Level: Graduation
marks: 100 Time: 3hrs
(a) Answer
ANY TEN question: 10*3= 30
- What is called sonnet sequence? Mention two sequences along with their authors.
- What is the meaning of the tile word Astrophel and Stella?
- Bring out the significance. What is the meaning of the title word Amoretti? How many sonnets are there in this series?
- “Oft turning other’s are leaves, to see if there would flow some fresh and fruitful showers upon my sun burnt brain”-Whose brain is ‘sun burnt’ and why? What is meant by ‘showers’?
- Which is called ‘nature’s child’ and why?
- ‘Vain man’, said she, “that dost in vain assay”- Why does the lady call the man ‘vain’? It the lady right in saying so?
- “My verse yours virtues rare shall eternize”- rewrite the sentence in proper grammatical order. What kind of rhetoric is in the quoted line?
- To whom does Shakespeare address his Sonnet no 130? Give two examples of ‘false comparisons’ criticized by Shakespeare this sonnet?
- What is called ‘Volta’ of a sonnet?
- What is stanza division of Shakespearean sonnet? How is it different from Spenser’s?
- Why is the poet, Sidney eager to write verse and to address it to the beloved?
- And yet by heaven, I think my love as rare, As any she belied with false compare.
- O; none, unless this miracle have might, That in black ink my love may still shine bright
- Where when as death shall all the world subdue, Our love shall live, and later life renew
- Biting my truant pen, beating myself for spite /”Fool”, said my Muse to me, “Look in thy heart, and write;
C. Answer
any TWO- essay type.15*2=30
1. Spenser’s
Sonnet No.75 has a derma tic texture and lyrical tendency-discuss.
2. Sidney’s
Sonnet No.1 has a divination of poetic creativity- discuss
3. Critically appreciate SHAKESPEARE’S Sonnet
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