same.

  84. Thank You for the blog, your blog makes me understand many things. I'm looking forward for new blogs....

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  87. Stumbled upon RADIANCE for UGC NET English coaching and was truly impressed! 🌟 This institute in Kerala seems to be a game-changer, particularly for UGC NET JRF English coaching. They've got programs that cater to different schedules, whether you're in Trivandrum or elsewhere in Kerala. The focus on UGC NET English Literature coaching caught my eye – seems like a place where subject mastery is a priority.RADIANCE claims to be the best coaching institute for UGC NET English and their reputation does seem impressive. If you're in Kerala and aspiring for UGC NET success, their UGC NET JRF coaching might be worth exploring.The idea of UGC NET English classes in Kerala with RADIANCE is intriguing – they seem to have a knack for guiding students right. If you're curious, their official website is: RADIANCE UGC NET English Coaching. Who knows, this might just be the guiding light you need!

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