A TO Z Literary Principles from History of English Literature: Note 53

A Set of 26 Objective Questions & Answers
  1. Confessional Poetry -- A middle generation of 20th-century American poets emerged in the 1950s and 1960s, most of them born in the second decade of the century. Many achieved fame, including Robert Lowell, Randall Jarrell, John Berryman, Theodore Roethke, Karl Shapiro, and Delmore Schwartz. Several came to be known as confessional poets because of their use of modernist techniques to explore their own psychology and their lives. These techniques included irony, collage, verbal finish (careful attention to word choice for the effects of sound or rhythm as well as for meaning), and wide-ranging allusion.
  2.  Science Fiction-- Science Fiction, genre of fiction set in some imaginary time or place. In its original usage in the 1920s, science fiction referred to stories that appeared in cheap, so-called pulp magazines, but science fiction now appears in all media, including motion pictures, staged dramas, television programs, and video games, as well as short stories and book-length works. Science fiction is sometimes abbreviated SF.
     Pre-Raphaelites--  Pre-Raphaelites, a group of 19th-century English painters, poets, and critics who reacted against Victorian materialism and the neoclassical conventions of academic art by producing earnest, quasi-religious works. The group was inspired by medieval and early Renaissance painters up to the time of the Italian painter Raphael. They were also influenced by the Nazarenes, young German artists who formed a brotherhood in Rome in 1810 to restore Christian art to its medieval purity. The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood was established in 1848, and its central figure was the painter and poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Other members were his brother, William Michael Rossetti, an art critic; painters John Everett Millais and William Holman Hunt; art critic Frederick George Stephens; painter James Collinson; and sculptor and poet Thomas Woolner.
  4.   Pearl--The Scarlet Letter
  5.  The lines :Even I, a dunce of more renown than they,/Was sent before but to prepare thy wayà are quoted from :Dryden’s Mac Flecknoe
  6.  Fanny Burney.s Evelina is about:  a young lady’s entry into English fashionable society.
  7.  The unexpurgated text of Lady Chatterley’s Lover was published after Obscenity trial in 1960 (1959 in U.S.).
  8.  Sir Andrew Freeport is a character in :The Coverley Papers  
  9.  The Grand Inquisitor is a character in : Brothers Karamazov
  10. Victorian Compromise is an expression first used by :(A) David Cecil (B) G. K. Chesterton(C) Lytton Strachey (D) Vincent Buckley
  11.  More’s Latin Masterpiece Utopia was translated into English in :  1516  
  12.   The Anxiety of Influence : A Theory of Poetry is written by :  Harold Bloom  
  13.  William Beckford’s oriental fantasy Vathek was originally written in :  French  
  14.   English plays is in correct chronological order:  The Playboy of the Western World  à Justice  à  Saint Joan  à  The Family Reunion
  15. Muriel Spark’s The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (the story of an eccentric Edinburgh schoolteacher seen through the eyes of an admiring (but later disenchanted) pupil.) is a rewriting of the Victorian novel :  Villette
  16. Ode on the Spring was written by :William Collins
  17.  Harold Pinter’s first four plays are :  The Room, The Dumb Waiter, The Birthday Party, The Caretaker
  18.   The phrase, ‘bottomless perdition’ occurs in Milton.s Paradise Lost in :  Book I  
  19. . ‘Life, like a dome of many-coloured glass,/Stains the white radiance of Eternity,/Until Death tramples it into fragments.’- The above lines occur in : Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792 - 1822)’s elegy on the death of John Keats, Adonais
  20.   Which Dickens novel attacks the New Poor Law of 1834 in the opening chapters ?: Oliver Twist
  21.  ‘Epithalamium’ is a :  nuptial song
  22.  The Gutenberg Bible was also known the Mazarin Bible and the 42-Line Bible, Latin edition of the Bible, printed at Mainz, Germany, sometime between 1450 and 1456. Although German bibliographers claim that it was printed by the German printer Johannes Gutenberg.
  23.  Coleridge’s Kubla Khan remains ‘a fragment’ because :   He was interrupted by a caller, a person on business from Porlock
  24.  A. C. Bradley's Shakespearean Tragedy was published in :1904
  25.  Bildungsroman   literally means :Development novel
  26.  A book that faithfully renders a young man’s confused images of love and rejection is :A Portrait of the Artist as a Young man
             Ardhendu De

Ref: 1. History of English Literature- Albert 
        2. The Concise Cambridge History of English Literature


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