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Tips for College Service Commission Interview

Colleges (College Service Commission) require a personal interview with the students to meet with members of the admissions and faculty staff.   Interviews with   the admissions and faculty officer   further evaluate the applicant’s strengths. In addition, they offer the applicant an opportunity to answer questions about the knowledge base and to demonstrate personal communication skills.

The West Bengal College Service Commission
Before making a decision about what questions to attend, most applicants find it useful to visit books after books. In fact, most colleges and universities arrange such interviews and encourage prospective students to get an idea of the style of life and learning at the particular institution.

So, The College service interview is no Q & A but better communications. So, here I give you few tips:

      👉  Be controlled even being nervous. Be upbeat and positive. Never be negative.
  👉Reread your best learned topics.
  👉Motivate the interviewers towards your playing ground.
  👉 Introduce your qualifications, good work habits, works, PhD, MPhil etc.
  👉Your weaknesses can be strength if you plainly admit it.
  👉Give a powerful teaching on your chosen subject. During teaching, treat interviewers as your students.
  👉Do your research. Learn about the College Service Commission and the position you are interviewing for.
  👉Be prepared to answer questions about your experience and qualifications. Be able to articulate why you are interested in the position and what you can contribute to the College Service Commission.
  👉Be confident and enthusiastic. Show the interviewer that you are excited about the opportunity to serve the college community.
  👉Dress professionally. First impressions matter, so make sure you dress appropriately for the interview.
  👉Be on time. Punctuality is important, so make sure you arrive for the interview on time.
  👉Be polite and respectful. Thank the interviewer for their time and consideration at the end of the interview.
  👉Be prepared to answer questions about your leadership skills and experience.
  👉Be able to discuss your vision for the College Service Commission and how you would contribute to its success.
  👉Be positive and upbeat, and show the interviewer that you are passionate about serving the college community.
  👉Practice your answers to common interview questions ahead of time.
  👉Relax and be yourself. The interviewer wants to get to know the real you, so don't try to be someone you're not.
Good Luck!                                      

Ardhendu De


  1. thanks. i am already feeling jittery because these three years i have taught paradise lost and Riders to the sea as a contractual lecturer , but i am still unsure about what deadly questions can come up.

  2. Thanks Monami for your comment. Hope your interview covers a wide variety of subjects, such as manufacturing, mining, utilities, construction, transportation, information, finance and insurance, real estate, health care, educational services, and finally, arts and literature! I’m joking. Be relaxed and face the interview. Good luck!

  3. apart from demo teaching can you tell wht general questions they can sk from eng lit or what is the general trend?

  4. Please tell me about the demo part,which syllabus should I follow for choosing topic?
    Can I choose any topic from the new syllabus of Calcutta University?


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