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Showing posts from June, 2013

How to Understand Literary Stories: Book Survey?

It is time that the art of reading story , of which we have many beautiful examples from infant days, should be strictly distinguished from the burden of examinations . Like acting or the playing of music, it is an art of interpretation of self searching. It requires, at its best, an exacting and imaginative scholarship, for we must understand story text in its fullest and most living sense; it requires a power over the instrument of storytelling. We should also take hold of the author's perspectives over the expression of his characters’ voice or the pictures of his story body. Readers’ aim, too, is identical with the aims of the author’s arts of interpretation. Meanings or perceptions of the reading text may vary only if it is well read.  In that perspective, for understanding literary stories, a time line can help to organize the steps in the process. A Literary Time Line can help us writing down the story's events in the order they occur. It is especially helpful for ...

How to become a good Teacher? Your First Class of Teaching Literature- Students and ETC.

The preparation of Teaching Literature has only been made possible by the very kind help of students who have enabled the teachers to lecture some of many favourite passages from the worthy writings. In the case of teaching, teachers have complete freedom of choice and were generously granted. However, nobody ask a student what he or she likes. The teachers have to tender their gratitude to all the students of English classroom for their most courteous and welcome collaboration in the making of it. One of the newly appointed teachers     in somewhere in Utopia (?) declared he would not take classes until he knew few students personally, and had dined with each. It is told that he prophesied his class wouldn’t begin to earn repute until he had obtained at least a dozen of his friends on the listening staffs of prominent. It has been rumoured that a teacher’s success in teaching depends on the students’ personal recommendation. Teaching Literature is a now a days professio...

Politics Motivated Chaucer in His Writing: Political Career

In order to study the Chaucer’s Time through the inputs of history and Chaucer’s own career are worth taking. It cannot be denied that except rich patronage he would not be able to compose such a multitude in his tumultuous years.  It is worth remembering – what would not be guessed from a study of Chaucer’s writing – that the period in which he lived was a Time of Rapid Change and Events of Confusion . The growing tendency for the commutation of labor service for money – payment combined with the result of the Black Death to cause the decay of villeinage and to increase the independence of the Laborers , who, left small in number by the ravages of the plague, were able to set their own price on their labor. In vain the governing class tried to stop the rise in laborers ‘wages by statutes of laborers’.  The clock not is put back, and the results of the Black Death in depopulating the countryside put the laborers in an extremely favorable position. Villeins slipped aw...

A TO Z Literary Principles from History of English Literature: Note 49

Short notes on History of English Literature   A Set of 26 Objective Questions & Answers Pecola is a character in: The Bluest Eye . Pecola in Toni Morrison's  The Bluest Eye is raped by father figure and the novel is about a young black girl growing up in a violent, racist society. Virginia Woolf was associated with the “Bloomsbury Group”. Bloomsbury Group: Virginia Woolf, Leonard Sidney Woolf, Roger Fry, Clive Bell, John Maynard Keynes, Lytton Strachey, Desmond MacCarthy, E. M. Forster, Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant.  Lucky is a characters in Waiting for Godot . The last book of Gulliver’s Travels is : “Voyage to Houyhnhnms ” VI ;“Voyage to Lilliput” I;“Voyage to Brobdingnag” II “Voyage to Laputa”III {Part I, Lemuel Gulliver describes how he began undertaking voyages as ship’s surgeon, and ended up during one voyage shipwrecked in Lilliput, a land where the people are twelve tim...

A TO Z Literary Principles from History of English Literature: Note 48

Short notes on History of English Literature A Set of 26 Objective Questions & Answers 1.       The style of the Sidney’s pastoral romance, Arcadia is highly “conceited”, full of elaborate analogies balanced parenthetical asides and pathetic fallacies. 2.       Jonson’s comedies are not merely farcical, it is written with a purpose. 3.       Sidney’s pastoral romance Arcadia was famous in its day. 4.       The mariner found in Utopia a far different world from European corruption, crime, waste and war. 5.       Man and Superman is a magnificent philosophical play by Bernard Shaw, described as “A comedy and a philosophy”. 

Analysis of John Keats’ "Ode to the Grecian Urn": Contrasting the Real and the Ideal

"'Beauty is truth, truth beauty,'—that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." John Keats  (1795 - 1821) English poet. "Ode on a Grecian Urn" Treatment of Beauty     A Controversial Poem   As a poem Blemished by the Final Didacticism   Keats, unlike Wordsworth certain man's spiritual uplift in Nature or Shelley's faith in Promethean salvation, was a poet who primarily explored the human predicament the yawning chasm between the real and the ideal , the temporal and the timeless misery and serenity , the decay and eternity . If the poem like Ode to Autumn ,and Ode on Indolence are concerned with the sensuous enjoyment of earthly luxuries , and if Ode on Melancholy deals with beauty ' that must die ' Ode to a Nightingale and Ode to the Grecian Urn are attempts at a resolution of the human dilemma while in ode to a Nightingale the 'forlorn' poet realize the 'deceiving' nature of the Nightingales imagina...


Introduction:    Marvell, the metaphysical poet, who carried the school of Donne to its zenith, uses all the ingenuous resources to present the carpediem theme of the conquest of time through intense enjoyment. Marvell’s To His Coy Mistress is one of the most eloquent. Although Marvell rides on the theme of the love and time, Marvell is unique in his use of wit and logic, on the one hand and intense emotion and passion on the other. Imagery in poetry refers to the use of various sense impressions from the varied worlds of perception to vivify a particular emotion or theme. The metaphysical poets, Marvell in particular, were renowned for their distinctive use of imagery known as conceits. Conceits are the intense and elaborate parallels which amaze the readers by their ingenuity and appropriateness in spite of the seeming differences. Even Johnson called it the ‘yoking’ of the disparate, a finding of resemblance between things apparently unlike. Celebrated example from Donne i...

Tips for College Service Commission Interview

Colleges ( College Service Commission ) require a personal interview with the students to meet with members of the admissions and faculty staff.   Interviews with   the admissions and faculty officer   further evaluate the applicant’s strengths. In addition, they offer the applicant an opportunity to answer questions about the knowledge base and to demonstrate personal communication skills. The West Bengal College Service Commission Before making a decision about what questions to attend, most applicants find it useful to visit books after books. In fact, most colleges and universities arrange such interviews and encourage prospective students to get an idea of the style of life and learning at the particular institution. So, The College service interview is no Q & A but better communications. So, here I give you few tips:        👉   Be controlled even being nervous. Be upbeat and positi...

Other Fat Writing