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PLOT-SUBPLOT ANALYSIS IN BEN JONSON'S "VOLPONE": : The Deceptive Schemes of Volpone and the Intrigues of Mosca and Corvino

“The seasoning of a play is the applause.”
Ben Jonson (1572 - 1637)
English playwright and poet.

 Unraveling the Intricate Threads: The Significance of Subplot in Ben Jonson's Plays

Ever since Coleridge declared that “The Alchemist” was among the three most perfect plots ever devised, there was such excessive emphasis on the plots of Jonson, that T.S Eliot reacted by declaring that what holds his plays together is a unity of impression that radiates into plots and personages alike. Yet one cannot deny that Jonson’s plays are generally well-constructed, and that they obey the classical principles of action, time and place further, the classicism of the plot is also evident in the five-fold structure of exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution. The only hindrance to unity of the plot however is the subplot, which was been judged to be unnecessary or excrescences by a number of critics, since it dose not in any number contribute to the thematic core of the main plot. Yet, a discerning study would reveal that the subplot is intimately connected to the main plot.

Gold's Deception: The Intrigues and Perverse Desires in Ben Jonson's 'Volpone'

The play begins with an exposition in tune with classical principal. Unlike the Shakespearean practice of often beginning with minor characters, Jonson begins with Volpone himself. The very first utterance of Volpone takes the heart of the play, his adoration of gold striking the keynote of the play: 'Good morning to the day; and next my gold! Open the shrine that I may see my saint’. Volpone reveals at length his scheme of dunning the legacy hunters, and subsequently, all the gulls arrive, revealing there perverted values and distorted natures. Voltore brings a plate for Volpone, Corbaccio changes his will to please him, Corvino prostitutes his wife to satisfy his carnality, and Lady Would-Be offers herself to gain his legacy.

The Intrigues of Deception and Consequences in Ben Jonson's "Volpone"

The complication which had begun in the first act itself even Mosca convinced Corbaccio that writing a will in the name of Volpone as the inheritor would please Volpone, leading him in turn to makes Corbaccio the legatee. The second act furthers the complication by introducing a new but related theme that of greed for carnal pleasures. Mosca the parasite had tempted Volpone in this new direction by describing the beauty of Celia in rapturous terms, and then suggesting that he could behold here by creating a stage beside here window and selling salves as mountebank from the stage . Volpone is successful in making Celia buy the medicine, but by the husband who arrives suddenly and is instantly jealous. The action moves towards the crisis when Bonario hears Celia’s for  help from the chamber and  rushes in to rescue her, This is contrary Mosca’s plan, his original  plan having been get awry by the delay of Corbaccio as well as  premature arrival of Corvino with Celia. Bonario not only assaults Volpone but also reports the entire matter to the authorities. Volpone realizes that he is to suffer its judicial consequences. According to Italian law, his property would be confiscated and he would be branded with iron.

Twists and Turns: Deception, Reversals, and the Resolution in Ben Jonson's 'Volpone'

The falling action begins with the trials of Volpone, thought Jonson’s artistry leads him to create a series of counter-movements in the plot in order to sustain the audience’s curiosity and interest. Mosca turns the table on Bonario and Celia by making the father and the husband give false witness with regard to the son and wife coactively, evidence which is naturally considered unimpeachable by the judges. But just when Volpone as well as Mosca’s future seem secure with the discrediting of the two occurs a reversal in the plot. Volpone, incensed at his being denied a legacy, reveals everything to the judges. And yet, just when the gamesters to be up for Volpone and Mosca another reversal occurs Volpone succeeds in persuading Voltore to decal before the judges that it was under the influence of an evil spirit that he had deposed against Volpone. The resolution of the plot follows when Volpone angered at Mosca’a treachery, reveals all, and the ends with each receiving his deserved punishment.

The Interconnectedness: Reevaluating the Subplot in Ben Jonson's "Volpone"

We may argue that the common dismissal of the subplot in Volpone as irrelevant and discordant is a misguided notion perpetuated by literary critics. While it may serve as a source of comic relief,  there are deeper connections between the subplot and the main plot that are often overlooked.
One such connection is the "common beat fable" as described by John Rea in his edition of Volpone. The characters of Sir Pol and Lady Would-Be are not merely frivolous additions, but rather they serve to highlight important themes within the play. Sir Pol, as an imitating parrot, mirrors the character of Volpone, who is the fox, while Mosca serves as the parasitic fly. Through Sir Pol's failed attempts at imitating Volpone's schemes, the play emphasizes the idea that duplicity and deceit cannot be easily replicated. Lady Would-Be, on the other hand, adds a new element to the legacy hunters by using her femininity to her advantage. Her attempts to rival the lascivious Venetians in their game of education highlight the role of gender and sexuality within the play.
Therefore, to dismiss the subplot as irrelevant and discordant is to overlook the interconnectedness of the characters and themes within the play. In ultimate critical estimates, the subplot serves as an integral part of Volpone's overall commentary on greed, deceit, and societal norms.


In conclusion, it is arguably proven that the subplot in Ben Jonson's Volpone enriches the main plot by integrating into themes of greed, deception, and the corrupting power of wealth. It showcases the intricate web of manipulation woven by Mosca, Volpone's cunning servant, as he orchestrates the deceptions and plays puppeteer with the other characters. Additionally, the subplot brings forth the character of Corvino, a jealous and selfish potential heir, whose willingness to sacrifice his wife's virtue reveals the depths of his moral compromises. Together, the interactions within the subplot provide a contrasting perspective to Volpone's antics and contribute to the overall satirical tone of the play. By exploring the lengths characters are willing to go to secure their desires, Volpone offers a critical commentary on human nature and societal norms, leaving the audience with a thought-provoking portrayal of the complexities of greed and deceit.
1. Volpone : Ben Jonson : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive. (n.d.). Internet Archive.
2. The complete critical guide to Ben Jonson : Loxley, James, 1968- : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive. (n.d.). Internet Archive.


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