It is time that the art of reading story , of which we have many beautiful examples from infant days, should be strictly distinguished from the burden of examinations . Like acting or the playing of music, it is an art of interpretation of self searching. It requires, at its best, an exacting and imaginative scholarship, for we must understand story text in its fullest and most living sense; it requires a power over the instrument of storytelling. We should also take hold of the author's perspectives over the expression of his characters’ voice or the pictures of his story body. Readers’ aim, too, is identical with the aims of the author’s arts of interpretation. Meanings or perceptions of the reading text may vary only if it is well read. In that perspective, for understanding literary stories, a time line can help to organize the steps in the process. A Literary Time Line can help us writing down the story's events in the order they occur. It is especially helpful for ...
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