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“Mimesis” : Mode of Critical Literary Theory

A Critical Examination of the Role of Mimesis in Literary Theory and Interpretation

"Mimesis" And Its Meaning

"Mimesis" has almost the same meaning as mime but the concept of imitation in this case has wider connotations. "Mimesis" is a term used in critical literary theory to describe the concept of imitation or representation of reality in works of literature. The term derives from the Greek word "mimēsis," which means "imitation" or "representation."

"Mimesis" : The Classical Roots

The concept of mimesis has its roots in ancient Greek philosophy, particularly in the works of Plato and Aristotle. Plato, in his dialogues, criticized art and poetry as mere imitation of an imperfect world, while Aristotle saw mimesis as a fundamental aspect of art and literature. According to Aristotle, the purpose of mimesis is to create a cathartic experience for the audience, allowing them to purge their emotions through the imitation of tragic events.

Originally, Greek artists were the first to establish mimesis (imitation of nature) as a guiding principle for art, even as Greek philosophers debated the intellectual value of this approach.
The repeated depiction of the nude human figure in Greek art reflects Greek humanism—a belief that 'Man is the measure of all things,' in the words of Greek philosopher Protagoras. Architecture is another Greek legacy that the West has inherited, as Greece established many of the structural elements, decorative motifs, and building types still used in architecture today. Aristotle in Poetics, states that tragedy is an imitation of an action, but the uses the term comprehensively to refer to the construction of a play and what is put into it. We should use mimesis to mean representation, which relates to verisimilitude. The outstanding work in this topic is Eric Auerbach’s Mimesis (1957).

In the context of literary theory, mimesis refers to the idea that literature is not simply a reflection of reality, but rather an artistic representation that imitates or recreates aspects of the world. This imitation can take various forms, including the portrayal of characters, events, settings, and emotions. As a literary genre, the term signifies the attempt by one writer to rework the structure and theme of an earlier writer’s work recast a contemporary mood. The form is most prominent in verse, and the most notable examples date from the late Renaissance period, culminating in the wok of the Restoration and Augustan poets, who frequently wrote imitations of the famous classical poets, Juvenal and Horace being the most cultivated. By this means satire could be updated for instance but the framework of similarities to an age long past could be invoked for special effect. The from is distinct from a translation and allows considerably more poetic license. The Latin original (imitation) and its Greek counterpart (mimesis) have a stricter intellectual connotation, referring to the whole of the representation of reality through the written word.

 “Mimesis” at Post Romantic Period

Literary theory during and after the romantic period regarded imitation is sense as a somewhat inferior practice, derivative lacking in originality. Prior to that and for many centuries it had been regarded as a wholly respectable practice. Aristotle advocated it, so did Cicero and Horace. The idea was that a writer should learn everything he could from the masters who were his predecessors. This point of view prevailed during the medieval and Renaissance periods and continued into the 17th century.  
In modern critical literary theory, the concept of mimesis has been expanded and interpreted in different ways. Some theorists argue that literature imitates social and cultural realities, reflecting and commenting on the world in which it is created. Others emphasize the role of mimesis in constructing meaning and shaping the reader's interpretation of a text.

Mimesis is also closely related to other literary concepts, such as representation, realism, and aesthetics. It raises questions about the relationship between art and reality, the nature of literary interpretation, and the social and cultural functions of literature.


Overall, the concept of mimesis serves as a mode of analysis in critical literary theory, enabling scholars and readers to explore how literature represents, imitates, and engages with the world around us. It provides a framework for understanding the complex relationship between art, reality, and the act of reading.

1. A history of English literature : Compton-Rickett, Arthur, 1869-1937 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive. (n.d.). Internet Archive.    
2. A short history of English literature : Saintsbury, George, 1845-1933 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive. (n.d.). Internet Archive.
3. Legouis & Cazamian’s : History of English Literature - in 5 Vols. (n.d.). Legouis & Cazamian&Rsquo;S : History of English Literature - in 5 Vols.
4. Literary Criticism A Short History William Wimsatt Jr And Cleanth Brooks : William Wimsatt Jr and Cleanth Brooks : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive. (n.d.). Internet Archive.
5. Mimesis : Auerbach, Erich : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive. (n.d.). Internet Archive.
6. Hurwit, Jeffrey M. "Greek Art and Architecture." Microsoft® Student 2009 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2008.


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