A TO Z Literary Principles from History of English Literature: Note 51
A Set of 26 Objective Questions & Answers
- Philip Pip is commonly known as ‘Pip’ in Great Expectations.
- The novel The Power and the Glory is set in Mexico.
- Lord of the Flies is Golding’s first novel. “Faith un-faithful kept him falsely true.”- Tennyson =Simile
- W. B. Yeats used the phrase ‘the artifice of eternity’ in his poem in Byzantium.
- Herbert Pocket is Pip’s friend in London.
- Mr. Tench in The Power and the Glory is a dentist.
- The Nun.s Priest.s Tale had its origin in : The French Roman de Renart.
- The First Folio of Shakespeare.s plays appeared in: 1623 .
- Restoration comedy : Restoration comedy witnessed the first appearance of women on the English stage. The so-called breeches part was specially created in order to costume female actors in male attire in order to reveal the female figure. The genre placed much emphasis on wit and sexual intrigues. Examples include The Country Wife (1674?) by William Wycherley, The Way of the World (1700) by William Congreve, and The Beaux’ Stratagem (1707) by George Farquhar.
- The author of Of The Progress of the Soul is: John Donne. “That All, which always is All everywhere, /Which could not sin, and yet all sins did bear,/Which could not die, yet could not choose but die.”
Dr. Johnson’s The Lives of The Poets is an example of: Biographical criticism.The picaresque novel with a female picaro is: Moll Flanders. Moll Flanders is considered an example of a picaresque novel. These novels usually employ a first-person narrator recounting the adventures of a scoundrel or low-class adventurer who moves from place to place and from one social environment to another in an effort to survive. The construction of these novels, like that of Moll Flanders, is typically episodic, and the hero or heroine is a cynical and amoral rascal who lives by his or her wits.
- Mrs. Morel is a supporter of Women’s Rights in Sons and Lovers.
- Shelley’s Adonais is an elegy on the death of Keats.
- The White Peacock is the first novel of D. H. Lawrence.
- In the poem ‘Tintern Abbey’, ‘dearest friend’ refers to Dorothy.
- Keats, Shelley, Byron are the second generation of British Romantics.
- P. B. Shelley was expelled from Oxford for circulating a pamphlet.
- Keats’s Endymion is dedicated to Thomas Chatterton .
- Odd man in the ‘Lake School’: Keats, Coleridge, Southey, Wordsworth.
- William Wordsworth, Leigh Hunt, S. T. Coleridge-educated at Christ’s Hospital School,London.
- T. S. Eliot derided Hazlitt as one of the members of the ‘Cockney School of Poetry’.
- Tennyson’s poem ‘In Memoriam’was written in memory of A. H. Hallam.
- John Keble, E. B. Pusey, J. H. Newman-connected with the Oxford Movement.
- Swinburne’s Atalanta in Calydon begins “when the hounds of spring are on winter’s traces..”.
- Carlyle’s work On Heroes, Hero Worship and the Heroic in History is a course of six lectures.
Ref: 1.The Concise Cambridge History of English Literature
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