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A TO Z Literary Principles from History of English Literature: Note 28

History of English Literature- Miscellaneous

1 Q: Who were the two English lawyers who produced the first English tragedy on the Seneca model in blank verse?
A: The two English lawyers were Norton and Sackville.

2 Q: Where did English prose first make its appearance, even before the advent of King Alfred?
A: English prose first made its appearance in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles.

3 Q: Who were the two editors of the first Folio of Shakespeare, published in 1623?
A: The two editors of the first Folio of Shakespeare were Heminge and Condell.

4 Q: Name four poets associated with the 'Decadent Movement.'
A: The four poets associated with the 'Decadent Movement' are Oscar Wilde, Lionel Johnson, Ernest Dowson, and Arthur Symons.

5 Q: Which Roman playwright influenced Elizabethan Revenge Tragedy and is famous for Medea?
A: The Roman playwright who influenced Elizabethan Revenge Tragedy and is famous for Medea is Seneca.

6 Q: To which unknown poet of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Patience, and Cleanness is the religious allegory in alliterative verse of the Middle English period usually attributed?
A: The religious allegory in alliterative verse of the Middle English period is usually attributed to the unknown poet of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Patience, and Cleanness.

7 Q: Who is generally regarded as the 'Demosthenes of England' and wrote masterpieces such as 'On the Impeachment of Warren Hastings' and 'A Vindication of Natural Society'?
A: Edmund Burke is generally regarded as the 'Demosthenes of England' and wrote masterpieces such as 'On the Impeachment of Warren Hastings' and 'A Vindication of Natural Society.'

8 Q: What is the constant refrain in Deor's Lament?
A: The constant refrain in Deor's Lament is 'That was lived through, so can this be' or other words, 'His sorrow passed away, so will mine.'

9 Q: What is Swift's greatest satire?
A: Swift's greatest satire is Gulliver's Travels.

10 Q: Who completed Marlowe's poem Hero and Leander?
A: George Chapman completed Marlowe's poem Hero and Leander.

11 Q: Name three plays written by Shakespeare in his last period.
A: The three plays written by Shakespeare in his last period are The Tempest, Cymbeline, and Winter's Tale.

12 Q: Who were the editors of Shakespeare's First Folio (1623)?
A: The editors of Shakespeare's First Folio (1623) were Heminge and Condell.

13 Q: Who wrote the Latin text Cura Pastoralis, which was translated by King Alfred?
A: The Latin text Cura Pastoralis was written by Pope Gregory and translated by King Alfred.

14 Q: What does the bird phoenix symbolize in the poem Phoenix?
A: The bird phoenix in the poem symbolizes Christ and his resurrection.

15 Q: Upon what work is More's Utopia based?
A: More's Utopia is based on Plato's The Republic.

16 Q: For what reason is Wycliffe often referred to as the father of English prose?
A: Wycliffe is often referred to as the father of English prose for his translation of the Bible.

17 Q: In what form is Spenser's The Shepherd's Calendar written?
A: Spenser's The Shepherd's Calendar is written in the form of dialogues.

18 Q: Name three Scottish poets who were influenced by Chaucer.
A: The three Scottish poets who were influenced by Chaucer are King James I, Dunbar, and Henryson.

19 Q: From what work is Butler's satire Hudibras derived?
A: Butler's satire Hudibras is derived from Don Quixote.

20 Q: In which anthology were the poems of Wyatt and Surrey anthologized?
A: The poems of Wyatt and Surrey were anthologized in Tottel's Miscellany (1557).

21 Q: Who was the first English poet to have signed his works?
A: Cynewulf was the first English poet to have signed his works.

22 Q: To whom were Shakespeare's poems Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece dedicated?
 A: Shakespeare's poems Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece were dedicated to Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton.

23 Q: Whose story does Shakespeare's The Rape of Lucrece tell?
A: Shakespeare's The Rape of Lucrece tells the story of Tarquin.

24 Q: Which work is associated with Robert Buchanan and the term "The Fleshly School of Poetry"?
A: Robert Buchanan's work is associated with "The Fleshly School of Poetry."

25 Q: Match the following pseudonyms with their corresponding author's actual name:

Elia: Charles Lamb
Boz: Charles Dickens
Currer Bell: Charlotte Bronte
Ellis Bell: Emily Bronte
Acton Bell: Anne Bronte
Mark Twain: Samuel Clemens
George Eliot: Mary Ann Evans
Saki: Hector Munro
26 Q: What does the term "Annus Mirabilis" of Dryden mean?
A: The term "Annus Mirabilis" of Dryden means 'year of miracles.'

** Q: Upon which play is Wycherley's The Plain Dealer modeled?
A: Wycherley's The Plain Dealer is modeled on Moliere's The Misanthrope.

 1. ALBERT. (2000). History of English Literature (Fifth Edition) [English]. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS.
  2. A history of English literature : Compton-Rickett, Arthur, 1869-1937 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive. (n.d.). Internet Archive.


  1. Marlowe's Hero and Leander was completed by George Chapman, not Chaucer.

  2. sir .....solve the question paper so we can check our answers...............


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